“Shadow Fruit, that’s not Moonlight Moria’s… Oh yes, Moonlight Moriah has been killed. Isn’t the person who killed Moriah the same Lins who is coming to the G5 division today? ”

After Carlos hung up the phone, his face fell into deep thought.

“Anselm Island, it’s not too far from me, and at full speed, no weather affects half a day, just right! Let me see if that Lins’s ability can be used in the new world! ”

Thinking of this, Carlos immediately asked his subordinates: “Why hasn’t Lieutenant General Lins come to see me yet?” ”

“Lieutenant General Lins first went to the military warehouse where Unit 06 was located.”

“Let him come to me!”



In the military warehouse where Unit 06 is located, the members of the unit are silent, and Lins not only shows his strength, but also shows an iron-blooded style.

To be honest, if it weren’t for being too young, this group would have served Lins a long time ago.

The seventeen-year-old vice admiral of the headquarters sounds too exaggerated, making people instinctively feel that there is a lot of moisture in it, and the naval government has not done less to pass on military merit, and many of them have been taken military merit by their superiors.

“Next time it’s lighter, I’m tired.” In the barn, Luo was treating these broken hands and feet one by one, and complained with some dissatisfaction.

“Governance… Cured? Overhead was the first to be picked up, and at this time he slowly stood up, his expression a little incredulous.

However, this guy is very simple, although cruel, but also knows that Lins is not the incompetent person they speculate in their heads.

“Good! In the future, I will follow Lord Lieutenant General over the top! He saluted Lins very dryly.

Lins smiled and threw his sword over, and was about to speak, when Carlos’ men arrived.

“Your Excellency Lieutenant General Lins, Commander Carlos asks you to come over and talk.”

When Lin Si heard this, he stood up, and the steel throne under him suddenly turned into a pool of iron sand and slowly stuck to the sunken ground, and in an instant it became as smooth as a mirror.

“That’s right, take me with you.” Lins turned around and let Law continue his treatment, while he followed Carlos’ men to the base chief’s office.

Carlos is a bearded man, with a brown beard and some fluffiness.

“Lieutenant General Lins, welcome to the G5 Division!”

“Lieutenant General Carlos, as a colleague in the future, please take more care.” Lins smiled politely.

After Carlos and Lins briefly shook hands for a couple or two, he went straight to the topic and said about the shadow fruit.

Lins was naturally a little surprised after hearing this, Moriah died for only a year, the new shadow fruit reappeared, and was also discovered by the G5 navy, but the news leaked caused the pirates to peep, and now he is forced to hide on Anselm Island and wait for rescue.

The G5 navy is not very well-behaved, and some of them, who fancy the strength of the shadow fruit, have rebelled and want to rob and take their abilities for themselves.

The G5 Navy is not much different from the pirates, and it is not surprising to cross the line to become a pirate.

“This matter is very important, and I don’t need to say more about the ability of the Shadow Fruit, I think Lieutenant General Lins can understand its value. Now, I really can’t think of anyone better suited to this rescue mission than Lieutenant General Lins! ”

“Be sure to save our companions from the pirates and bring back the Shadow Fruit intact!” Carlos emphatically reminded Lins to bring the Shadow Fruit back.

However, Lin Si naturally did not take his words to heart, he didn’t know if he didn’t care, how could he let the shadow fruit fall into the hands of others when he knew it.

The Shadow Fruit is a good thing, this thing Lin Si does not intend to exchange for sickle points, but to cultivate a henchman who can become the strength of the Seven Martial Sea.

“I’ll go right away!” Time is precious, and the shadow fruit may fall into the belly of others in a second.

And the longer the time drags on, the navy that holds the shadow fruit is afraid that it will be difficult to support.

“This is a permanent compass to Anselm.” Carlos handed Lins the compass that had been prepared.

Lin Si’s eyes flashed, took the compass, thought a lot in his heart, and then turned and left directly.


On Anselm Island, a team of five members is quickly shuttling through the jungle of the island to avoid their figures, and one of them is carrying a box in his arms, which contains the Shadow Fruit.

The navy named Norman did not have the mind to devour the Shadow Fruit alone, otherwise the Shadow Fruit would have been unable to be snatched by Lins long ago.

“Hey, Norman, do we really want to give this shadow fruit a burial! Now the island is full of pirates, we can’t escape! ”

“Shut up! It is impossible not to pay attention to the shadow fruit, and support will arrive soon. ”

“Naw, you want… Or shall we swallow this Shadow Fruit? ”

“Messing around with stuff! Have you forgotten that our lives were saved by Chief Carlos! Norman roared angrily.

Carlos, formerly the former captain of Unit 02.


Suddenly, there was a noise in the jungle, I am afraid that the pirates have searched here.

The Norman Five immediately closed their voices and hid in a low voice.

At this time, around the island, a huge pirate ship landed majestically, and the flag on the ship turned out to be the famous Mammoth Pirate Group, and Captain Jack was Drought Jack, one of the three major disasters under the famous Four Emperors Kaido!

Originally, Moriah had lost to Kaido before, and Drought Jack was also involved, and overheard the news of the Shadow Fruit, of course, Drought Jack wanted to come here to find out.

Jack’s current bounty is 560 million, and he is a prominent figure at the top of the New World, and his ship is really famous.

“Aaaah! It’s Drought Jack! ”

“Not good! This guy must have also aimed at the Shadow Fruit, and he must get the Shadow Fruit before him. ”

The pirates of the New World are indeed much fiercer, and they will not give up this kind of big opportunity easily.

After Jack got off the boat, he saw that there were many pirates on the shore, and he was sure that the news was solid, and he shouted at the moment: “Find out the shadow fruit, the guys who get in the way, kill all of them!” ”


The pirate members under his command roared with excited expressions.


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