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Early the next morning, Chen Xing entered the studio.

The ore he bought from the Capital of Seven Waters, in order to brush more points, Chen Xing worked hard to turn every weapon into a big fast knife.

There is no need now, Dorag sent so many rare metals, Chen Xing can use it to death. Even if you play a good knife, you will not lose. Anyway, there is a lot of metal, hit it casually!

“Ding, congratulations to the host for creating a weapon of the Great Knife level, rewarding Bailey 4000 and points 5000.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for creating a big fast knife…”

All morning, Chen Xing was frantically beating iron.

The unused materials bought from the capital of seven waters before, plus the meeting gift sent by the revolutionary army yesterday night. If you finish these, the points will reach three million!

Three million can upgrade the color of sightseeing or armament to the top. “Five Six Zero” also does not know if there is a level behind.

Or arm your own team. Buy a powerful Devil Fruit for Johnny Joseph and Dusty. In this way, there will be Devil Fruit abilities on board.

The only pity is Robin, because Robin has already eaten the Devil Fruit. The system also cannot eliminate the original side effects, in the words of the system, Robin is a demon, the demon disappears, Robin will die.

I can only wait for more points after that, and then give Robin a powerful fruit, but I am afraid that the problem of water cracking sea lou stone cannot be solved.

“Hmm… Let’s go to sleep in the ancient town first, you can save a little. ”

After a short rest, Chen Xing began to strike iron again.

“Honey, it’s time to eat. Accompany us to go shopping in the afternoon. And there was an auction this afternoon, and there was nothing I liked yesterday. But… I heard from the shipwrights that today’s auction was for slave sales…”

Hearing Nuo Qigao’s words, Chen Xing put down the forging hammer.

Originally, I had already spat out yesterday and watched the auction, and I planned to go directly to the new world after lunch.

But… The slave auction seemed to be quite interesting. This kind of activity is still worth seeing.

In the Chambord Islands, these slave auction houses were in the illegal zone, and each auction house had a strong background. No background cover.

Because of Draco, there is also the navy who occasionally has a little deal with the auction house. The slave auction house was even called a professional settlement by the Navy.

It’s ironic, the navy that talks about justice is darker than even most pirates. Some of these illegal zones are even some navy businesses.

The afternoon auction house was the Population Auction of Tree One, which is also the largest auction hall in Chambord.

There, only rare items are sold. Famous knives, realities, intelligence… Of course, the most are slaves. Almost every time an auction opens, more than ninety percent of the auction items are slaves.

“Okay, let’s go after eating. I’m also interested in selling houses. ”

The auction house of Tree One… The boss behind it is Doflamingo. Now the name of the director of that auction house is Disco, a very pleasant name.

“Oh! Big brother, leave it to us! ”

“Well, you two have to come on, using the Devil Fruit ability also requires physical strength. The task of the two of you now is to exercise well. ”

“Uh-huh! Got it, big brother. ”

“We will definitely work hard.”

After explaining to Johnny and Joseph, Chen Xing took the four girls towards the direction of the No. 1 tree. Considering that there were mixed dragons and snakes here, Robin also put on a cape, and even his face was covered with a black veil.

While eating and strolling along the way, when I arrived at the auction house, the hall of the auction house was already full of people. It was Nami who quietly used her ability to make a couch, and several people sat down in the corner.

Chen Xing swept away, and the people sitting in the front row were dressed more gorgeously, and there was a box at their feet, which should be filled with money.

These people should be aristocrats or wealthy businessmen from all over the world. Others are the indigenous tyrants of the Chambord Islands.

Most of the rest are bounty hunters and pirates, and maybe some human traffickers. This can be seen from the fact that they have weapons on them.

There was also a luxurious position in the middle, surrounded by a fence to form a seat separated from the others, which was what the auction had prepared for Draco.

Around the hall, there were also a large number of guards dressed in armor, straightening up one by one, watching everything that happened in the auction house………

Chen Xing also had an impression of these guards, and the original book was full of Muggles. Three or two clicks were taken down by several of Luffy’s crew.

It’s just that because of the strong background of the auction house, generally no one dares to cause trouble here. The power behind those who can open an auction house in the Chambord Islands is already big in their eyes.

The behind-the-scenes owner of this auction house is Doflamingo, who is now not only Nanabukai, but also the king of Dressrosa. The mixed wind is prosperous, and the most important thing is that he used to be a Draco.

With such a relationship, plus those Draco who like slaves. So the auction house opened smoothly. Nikjin Doujin.

Doflamingo’s ability is still very strong, mixing into a landowner in the New World, and also taking a piece of the Chambord Islands. Another small boss of the dark world.

“I don’t know if Draco will come today… I haven’t met Draco yet. ”

Draco is busy enjoying on Marlenejoa all day, and generally does not come to the Chambord Islands.

That is to say, when the auction house gets a good auction item, it will notify some interested Draco people to come and sell them at a good price.

As the auction house supervisor Disco took the stage, the noise in the hall began to fade. Everyone is looking forward to the auction items to be held.

“Hello everyone! Or me, your friend Disco! ”

Just 35 At this moment, a voice came from the station, and it was the host who began to speak. Immediately afterwards, the curtain behind him was slowly pulled open. Three middle-aged men in shackles stood there. If you look at the appearance alone, the three people look almost identical.

“Let everyone wait for a long time! Now I announce that today’s auction has officially begun! There are a total of 20 items in today’s auction, and the final item will not disappoint everyone! ”

“Behind me is the first auction item, triplet chef brother! Everyone saw that the three of them looked almost identical! And all three are excellent cooks! ”

“This kind of product is rare! The starting price of this item is… 200,000 Baileys! ”

Perhaps the reason why the first item was just used to warm up the scene, Disco doesn’t describe much. And the starting price seems to be very low. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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