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Chapter 23: The current is the strongest and the former is the strongest

After Fire Fist Ace was escorted to the execution table, the three generals also walked out directly.

There were three chairs directly below the execution table, and the three natural admirals of the navy sat down one after another.

Kuzan and Borusalino sat on either side, while Sakaski sat in the middle.

“Look! The generals are coming! “Seeing the appearance of the three major generals, the navy side is full of confidence, and the emergence of the highest combat effectiveness is completely enough to influence the pattern of any war.

Admirals are like the reassurance of the Navy, symbolizing the invincibility of the Navy, and the appearance of the Admiral is quite important for the morale of the Navy soldiers.

“The old man is also the first time to participate in a war of this magnitude!” Borusalino leaned back in his chair and looked at the two people next to him.

Although he is said to be a general, it is also the first time he has encountered a war of this magnitude.

Of course, it is impossible to fear nature, and people with the strength of this monster are all extremely confident in their own strength.

“I wouldn’t mind going to war with Whitebeard Kaido.” Kuzan said lazily.

Sakaski, on the other hand, pulled down his hat slightly, lowered his head and did not participate in the discussion.

But after two seconds, Sakaski suddenly spoke: “That guy has also arrived.” ”

Hearing Sakaski’s words, several people’s movements paused.

“I didn’t expect that he would actually let him personally guard the execution table.” Borusalino didn’t have a big reaction, just a little surprise.

“Here it comes!” Sakaski spoke.

As soon as the words fell, a footstep suddenly slowed down from behind, and for a moment, the entire navy fell silent, and even the giant vice admirals below slowed down their breathing.

Soon, the person who mounted the execution platform from the rear slowly appeared, opposite the Warring States, standing next to Fire Fist Ace on the left and right.

“That was… The strongest man in the world! ”

“Undead Vice Admiral Abel of the Navy!”

“Governor of the Navy of the New World!”

Seeing Abel’s appearance, everyone’s eyes converged on the past!

All the phone worms below were also aimed at Abel, spreading Abel’s figure to the world.

Seeing this figure, even through the phone worm, the pirates of the new world all stopped their movements in their hands, and their breathing stopped for a while.

But then everyone reacted again, this is just an electric image, not that Abel Zhen appeared in the new world and appeared in front of them.

“Undead Lieutenant General that bastard!” Looking at the video screen, Klockdar showed a rather unhappy expression on his face.

The man who single-handedly pressed the entire New World can be said to be the nightmare of any pirate in the New World.

“It’s really prudent enough, is it actually that monster who personally guards the execution table? But that’s not enough. I’m ready. Blackbeard said with a big laugh.

Blackbeard is fully prepared to deal with the navy.

In order to stir up this war, he spent countless thoughts to connect the entire new world.

Including all the members of the Six Kings of the New World and those powerful underground forces, such as Doflamingo, Sand Crocodile, Moonlight Moriah and others.

Of course, he alone knew what kind of attack Blackbeard was preparing to launch at the same time.

And at the same time


As time approached, in the port of Marinfodo, suddenly there was a huge shaking sound from the bottom of the sea.

“Is it really seen through the defenses? It had long been said to the Warring States that this kind of defense on the surface would not be effective for that man. Seeing that a behemoth was about to emerge from the bottom of the sea, Abel showed an expression that was indeed so.

I saw the sea water splashing madly, the waves were more than ten meters high, and then a giant like a whale suddenly drilled out from the bottom of the sea, and the huge body that covered the sky flew out and even covered the sun above the naval headquarters.

“It’s Whitebeard! It’s Whitebeard’s main ship! ”

The navy was also stunned, and their artillery preparations were all external to stop Whitebeard’s advance.

And now Whitebeard has directly broken into the port, which makes the Navy defenseless for a while.

“Is it actually directly from the bottom of the sea after being coated and entering! Abominable, it was put together. Seeing Whitebeard’s actions, Warring States was also quite unpleasant!

And immediately after the appearance of the first ship, two more ships appeared in the port.

Immediately afterwards, a figure walked to the bow of the ship step by step.

“Sengoku! My lovely son is okay! The heroic voice rushed towards the navy side.

At the same time, there was a sudden terrifying vibration on the whitebeard’s body.


The atmosphere shattered instantly, and the patterns all over represented the incredible terrifying power of Whitebeard, just an ordinary elbow blow, directly knocking the atmosphere into a spiderweb-like shape.

“Is it a dismount? The previous one was the strongest in the world. Seeing Whitebeard’s movements, how could Abel not understand what Whitebeard was thinking.

Although Whitebeard himself really doesn’t care about these things, he just simply wants a son, no matter what three sea thieves or living legends, or even the title of the strongest man in the world that was once placed on him, Whitebeard has never cared.

But that doesn’t mean that someone snatched the title from him, he still doesn’t care.

And now, the man who snatched this title directly from his head was standing in front of him, and Whitebeard naturally wanted to see if Abel had this qualification.

“Don’t be too high, your focus is not on whitebeard.” Seeing that Abel was ready to start, Warring States also reminded him.


