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Chen Xing didn’t know that in this short half hour, the top officials of the Navy and the World Government had been troubled by him for a while.

Seeing all the navies lying on the ground in front of him, Chen Xing nodded with satisfaction.

“I’m getting more and more powerful, if I become a pirate… Being a Five Emperors is simple. ”

The red dog was dragged by Nokigao and Johnny flying kites, and Chen Xing put down all these naval soldiers who were in the way.

The old rule, the smelly mouth kills all. All sensible stunned.


A loud noise came out, Chen Xing turned his head and looked, only to see magma and lightning bombarding together, and there was a huge roar.


Chen Xing carefully brushed off, at this time, Johnny and Nokigao’s attacks were much weaker, and sweat began to appear on both of their foreheads.

Although both of them are natural “Nine Three Three” Devil Fruit abilities, the time for development is not enough. The physical fitness is not very strong either.

In the face of an experienced old driver like Chi Dog, they can only drive big all the time to resist the attack of Red Dog. After too much physical exertion, I can only run. It’s still a little worse to make the red dog hurt his bones.

At this time, the town of Magic Valley had been bombarded by the violent attack of the three people, and there was thunder and magma raging everywhere. Countless dusts flew in the sky. The entire town of Magic Valley has been reduced to ruins.

“Boss! I’m dying! ”

After a few more minutes, Johnny shouted all over his head.

His wind fruit ability has only not been developed for a long time, and if the red dog makes a random move, he has to use all his strength to resist it. In less than an hour, his physical strength was at the bottom.

Just thinking that the opponent was a senior admiral made him feel refreshed in his heart.

What’s wrong with the admiral, I flew into the sky, what can you do with me. I also have the ability to resist in the face of generals.

Noki is almost the same, although the attack power is outrageous, but if you fight a protracted war, it is still not possible.

However, the combined efforts of the two made the red dog very embarrassed, covered in scorched black, and there were many cuts from the wind blade on his body.

Seeing that the strength of the two people had bottomed out, and the red dog’s anger value was about to explode, Chen Xing simply drew his sword out of its sheath and shouted, “Go and wait for me on the boat.” ”


Listening to Chen Xing, both Nokigao and Johnny breathed a sigh of relief.

The first time I faced such a strong enemy, the pressure was still great. Red dogs can resist their attacks with armed color domineering, but they can only dodge.

Being bombarded by magma is no joke. Moreover, armed color domineering can also catch their entities.

“Go and die!”

Seeing the two natural ability people leaving, Chi Inu breathed a sigh of relief, and then rushed towards Chen Xing.

The Thunder Fruit and Wind Wind Fruit abilities are not his opponents, and even as long as they are attacked by him, the battle is over. But the opponent is very cunning, not at all . Do not dare to resist his attacks.

At this time, his anger can only be directed on Chen’s body, as long as he catches Chen, it is worth it. Even if the fallen naval soldiers died, it was worth it

“Why is your title of general Red Dog?”

Looking at the red dog’s angry and corrupted appearance, Chen Xing said a word. Hearing this, Chiinu’s face darkened.


As soon as the words fell, a scorching furious energy suddenly burst out. In the next second, Chi Dog’s magma fist had already appeared in front of Chen Xing’s eyes.


Chen Xing used his armed color domineering and swung his sword to knock out.

The roar of the impact suddenly came out, followed by a terrifying shockwave that swept in all directions. The earth began to tremble.


The furious shockwave scattered, and Chi Inu looked at Chen Xing in surprise, Chen Xing actually dared to face his attack head-on. How powerful is this armed color? He attacked with all his might.

Without waiting for the red dog to react, Chen Xing held the knife in one hand and took two steps back in a flash.

“Dark Destruction”

Chen Xing’s fluttering voice reached the red dog’s ears, and the black mist erupted, instantly transforming into a fallen angel. In the blink of an eye, the energy on the sword in Chen Xing’s hand exploded, and the sword body completely became dark and shiny, invisibly exuding a palpitating aura.

“Damn it! Arm! ”

Seeing Chen Xing use the Devil Fruit ability mentioned in the yellow ape’s mouth, the red dog’s pupils suddenly tightened, and then his face exploded in shock.

As soon as the red dog retreated, Chen Xing held the star light sword covered in the top armed color and swept forward like lightning!


The pitch-black sword qi swept over the red dog like a round of black moon 0… In an instant, a deep bone wound was cut on the red dog, and then the sword qi was like a hot knife cutting butter, cutting off the house behind the red dog.

Immediately afterwards, the houses that were attacked by the slash did not fall, but were swallowed by the raging black qi and turned into black dust. It was as if it had been engulfed by black gas.

“Poof… Such a strong armed color… Such a strong Devil Fruit ability…”

The red dog who fell to the ground looked at the wound on his waist and broke out in a cold sweat. If he hadn’t covered his whole body with armed domineering, he would have been cut in half like those houses and disappeared.


The red dog quickly stood up and tried to attack again, but found that a sharp pain in his waist spread throughout his body.

Seeing the red dog get up, Chen Xing frowned.

No matter how buggy it is, armed color domineering is indeed a natural enemy. If the red dog’s armed color is a little stronger, maybe the energy of destruction will be blocked.

“Not bad, a sword does not die, I will spare your life!”

Without waiting for the red dog to gather an attack, Chen Xing directly dodged forward. The long sword in his hand stabbed directly towards the red dog’s lung!


A hole piercing sound sounded, and another sharp pain came out, and the red dog lowered his head and looked at the long sword pierced into his lungs in confusion. I didn’t react for a while.

This top sword art, this top fruit ability. A seventeen-year-old boy from the East China Sea, how could he be so 0.3 strong…


After seriously injuring the red dog, Chen Xing quickly drew his sword and retreated, without giving the red dog a chance to jump off the wall. As soon as the wings flapped out, it flew in the direction of the Black Pearl. Leaving behind a red dog with a hideous face stained red by blood.

“Aaaaaa Chen Xing! I’ll kill you!! ”

Seeing that Chen Xing did not mend the knife, Chi Inu thought that Chen Xing was looking down on him, and roared madly towards the sky.

Listening to the unwilling roar behind him, the corners of Chen Xing’s mouth grinned.

This time, I didn’t want to kill the red dog. Chaos is about to rise, red dogs such a hot-blooded soldier, as long as they do not hurt the people around them, do not say hi. Can stay!

“Lung lobe injury… Hey. Pheasant… Brother did you a big favor… Don’t let me down. ”

(Five more, tired to death.) Today is another day of oversleep, just in time. )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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