Chapter 50: The war is completely over

After listening to Kuzan’s words, Sakaski glanced at the two people next to him rather unpleasantly.

But I have to admit that although Borusalino looks quite unreliable, he is actually a very smart guy, I am afraid that he also saw this and slowly began to release water on his opponent!

“What you want to do is your own business.”

However, Sakaski still has no intention of releasing water, and he will not allow such a thing to insult his justice for those who insist on absolute justice hawks.

Even if he knows that there is no result, he will do his best without regrets.

“I really have enough energy, if only I had such good energy.” Seeing the energetic Sakaski, Borusalino and Kuzan both looked at each other with some helplessness.


But the final result is also obvious, in the case of two people releasing water, with the strength of Sakaski alone, Barrett managed to escape from Sakaski’s hands in less than five minutes.

With the end of the last battlefield, it was also officially announced that this battle was over.

There is no longer a single pirate in the three places of the Navy headquarters, Advance City, and Mary Joa.

For the Navy, this is naturally a happy thing, after receiving the information, the navy that Malinfodo was waiting for was happily raised one by one with weapons.

Killing the two terrible guys of Whitebeard and Hundred Beast Kaido, and killing all the pirates in the city, is also exciting for the navy.

In particular, the two major events of the annihilation of all the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group and the annihilation of all the prisoners in the Advance City are even more exciting.

On both sides, the Navy can be said to have won a complete victory.

On the Chambordi Islands, a group of journalists with pen and paper and notes cheered excitedly.

They have been waiting for the final result, and for these ordinary people, the victory of the navy headquarters represents their victory.

After all, the Navy is an organization that keeps the peace, and the Pirates are not.

The pirates who disrupted this world died, and it was still the pirates who were naturally happy when the whitebeard and the hundred beasts Kaido who were neutral at the apex.

“All drinks in the hotel are free today!” Seeing this, a slightly drunk and excited boss waved his hand and directly opened all the alcohol in the store for free.

“Great! At least we can know that tomorrow will be the end of the world! ”

“Cheers! Cheers! ”

The customers in the store were also very happy to start toasting, and regardless of whether the people next to them recognized each other or not, they all celebrated each other with wine glasses.

new world


Although these two people are his biggest rivals in the New World, and he has been fighting with these two sides for decades, one thing he has to admit is that she can expand in the New World so unscrupulously, and also rely on the power of these two parties.

After all, the positions of their pirates and navy have not changed, and although the three of them will inevitably collide when they expand together in the New World, they are only based on territorial competition, and they will not deliberately want to completely destroy each other.

But the Navy is completely different.

Without the assistance of Whitebeard and Kaido, she now has to face the combat effectiveness of the navy.

“Did the red-haired kid stop me because he had anticipated this kind of thing? But how can the team composed of a few defeated generals alone maintain the balance of the new world. ”

Thinking of what the redhead said to himself when he was about to expand his territory before, BIG· MOM WAS A LITTLE DISDAINFUL IN HIS HEART.

Although the sand crocodile, the sea rogue, and the moonlight Moria are said to be extraordinary, they are just losers when the six kings of the New World ascend to the top, even if they are now combined together, what can they do?

At least BIG· MOM doesn’t really take these guys very seriously.

It is no exaggeration to say that even his Katakuri and these people can’t be defeated, let alone replace Whitebeard and Kaido as the king of the New World.

“Mom, that redhead doesn’t look like a joke, and it’s hard to say what kind of strength these three people have now.” Katakuri replied lightly.

Although these people lost when they competed for the position of the hegemony of the New World, they were also sea thieves who dared to fight the six kings of the New World.

Now that these people have gone underground for so many years, their strength is also not to be underestimated.

But this is also a thing that is understandable, human nature is like this, in the face of the three losers who have competed with themselves for hegemony, BIG· MOM naturally doesn’t give any good reviews.

But if the person evaluating it is someone else, it will be slightly more objective and cautious.

“Mom!” BIG· Napoleon on MOM’s head also opened his eyes.

As and BIG· MOM, who has been fighting together for so long, especially as BIG· The soul of MOM, Homiz, Napoleon is usually very mature.

In BIG· When MOM is sometimes not calm and crazy, the role of these Homiz is also quite obvious.

“I think that in any case, their so-called alliance of sea pirates should have expected that after snatching part of Whitebeard Kaido’s territory, the navy would first target them who looked weakest. If there is not enough to deal with the combat effectiveness of the Navy, they should not be so reckless. ”

At the same time, Prometheus also flew over and said: “But the key to the problem is that according to the Red Count’s side, the Pirate Alliance will seize Kaido’s territory and negotiate with Kaido’s people.” Blackbeard, on the other hand, took some of the people from Advance City to seize Whitebeard’s territory. ”


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Chapter 50: Provoking the Whitebeard Pirates Head-on

With the name of the white beard, the estimation that these guys can do is just that.

