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Chapter 24 Kaido the Hundred Beasts are captured

“I’m measured.” Abel responded faintly, and then the cherry blossom in his hand shot directly, which looked particularly beautiful under the reflection of the waves.



The huge slash directly met Whitebeard’s ability to shake the fruit, and the powerful slash seemed to have the power to tear everything apart, easily cutting the sea surface in the harbor


After the slash and vibration collided, the entire heaven and earth were eclipsed, and everyone present could feel that the entire space seemed to be shaking violently, and the clouds in the sky were also blown away instantly.

“Goo la … The little ghost seems to have improved a lot over the years! ”

Whitebeard glanced at Abel, and after just one encounter, he could feel the strength of both sides.

“Aren’t you the same as the sword? The previous one was the strongest in the world. Abel responded.

“It’s still the same annoying look as always.” Hearing Abel’s words, Whitebeard was not angry, but raised the corners of his mouth and laughed.

“However, this level alone can’t make Lao Tzu agree that you are the strongest in this world!” Whitebeard jerked the Cong Yunche in his hand up.

Buzz –

The white aperture instantly covered the tip of the knife of Cong Yun Cut, and then swept directly towards the navy’s side, and the terrifying shock wave was overwhelmingly crushed.

“Hey! This is very bad, Abel can’t shoot at will. Seeing that the white beard began to be powerful, the yellow ape also had a headache on his face.

Whitebeard’s Shock Fruit ability is difficult to block perfectly.

Click… Click… Click

The air shattered in an instant, and the vibration wave was like a light curtain, directly pushing towards the navy.

However, in another invisible view of the world, a ghost covered in bandages has blocked the front.

Wait until the white shock wave arrives in front of you.

Morph – shrink!


As if by magic, the originally huge shock wave disappeared directly.

In the eyes of others, it was as if the white light had disappeared by itself.

Seeing this scene, many powerful people present also narrowed their eyes and did not say much.

Because they also did not understand what was just going on.

Only those who knew Abel’s abilities roughly guessed that it was the ghost’s ability that blocked Whitebeard’s attack.

“That strange ghost ability, it seems that such an attack can’t kill the execution table.”

Whitebeard has also fought Abel before, and there have been many frictions in the New World.

For Abel’s abilities, Whitebeard made it clear.

“It can’t go on like this, you can only capture the thief first.”

Seeing that the situation became more and more glued, the yellow ape could not bear it.

Teleport directly into the sky with your hands crossed over your chest.

“Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!”


Countless light curtains blasted directly in the direction of Whitebeard.

“Hey! What’s so dazzling? In the face of the yellow ape’s attack, Whitebeard didn’t waver at all, just raised his hand to block his eyes.

Seeing that countless light curtains were about to hit Whitebeard, suddenly a figure flew out directly, directly blocking Whitebeard’s attack and eating the yellow ape’s attack head-on.

Boom boom –

Countless light bullets continue to bombard the flying uninvited guests, although it is very dazzling, but it can barely be seen that the body of the person who flew to resist the attack for Whitebeard continues to crack, although the light bullet has not penetrated the past, but it has also directly entered the body.

Peeping leopard in the tube, you can see how destructive the yellow ape’s tricks are.

However, Abel just glanced at this silently and did not say much.

Soon, after the light curtain dispersed, what appeared in front of everyone was an immortal bird wrapped in a dreamy blue light, which was also burning with the flames brought by the yellow ape’s attack.

“How is it possible for you to disturb our king as soon as he comes up!”


Soon, the battlefield began to become chaotic, and with the continuous advancement of the Whitebeard Pirates, the three major generals also went out to fight one after another.

Sakaski is directly facing Whitebeard, while Borusalino and Kuzan are facing Whitebeard’s difficult captains.

And at the same time, above kilometers.

“Come on! Ryder, don’t think I’m afraid of you! Although there were many wounds on his body, Kaido still shouted excitedly.

“Hmph!” Ryder snorted heavily, but did not pay much attention to the madman Kaido, the hundred beasts.

At that time, he will directly throw Kaido, the bastard, into Marinfodo, and care what to do with so much.

With this difficult undead bastard messing around, Ryder can also relax a lot.

After all, this guy is a real mad dog, he will bite whoever he sees, and it is difficult to kill.

Even if the Red Count caught Kaido, it took a lot of effort.

Fortunately, this guy is a lone ranger, and if the pirate group of Hundred Beast Kaido are all together, it will be almost impossible for the Red Count to capture each other alive.

“Do you want me to shoot him directly?” Looking at the bloodstain that was cut at the corner of Kaido’s eye, Bartholomy Bear was also secretly a little frightened.

Unexpectedly, Count Red’s swordsmanship could leave such a terrible scar on the body of the monster of the Hundred Beast Kaido.

The Red Count, who had regained the power of his youth, was really not just talking.

“No need, it’s just a few kilometers in the air, this guy’s body is not good, what’s wrong.” Ryder said indifferently.

At an altitude of several kilometers, if it was someone else, it might be shattered, but for Kaido, it was just that.


