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After seriously injuring the red dog, Chen Xing returned to the Black Pearl and directed the ship to sail slowly towards the Chambord Islands.

This time, I have to look at the legendary mermaid and look at the historical text of that fishman island.

Two hours after the Black Pearl left Magic Valley Town, a flash of golden light appeared, and the figure of the yellow ape appeared directly above Magic Valley Town.

“Is it over…”

“What a terrible attack.”

The yellow ape in the sky looked at the ruined Magic Valley Town below, and the corners of his eyebrows were lightly raised.

At this time, Magic Valley Town could no longer hear any sound except for the sound of flames burning. The battle seems to be over.

“It seems that I don’t have to make a move this time.”

The yellow ape’s tense mind also relaxed. Slowly fly towards the front.

“It’s so scary, it’s finally against the Navy.” Soon, the yellow ape saw hundreds of navies falling to the ground, each of them stained with blood, even the stone slab floor was stained red with blood.

“Ahem: Ahem..”

A light cough sounded, and the yellow ape hurriedly stepped forward to take a look. “Ah, you’re not dead yet, are you okay?”

“General Yellow Ape… Akainu is ahead! ”

A naval soldier reluctantly stood up and pointed to the brutal battlefield ahead.

The yellow ape nodded and flashed towards the place where the soldier was pointing.


It didn’t take long for the yellow ape to find the red dog, but at this time, the red dog was covered in blood, and his face fell to the ground pale, and he didn’t know whether he was alive or dead.

“It’s this force again.”

The yellow ape’s face became heavy. Looking at the black qi that permeated the surroundings, even the red dog’s body was surrounded by black qi.

The yellow ape quickly picked up the red dog and flew towards the direction of the pier. If you don’t deal with this injury, you will die!

Although he guessed that the red dog was not Chen Xing’s opponent, the yellow ape did not expect that the red dog would not be able to hold on for even a few hours.

Among their three major generals, the attack of the red dog was the highest, and he might not be able to hurt Chen Xing, but even the red dog was defeated so badly.

This is not a red dog dish, but when Chen Xing made a move, the red dog had already been consumed by Noki Gao and Johnny. Moon steps plus magma fruit ability, it takes a lot of physical strength.

Coupled with the carelessness of the red dog, Chen Xing can dry the red dog so easily. It is undeniable that among the three major generals, the attack of the red dog is the greatest threat to Chen Xing.

If it was a red dog in full state, if Chen Xing wanted to him, at least he would have some injuries on his body. Natural disasters are a lot of jokes. And it’s magma, which has continuous damage.

If Chen Xing came to use the magma fruit, he would definitely directly turn the battlefield into a magma pool. When fighting, morality is a fart, and whoever wins is awesome.

When the yellow ape carried the red dog to find the warship, he sent some dead naval soldiers who had fallen to the ground and stood up one by one and returned to the warship.

“General Yellow Ape.!”

When they saw the yellow ape, all the sea soldiers breathed a sigh of relief. In the future, they will be safe.

“It’s terrible, I thought you were all dead.” Pouting and said lightly.

“Eh… General Yellow Ape, Chen Xing did not kill us. Just some serious injuries and minor injuries. Listening to the words of the yellow ape, the naval soldiers replied with strange faces.

Nima, if it weren’t for us being big-headed soldiers and you are a general, I would have slapped you on the crooked mouth!

“Didn’t you die… It seems that Kuzan is the smartest person. The yellow ape nodded casually, secretly thinking about what the green pheasant had said to him at that time.

“Ship doctor, come and treat. Otherwise, Sakaski would really die. Other active people come with me… Arrest all the pirates who are still alive on the island. ”

At this time, Chen Xing was still working the ship, but he didn’t know that the naval headquarters had fallen out again because of him.


The angry Sengoku once again smashed a new table. The others in the conference room did not make a sound, just blinked and looked at the Sengoku, waiting for the Sengoku to speak.

The generals are not opponents, then Nima is the combat power of the four emperors. All the generals were thinking that they would never receive drudgery.

Even the hawkish generals who had previously befriended the red dog did not dare to speak. Chen Xing is no longer a role they can knead.

“Brusalino, are you sure there were just a dozen soldiers dead?” Sengoku took a deep breath and looked at the yellow ape.

Faced with this question, the yellow ape was no longer lazy, but nodded solemnly: “The other soldiers are only injured, not even disabled.” Only a dozen soldiers died, but the way to die was strange, all four limbs were cut off. ”

At this time, the green pheasant also spoke, “He has a proclivity, and everyone who speaks ill of him will have his limbs cut off by him, saying that it is punishment.” ”

It was Qing Pheasant who was responsible for a series of transactions with Chen Xing, and Qing Pheasant probably knew that Chen Xing was a person who couldn’t stand other people’s hi, but he himself liked to talk about those who must die.

If there are ghosts in this world, I am afraid that those pirates who were killed after being cut into a stick by Chen Xing will become powerful ghosts… So torture, who can stand it.

“Hahahaha! That’s awesome, Chen Xing boy. Maybe even I won’t be able to beat him in the future! ”

Suddenly, Karp’s laughter broke the solemn atmosphere in the conference room.

Sengoku glared at Karp, but did not scold. Sometimes it is also necessary for people like Karp to lighten the atmosphere.

“Borusalino, have all the pirates on the island dealt with?”

“Well, plus Sakaski solved it… Didn’t let go of one. ”

Hearing this, the Warring States breathed a sigh of relief. He continued: “Raise his bounty to two billion, and publish a newspaper at the same time, and write that Chen Xing killed all the pirates in Magic Valley Town. ”

“Meanwhile, Kuzan, you were in contact with him. You contact him to invite him to join the Seven Wuhai, telling him that as long as he is willing to join the Qiwu Sea, then everything in front of him can be written off! ”

Sengoku thought for a moment and said with a frown.

When the yellow ape called just now, he knew about it. Then he contacted the five old immortals and explained the matter.

After saying that it was impossible for the navy to use combat power to capture Chen Xing now, the five old stars also relaxed. Considering that the Navy’s doing so would only raise the majesty of the world government, the five old stars agreed.

But Chen Xing must be allowed to join the Seven Martial Seas. After that, when the time is ripe, he will dispose of Chen Xing.

This also loosened the burden of the Warring States. Not only to help the world government monitor the Whitebeard Pirates, but also to guard against the Four Emperors at all times, and now to deal with a person who is stronger than the general? How can it be?

It’s just that the Warring States don’t think that Chen Xing will join the Qiwu Sea, but just hope that Chen Xing can understand the position that the navy is unwilling to be an enemy with him, and hope that Chen Xing can converge a little.

Thinking of this, the Sengoku face changed again. It seems that the navy has been trying to find trouble for Chen Xing all along, and Chen Xing still leaves hands on the navy everywhere.

“Kuzan, this must be done… Tell him that the Navy can give him what he wants! If you can convince him… Both the world government and the navy will give you a big credit! ”

Understanding the meaning of the Warring States’ words, the green pheasant straightened his face and nodded. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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