If they hadn’t gone to find Whitebeard’s shelter as soon as they entered the New World, I’m afraid that all of these guys would have died in the New World without exception.

And the reward is more than 100 million?

Through the confrontation just now, Abel could only say that the other party’s combat power was probably only equivalent to the strength of a thirty or forty million pirate.

It is estimated that relying on the name of the white beard to burn and loot everywhere, no one dares to stop it, so he got his reward step by step to this point.

“I originally thought that a guy with a backbone came to me and took the initiative to trouble me, but I didn’t expect it to be a waste like you.”

While speaking, Abel walked towards this so-called ghost hunter Shoals.

“Wait, please let me go! As long as you are willing to let me go, I promise that today’s events will never reach Daddy’s ears. ”

Seeing Abel walking towards him step by step full of killing intent, Shores was also afraid!

He doesn’t want to die yet, and with the name of Whitebeard, even if it is a pirate group that is stronger than him, no one dares to contradict him.

As long as he doesn’t take the initiative to provoke those monsters on the sea, he can comfortably enjoy it for a lifetime.

“Whitebeard? Let him know what? ”

Abel chuckled, as if he didn’t care what Whitebeard would do.

“I’ll tell you, Daddy is quite short-sighted, if Daddy knows that you killed us…”


Shoals’ head fell down with a bang at this moment.

His widened eyes seemed to indicate his confusion.

“So what about letting Whitebeard know? Do you think that the Navy will still be afraid of you garbage on the sea? ”

Abel raised his head slightly, looked at the two corpses on the ground, and said with a calm face.


Whitebeard Pirates

“Daddy! It was the phone of that Vice Admiral Little Ghost’s subordinate. Captain Margao, with a phone bug in his hand, walked towards Whitebeard.

“Listen to what they have to say.”

The white-bearded man sitting on the throne at the bow glanced at Marko, and then ordered with a flat face.

“Whitebeard Pirates, Vice Admiral Abel ordered me to bring you a word, when you receive this call, the two sons you sent over have already been killed, let you hurry up and collect the corpse!”

After speaking, the phone worm was directly hung up.

For a while, everyone in the entire Whitebeard Pirate Group fell into a deathly silence.

What is this? Provocative?

How long has it been since their group of white-bearded pirates been so provoked?

And this is not an ordinary provocation, it is a direct killing of the son of the whitebeard!

Who else in the whole sea now does not know how Whitebeard protects one character of the calf?

“Daddy! Both Clyde and Shoals were killed by that vice admiral kid! ”

Margau bent over and looked at the white-beard above. Although these two people are not very strong, they are also very greedy.

If you die as a pirate, it is naturally a joy for everyone, but if you die as a family, it is different.

No matter how greedy and weak, he is his own family.

Now that their families have been killed, it is naturally impossible for them to sit idly by.

“Sons! No matter what happens, you are all my sons, and since the other party has provoked our Whitebeard Pirates, you must be prepared to meet our revenge! ”


“Hey! Lord Navy, although those pirates are very cruel, but we can still endure it, but if we go to war with Whitebeard, then we will really suffer! ”

An old man about seventy years old walked towards Abel with a desperate expression on his face.

They don’t know, and they don’t want to know that the Navy and the pirates are stronger, and they don’t care who can win this war.

But for them, they simply want to avoid struggle

Once the two sides go to war, no matter what the outcome, for ordinary people like them, the outcome is not something they can afford.

The vast majority of the battles of the top combat power will destroy the entire island together.

Victory and defeat are important to the naval pirates, but for them, it is the islands on which they depend.

“Don’t worry! I will not let the flames of war ignite here. Abel looked in the direction of the coastline and spoke.

Since he came here, he naturally thought about what to do.

With his current strength, it is naturally impossible to defeat Whitebeard, let alone defeat the Whitebeard Pirates.

And if you want to start a full-scale war with the Whitebeard Pirates, it is completely impossible.

Therefore, Abel plans to intercept the Whitebeard Pirates alone and solve this matter.

“Lord Navy? Are you intending to? Hearing Abel’s words, the old man on the side asked Abel with some uncertainty.

“That’s right, I’m going to attack Whitebeard alone!” Abel turned his head and showed a big smile to the old man on the side.

He can’t beat the Whitebeard Pirates, but that doesn’t mean the Whitebeard Pirates can beat him.

Can’t beat Whitebeard, can’t he still kill those sons of Whitebeard?

Moreover, the reason why Whitebeard was able to have so much territory in the New World was because of the threat of the Shock Fruit to the hull in naval battles.

And now, Abel, who has the fruit of transformation, can also do this.

Although it can’t cause a tsunami, it’s still easy to get rid of those pirate ships easily.

Even Whitebeard couldn’t stop him!

This is where Abel dares to shout so much with Whitebeard’s capital.

Although Abel is a little younger than Whitebeard, it’s like one side has the power to destroy the world a hundred times, and the other has the power to destroy the world once.


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