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“Eight hundred thousand Bailey three times! Deal! Congratulations to this beautiful lady! ”

“Haha, it’s only 800,000, a very affordable price.”

Soon, that group of triplet brothers was bought by an old fat woman for 800,000 Bailey.

Originally, chef slaves were not worth so many Baileys, and they were rare because they were triplets. As for what the rich-looking old fat woman bought them back for… This is unknown.

After all, a woman is thirty like a wolf, forty is like a tiger, and fifty swallows an aircraft carrier.

“Now, we’re going to auction today’s second item! A drizzle of one of the fifty works of a good fast knife! This knife used to be a sword master in the South China Sea…”

As the disco presentation began, the two staff members carried a knife holder to the stage, and on the knife holder was a famous knife that looked good.

Listening to Disco constantly touting the good fast knife, Nami leaned into Chen Xing’s ear and asked, “Honey, how about this knife, how much can it be sold for?” ”

Chen Xing smiled with a disdainful smile on his face. Directly said: “Generally, maybe you can’t even reach the level of a good fast knife.” ”

28 From the perspective of Chen Xing’s eleven years of iron strikes, you can see at a glance how the level of that knife is. You can even feel the knife’s breathing.

Although it is a good knife, it is at best a good knife level. Maybe it’s not on the list of good fast knives and fifty jobs yet.


In the end, this good fast knife actually sold for a high price of seven million Bailey, and even the host Disco was shocked. In the past, the auction price of a good fast knife was only about three million.

Nami leaned into Chen Xing’s ear again and said, “Seven million Bailey, my dear, we still have some famous knives on board, let’s auction them when we want!” ”

“Auctions take time, and it’s not always possible to get such a high price. Will it be that only a million Bailey will be auctioned then, and it will also be sold… Besides, our family has a lot of money… Don’t sell knives to the idea… If you like it, take it and play with it. ”

Chen Xing shrugged and explained.

However, these people are real local tycoons, and the most ordinary good knife has cost seven million Bailey. Chen Xing opened his mouth to the naval lion at that time, and it was only a good fast knife that offered five million.

“Everyone’s enthusiasm is high today… Next, let’s look at the third auction item! ”

The corners of Disco’s mouth were about to crack with a smile, and the price of the first two auction items was far beyond his imagination.

Even if he also works for the people behind him, after today’s wave of auctions, he can make a large amount of Bailey.

After that, there were no famous knives in the auction items, most of them were slaves, and the things that the women around them liked did not appear, but in the mentality of not coming in vain, Chen Xing still looked like a precious big ruby. Thirteen million Baileys were spent.

An hour later, it was almost time for the bottom of the box to come out

“Dear guests! Now that we have two pieces in the lot, guests who haven’t sold it yet should pay attention… Because of the next two lots! You may not see you once a year! ”

“Now, it’s time for the nineteenth field!”

As soon as Disco finished speaking, a staff member pushed a sheet. There was also a small wooden box on the table.

“What can fit in such a small box?”

“Looking at the size of the box, it must be the Devil Fruit, this is the penultimate thing!”

“I don’t think so… If it’s the Devil Fruit… Draco will definitely come..”

Seeing that the atmosphere in the auction house had been raised to the top, Disco’s face showed a difficult expression.

I already knew that these people were so crazy today, so I wouldn’t tell Draco… Now Draco knows about today’s two rare lots… But the people have not yet arrived… If only by the time he arrived, the auction would have ended… That’s the end of it.

“Bastard, hurry up and start the auction. Don’t waste our time. ”

“That’s right, when did the auction house become so unprofessional? Still not sold? ”

Looking at the noisy crowd below, Disco wiped the cold sweat on his head, and the microphone was brought to his mouth: “Hehe, in fact, everyone has already guessed… The box contains the Devil Fruit. Devil fruit of animal lineage. ”


At this moment, Disco saw a bloated young man with a hood and snot almost flowing into his mouth in the doorway of the auction house. He was followed by two bodyguards in black suits.

Draco, Charros is here. This cerebral palsy slug, finally arrived in time for the last two lots left.

The moment he saw this Draco, Chen Xing recognized it, it was this pit daddy. Appeared in the original work, Chen Xing was deeply impressed by him.

This slug, like a violent mental patient with cerebral palsy. Looks ugly and silly.

The others in the hall bowed their heads trembling when they discovered Draco. Don’t dare to look directly at Draco.

It’s okay if it’s other Draco, but Charros is different, Charros likes violence, as long as he raises his head a little, he will be killed by Charros.

“Is this Draco? Why wear a water tank on your head? ”

Listening to Nami’s whispered discussion, Dusty hurriedly said: “You can’t talk about Draco, it’s troublesome to be heard.” ”

“The Draco, descendants of twenty kings who founded the world government eight hundred years ago, consider themselves 560 noble and do not want to breathe the same air as commoners. Enjoy all the privileges… Even killing people on the street is not guilty. ”

“So powerful?” Listening to Dusty’s explanation, Nami stuck out her tongue.

“Therefore, the navy and the world government are the world’s largest pirate groups, and the so-called justice is just an excuse for them to enjoy their selfish desires, disgusting.”

Chen Xing said in disgust, looking at the venue that was gradually quieting because of the arrival of the Draco.

“Sure enough… Draco is coming. ”

“That’s what I said… As long as there is a devil fruit, they will definitely come. ”

“Abominable… Can’t you grab the devil fruit this time? ”

Thinking of Charross’ usual spendthrift, Disco shouted loudly: “You heard correctly, this is an animal line of the devil fruit, although I don’t know what the specific fruit is, but everyone must know that every devil fruit is the most precious treasure on the sea!” ”

“As long as you eat a devil fruit, you can get great power. Even if you don’t want to eat it, you can cultivate excellent subordinates. ”

“The starting price of this sea secret treasure is….100 million Bailey!”

(End of duty, go home today.) From tomorrow, you can add changes every day. I may have to take a leave today, but I will make it up, put it on the shelves for a week, update 39 chapters, anyway, I owe more JJ)_

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