After Lin Si learned the news, he immediately set off urgently with his subordinates, racing against time.

In addition, Carlos gave the permanent pointer, and Lins was also half-convinced, and it was impossible to reach the designated island in the New World without a permanent compass.

Carlos is not clear about Lins, and he has never heard of this character in the original work, although it is extremely unlikely, but it is also possible if this guy really colludes with pirates to set himself up.

But looking at the overall situation, Lins still has to go, the Shadow Fruit may be able to cultivate a seven-martial sea-level figure, Linsi doesn’t want to give up, in case he really encounters any routine, he Linsi asked himself that even if he is not defeated and escapes, he is very sure.

He quickly came to the 06 unit warehouse, thought about it, and left Luo here to continue his treatment, and the others, including the nearly three hundred members of the 06 unit, were all taken away, and it was just a preliminary look at their abilities.

Before leaving, Lin Si took five iron pillars from the military warehouse and moved them to the warship together, which was naturally to prepare for his ability to control the iron element.

Lins has a lot of ideas about the use of iron control, but whether it is practical or not is a matter of personal experimentation.

The warship set sail in the direction of the permanent compass towards the maximum speed of Anselm Island.


At this time, Anselm Island was already a desolation, and a huge ancient mammoth was roaring high, and its heavy giant feet like mountains stomped on the ground of the island, destroying the buildings, trees, and terrain of the entire island.

“It’s been so long, where is the shadow fruit!!!” Jack roared furiously, and the giant foot never stopped trampling.

Under Jack’s fury, almost all the pirates on the island have been affected, and Jack’s men are slaughtering pirates and searching for shadow fruits.

This one of the three plagues that likes to solve problems by violence and does not accept any compromise and consultation is bound to be obtained at this moment.

The Norman five-man squad had also separated and scattered, and Norman, who kept the Shadow Fruit, had a dead gray look on his face, and he could not have imagined that he would lead Jack here.

It is said that the reason for the leakage of the news is because some people in the 02 unit want to peek at the shadow fruit and do it deliberately, and the initiator has long ago not known where to run at this time.

It may have left the island, or it may have wanted to snatch the shadow fruit and hide it in the shadows when there were many people in chaos, but now it seems that it should be found and killed by pirates.

Norman hid in a hidden mountain forest cave, feeling the tremor of the earth under his feet, and he held the shadow fruit mouth in his hand. The lips trembled a little.

Jack, whether it is a pirate or a navy, is a disaster, and few of the navies that encounter Jack survive, and the prestige has long been completely prominent in the new world.

But suddenly, Norman felt the tremor of the earth beneath his feet soften.

“Lord Jack, the navy of the New World is here, it seems that there is really a shadow fruit here, otherwise no reinforcements will arrive.” Jack’s subordinate Sipshead grinned at his own adult when he saw Lins coming.

Lins’s flag has a huge ‘sickle’ character, which represents his code name for the scythe, but his flag can be said to be the first time to enter the new world, and it is normal that Sipshead did not recognize it at the first time.

“Navy?” Jack replied hummingly, and then the huge elephant’s eyes were full of tyrannical looks, “Find the Shadow Fruit, no matter what kind of navy he is, kill all the guys who stand in the way!” ”

At the same time, Lins arrived on the shore with his men and members of Unit 06 and quickly disembarked from the warship.

“Look! That’s Drought Jack’s Mammoth! As soon as he came down, a guy behind Lins pointed to the flag on the huge pirate ship and shouted, but there was a smell of fear in his voice.

“Drought Jack…” Lins glanced at it, a little puzzled in his heart, wondering if even Drought Jack couldn’t touch the side quest of the system…

With another side quest, he can obviously gather 1,000 sickle points for the fourth draw of scythe characters.

Seeing Drought Jack appear on the island, Lins also believes that the authenticity of the Shadow Fruit is inseparable.

He immediately hooked the black scythe in his left hand towards the ship’s board, hooked the five huge iron pillars to his feet, clapped his hands on the iron pillars, and turned the five iron pillars into iron sand and hummed above his head.

“You go and search for the whereabouts of the Navy, and Drought Jack will leave it to me to deal with.” Drought Jack trampled the island so brazenly, and his whereabouts are certainly not difficult to detect.

Overlook originally wanted to persuade this young officer to briefly explain to him how powerful Jack was, and seeing that Lins made his decision to deal with Jack so simply, Overhead’s expression was a little strange and subtle.

Lin Si left first, and the navies behind him came up and said, “Hey, overhead, Jack is on this island, that kid doesn’t know if he is dead or alive, do we really want to be buried?” ”

“What nonsense, even a young brat dares to mess with Jack, Lao Tzu has nothing to dare, if he is afraid, he will go back with me!”

“You bastard is too much, who do you say is afraid! Just do it! These guys seemed to be very excited, and one by one, their faces turned red and they shouted.

“The Lieutenant General’s order is to search, not to deal with Drought Jack. Until Lord Lieutenant General solves the Drought Jack, I’m busy and I have to find the Shadow Fruit quickly! Alden looked at them coldly and said.

Immediately, Alden and the others began to search for Norman’s whereabouts in an orderly manner on the island.

Looking at Lins again, there was no nervousness at all in the face of Jack, but instead manipulated the iron sand into iron wings on his shoulders to make a flying use.

However, it seems that it is still trying, but it is only three feet off the ground, and it has not yet soared into the sky.

Just as Lins seemed to be playing, he soon found Jack, who turned into a giant mammoth.

“This guy… How do you feel as if you’ve seen it somewhere…” Jack’s subordinate Sipshead saw Lins and couldn’t help but fall into thought.

“It should be in hell.”

Lins chuckled, hooked his left hand, and the black scythe turned into a black lightning bolt that directly hooked Sipshead’s head, and with a slight turn, he killed the other party.


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