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Seeing that there were only two old fellows left in the conference room, Sengoku sighed. A little dazed, he said, “When will there be true peace?” ”

“Warring States, are you worried about Chen Xing? I thought you would have seen it a long time ago. Tsuru glanced sideways at the decadent Sengoku and said lightly.

“Hahahaha! Little crane! Sengoku he may be a fool, why are you talking to him about this. ”

Listening to Tsuru’s words, Karp suddenly laughed maniacally, and even picked his nose and bounced towards the Warring States.

Listening to the words of the two old guys, Sengoku was stunned.

Already saw it? See what’s going on? Even Karp said this, I can’t see it in the war country?

Tsuru and Karp didn’t expect that they just said it casually, which made Sengoku fall into deep thought.

Seeing that the Warring States did not speak, Tsuru continued: “When Chen Xing lived in the East China Sea, he slaughtered all the pirates who invaded Coco Yaxi Village. ”

“After he went to sea, he did what bounty hunters did. And before he met Draco, he hadn’t even shot at any navy. ”

“After the world government and the navy wanted him, he didn’t do anything crazy either. And every time after the Navy shot at him, passively fought back. ”

When Tsuru said this, Sengoku’s eyes lit up, and 427 said: “He has no malice towards the navy.” ”

Seeing Sengoku come to his senses, Tsuru nodded and said with a smile: “After he defeated Borusalino and Sakaski, he didn’t kill him. Even spared ordinary naval soldiers ..”

“Have you ever thought that maybe all he wants is freedom? It’s always been that you didn’t want to let him go. ”

“Che, if anyone dares to trouble me. I beat him to death with my fists. Capu waved his hand in disgust and walked out of the conference room.

He really couldn’t understand why the Warring States had to listen to those five old things and provoke a neutral powerhouse. Recruit a team with huge energy.

But… He is just an idler, just eat, drink and beat his grandson every day. He doesn’t need to take care of it either.

All he thought was that the sword that Chen Xing fought was very interesting and strong, if only his grandson had as good a talent as Chen Xing.

In the conference room, Sengoku nodded and said with a serious face: “I understand, I will convince them by the world government.” ”

“Hmm… But you have to know that Chen Xing seems to be very stingy. ”

“Bulu Bru Bru.”

“Ding, ding, (ahbc) ding.”

“Bulu Bru Bru.”


“Call the soul, who calls early in the morning.”

Chen Xing, who was playing iron brush points, threw the forge away, walked to the table with an unhappy face, and picked up the phone worm.


“Ah la-la, Brother Chen Xing is in a good mood?”

“Pheasant? What’s the matter, I’m working. Listening to this lazy voice, Chen Xing was stunned.

Just beat the red dog two days ago, isn’t the green pheasant suspected of collaborating with the enemy, what does this guy think?

“I heard that in addition to me, Sakaski and Rusalino were beaten by you. It’s scary. ”

Listening to the green pheasant learning the mantra of the yellow ape, Chen Xing could even relate to the lazy look of the green pheasant with the crooked mouth. One word, disgusting.

“Say something quickly, otherwise I will fight together next time I see you.” Chen Xing wiped the sweat from his forehead and said helplessly.

The green pheasant originally did business with himself for more than half a year on behalf of the navy, not to mention how familiar he was, at least he could be regarded as an ordinary friend. It’s really hard to scold him.

Although his position is different, Chen Xing still admires the green pheasant. Be able to stand alone in the dark. It’s the same with the red dog, an iron-blooded soldier, only it’s a pity that he is a navy.

If they are their own naval marshals, these two people can definitely hold up a piece of the sky.

“Chen Xing, the Navy Headquarters has now changed your bounty. Now your bounty is… Billion! ”

“Oh, I see it. If you have the ability to arrest me, you won’t call just to talk to me about the bounty, right? If you become a pirate, the bounty will definitely be more than two billion. ”

In the original book, the pheasant also withdrew from the Navy and cooperated with Blackbeard. As a general who knows too many secrets of the navy, Chen Xing does not think that the navy will let the green pheasant go.

It is also more likely that the pheasant is just undercover, or that the pheasant has discovered something, so he cooperates with Blackbeard and wants to carry out justice in his own way.

“Long story short, the World Government and the Navy want you to join the Seven Warrior Sea.”

“After joining the Seven Wu Sea, the world government and navy will not trouble you again, of course, if there are pirates looking for you, we can’t help.”

“So you doubled my bounty. Want to attract some pirates who want to rise to the top to take my head? Chen Xing said lightly.

This day has long been expected, but I didn’t expect the Navy to hold back for so long. It is estimated that the five old stars are not used to seeing themselves.

“Well, that’s an order from the world government. For this matter, the Marshal of the Warring States put a lot of effort into it. ”

“Nanabukai, I can do it. 30,000 catties of rare ore a month. The Qiwu Sea conscription made me not interested. If I can accept it, I can say yes. ”

Chen Xing said crisply.

As long as there are benefits, as long as there is no need to do things. Not to mention the Seven Wuhai, it is any Eight Wuhai and Nine Wuhai.

Isn’t it fragrant to just take the benefits and not do things, and it will not affect what you have to do next. Even the identity of Qi Wuhai is convenient for his future planning.

The Seven Arms Sea is the failure of the Navy and the World Government. Most of them are people who want to dominate the world under the title of Seven Wuhai.

It can be plundered with impunity, and there is no Navy to add to the mess yet. This is the right of Nanabukai.

As long as the navy can agree to its own conditions, it is nothing to help them deter pirates. After all, there is money to earn if you don’t do things. This benefits comparable to system conscience.

As for those pirates who want to rise to power on their own heads… Hehe, just to send warmth.

“What? You’re too greedy. Do you know how many pirates are staring at the location of the Nanabu Sea? ”

The green pheasant exclaimed, Chen Xing was still the first person who did not do anything just to get benefits. It’s like the Navy paying him protection?

I give you money, you still don’t have to do things for me? Are you so social?

“Love does not give, do not pull down.”

Chen Xing decisively hung up the phone, the corners of his mouth curled.

I just collect protection fees. You have given it too.

Chen Xing knew that the navy would definitely agree. His own strength alone can help the navy shock many pirates.

And in less than two years, the big plot is about to begin. The Navy has now even discovered Ace’s identity. At this time, the Navy will definitely begin to converge its combat power.

The trouble of not looking for the Navy themselves is that they earned, and the Navy is not inferior to that rare metal.

They even had to rejoice that an enemy like Chen Xing could stabilize it with just a little money. If the Four Emperors were also as good to talk as Chen Xing, then the Warring States would burst into laughter. _

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