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Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

Chapter 23 Domineering Enhancement Methods

In the entire navy, except for Vice Admiral Karp and two or three other vice admirals who were in the prime of their prime, there was no opponent of him.

“What a powerful sword pressure!”

Looking at the cherry ten in Abel’s hand, and the faint sense of oppression, Zefa also shrank his pupils.

The sword in Abel’s hand can not only swing a powerful slash, but also has an extremely terrifying sword pressure, like a thorn, stabbing towards Zefa.

Although he has fought with many strong swordsmanship, the sword pressure is basically of little use, and Abel’s sword pressure can give him great psychological pressure.

“But it’s not enough!”


Zefa directly picked out the sword in Abel’s hand with a fist, and then punched him in the stomach, which directly knocked Abel out of blood.

And he just wanted to continue to fight back, but Zefa took the lead again.

Although it is said that there has been a big breakthrough in swordsmanship, there is still an indelible gap between the domineering and armed domineering.


Zefa slammed an elbow and slammed directly on Abel’s spine, directly knocking Abel to death.


In the next second, Abel’s figure disappeared directly, and then all the injuries in his body disappeared.

“Teacher Zefa, if you want to win me, I’m afraid you can only beat me out of the training ground first, after all, there is no sea water around here that can be used for you.”

Looking at his surroundings, Abel said with a chuckle.

“Indeed, in a way, Abel is indeed undefeated, even more terrifying than nature.”

Listening to Abel’s words, many people also made comments.

In the first half of the Great Voyage, without the use of domineering, the natural system was indeed close to invincible.

But nature will be restrained by domineering, and Abel’s ability will not be restrained by domineering at all.

“Air Slash White Thunder!”

The slash like thunder quickly rushed towards Zefa. The white thunder exploded in front of Zefa, and the furious thunder sound made people’s ears buzz.

Although he was completely crushed by Zefa in terms of domineering and physical skills, Abel’s advantage as an Asian was quite huge.

Especially the three IBMs who have been lurking beside Zefa, once Zefa reveals a little flaw…

However, Zefa and Abel have also fought many times, and naturally they know that Abel must have sent IBM to keep an eye on him all the time, so he did not dare to relax for a second.

“It seems that you still have to take a little risk and increase the ability to attack head-on.”

Although IBM’s teleportation ability to swap positions is quite useful, because IBM’s physical fitness is exactly the same as Abel’s, and it can also use armed color domineering, the frontal combat effectiveness is not weak.

“Xiao Hei, second brother, come with me!”

As insurance, Abel still left an IBM that did not participate in the attack, but stayed outside, allowing him to teleport at any time.

“Sure enough, you can’t help but let those ghosts participate in the frontal battle?”

Seeing Abel’s approach, Zefa was also slightly relieved, although it was not easy to fight one-on-three, but there were a few guys who couldn’t see and couldn’t feel it all the time staring at him, and this feeling was also very uncomfortable.

“It’s better to fight head-on than to put cold arrows in the dark!” Saying this, Zefa directly accelerated forward and swung a punch directly towards Abel!

And Abel also directly rushed up to Zefa without saying a word, and at the same time, Xiao Hei and the second man next to him also followed Abel together and faced Zefa’s punch head-on.


I saw a loud noise, and Zefa’s fist was stopped abruptly this time.

“How come! It actually blocked it directly! ”

“Didn’t you just completely catch Instructor Zefa’s fist?”

Seeing this, everyone in the training camp was also taken aback

Many of them have not yet come into contact with the domineering existence, even if IBM takes the initiative to attack, they cannot perceive it with the domineering of sight.

And the Warring States, who could feel the existence of this force, were also violently shocked by Abel’s ability.

As an old teammate, Zefa’s iron fist was quite clear, but even so, this exceptionally young-looking training camp student also resisted Zefa’s attack.

This is truly surprising.

“Are those IBM’s armed color domineering and physical strength at the same level as Abel himself?”

Although he had heard Zefa mention it before, but really seeing this scene, even if it was clear, the Warring States couldn’t believe it.

Immediately, the Warring States also showed a solemn face, and began to look Abel up and down again, this plain little guy actually had such a terrifying combat power.

“Too young!”

In the end, after thinking for a long time, the Warring States only made such an assessment.

And what about Abel at this time? At this time, Abel has slowly felt the huge disadvantage brought by the domineering gap between the two sides.

This intensity is simply not something that the number of people can make up for, and when the domineering of the two colors is inferior to others, it is almost impossible to win.

And if you want to make your domineering stronger faster, you can only fight for a long time.

Domineering itself is a consumable and is produced in battle.

This kind of thing is a little similar to physical fitness, if it is directly pressed to the extreme, then when it recovers, then the armed color domineering will be more powerful.

As for seeing and hearing domineering, it is through some extremely dangerous things to let his potential burst out.

Abel could feel that this time the battle was completely different from the past, and the previous fight with Zefa was basically some skills and the like.

And this time, the longer he fought, the clearer Abel felt that the faster his armed color domineering consumed, the stronger the domineering became after recovery, and the more obvious his instinct to see the color domineering.


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