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Chapter Twenty-Four Cut Through Domineering

In other words, Zefa’s final graduation test is not a test, but a final lesson

Teach them how to improve their domineering spirit and how to become stronger in the days to come.

After understanding this, it is no wonder that Sakaski was so desperate just now.

“Since Teacher Zefa has this plan, then I will also show you how I am improving now as a student!”

When the words fell, Abel took the initiative to rush towards Zefa with a knife.

“Getting faster? Wrong! It was seen that the domineering became stronger again. ”

Zefa’s pupils shrank, and instinctively rushed towards Abel again! The waving fist carried a sound of breaking the air, and Abel immediately stopped.

“Nice response! But the strength is still insufficient! ”

Suddenly, Zefa’s momentum became more condensed, and his strength suddenly began to skyrocket, directly knocking the two IBMs away and rushing towards Abel.

“Can you actually become stronger!”

Seeing Zefa’s momentum become even more terrifying, Abel’s eyes showed shock.

“Zefa, this guy, has he actually been forced to this extent?”

Seeing Zefa’s appearance, the Warring States were also a little surprised, the strongest combat power of the Tangtang Navy and a cadet fought like this, I am afraid that others will not believe it!


With a loud bang, Zefa’s fist slammed into Abel’s body, and Abel was directly punched and flew out.

“Don’t think so easily to get rid of it!”


Abel’s figure rushed back into the field.

However, although he switched positions, the force given to him by Zefa’s punch still did not disappear, and the strong impact continued, and Abel’s feet were directly embedded under the ground under this force.

“Worthy of being Teacher Zefa!”

The blow just now made Abel almost feel the scene when he fought with the golden lion.

There is no doubt that Zefa is really serious and goes all out in the fight.

“Listen to the breath of all things!”

Abel forced himself to calm down, and this was a rare opportunity.

After Abel became focused, the whole world seemed to become more slow.

Combine your own domineering vision with the realm of chopping steel, listen to the weaknesses of all things, and then cut them apart!

Unlike Roger’s listening to all things, Abel simply combines the realm of chopping steel with the domineering spirit of seeing and hearing, although he also listens to all things, but listens to the weaknesses of all things.


Abel’s figure was like a shadow, slamming through Zefa’s face, and then appeared behind him.


Clicking ~~~~ The sound of shattering suddenly sounded in this quiet world, and this time it was not only the recruits outside who widened their eyes, but even Zefa and Sengoku also did not react for a while.


There was no other reason, because in everyone’s sight, the armed color domineering in Zefa’s hand actually cracked!

“How is it possible! Can even domineering be cut off? ”

The scene that happened in front of him was not encountered even by the two well-informed admirals.

They had heard of Jian Hao’s Slashing Iron Realm, but it was the first time they had heard of being able to directly cut through other people’s armed color domineering.

However, Zefa is quite experienced in fighting, and although he was a little surprised to be cut off and domineering, he still made the right judgment at the first time.

Catching Abel’s attack, Zefa rushed directly up, raised his right arm, and directly wrapped himself in a layer of armed color domineering.


The fist collided with the blade again.

And this time, Abel did not choose to resist hard, but a teleportation to avoid Zefa’s attack.


The blade collided with the black fist again.

Zefa, who was wrapped in black armed color domineering, was like an eggshell, and countless cracks began to spread and crack from it!


In the next second, the armed color domineering on Zefa’s body was directly cut, and in addition to the armed color domineering that remained on his hands, the domineering energy covered on his body had completely disappeared.

And Abel was also directly shot away by this blow and pushed outside the training ground.

At the same time, a drop of blood also flowed from Zefa’s cheek! It was obvious that the sword qi just now cut Zefa, plus the defenses of the armed color were broken, so he was injured a little.

“General Zefa!”

Seeing this scene, many lieutenant generals behind shouted out in surprise.

“It’s terrible! Even a vice admiral may not be able to do this to this extent! ”

Sengoku is also wide-eyed, able to break Zefa’s defenses, in the vice admiral, that is, Karp can easily do it.

Although according to the rules of graduation, the battle was over when Abel was beaten out of the training ground.

But in the eyes of others, the gap between Abel and Zefa is obviously not so huge.

Even if he is pressed and beaten, he can at least fight back and cause damage to Zefa.


The soldiers of the training camp who saw this scene all swallowed their saliva fiercely.

They couldn’t even beat their own instructors, and even a group of people rose up only for more than five minutes under the instructors.

And Abel actually injured Zefa in the case of one-on-one Zefa general, and to achieve such a record is undoubtedly the first place in the elite battalion.

Even the dozen or so people in the elite camp looked at Abel like a monster.

And Zefa also felt the damage on his cheek, gently touched the blood stain, wiped it dry, glanced at everyone present, and then shouted loudly: “Everyone, gather!” ”

When the words fell, everyone who was still able to move quickly walked in front of Zefa, and Polusalino, who was knocked unconscious by Zefa’s group, was supported by Abel and Sakaski.

Those recruits watched the three monsters in the elite camp help them to walk in front of Zefa, and their hearts were also full of emotion.


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