Chapter 51: The Chaos of the New World

“Blackbeard that guy? If it was that guy, maybe he could really replace Whitebeard, but that guy didn’t count that guy from the Navy would come to advance the city. Should it be bad luck or what? ”

THINKING OF BLACKBEARD, BIG· MOM is also a bit of a headache.

If Blackbeard’s plan to advance the city is successful, it may have little impact on the pattern of the new world, and it will even greatly change the direction of the new world.

After all, it is indeed quite admirable to be able to persuade so many people alone and count the entire new world and even the whole world.

If it weren’t for the accident on the side of the city, I’m afraid Blackbeard’s plan would really be perfectly implemented.


But Abel did not meet Barrett according to common sense, but took the lead in rushing to the advancing city, not only killing Blackbeard, but also executing all the tens of thousands of prisoners in the advancing city!

“Indeed, if it was that guy, it would be difficult to say. A guy who can calculate the entire New World and the headquarters of the Navy, and it is said that he broke out in a battle with the redhead, and even left scars on the redhead’s eyes. Katakuri nodded approvingly.

Whether it is scheming or strength, Blackbeard is indeed able to make people give enough respect.

“It is indeed a slight pity that such a hero actually died in such an accidental situation.”

“By chance? Maybe! However, it is not clear how terrible the guy is, and it is indeed possible to take this incident as an accident. “BIG· MOM said.

Good villains are also people of the same era, for Abel’s oppression like a mountain, BIG· MOM has a deep understanding.

“Forget it, if you die, you will die! If you die in that kind of place, it means that Blackbeard is nothing more than that, and finding the right guy is the most important thing. “BIG· MOM said with a smile.

In the realm of the powerful in the new world, there is never a worry about new opponents.

A previously unknown combat member in the Whitebeard Pirates group was able to stir up the world, and it was not a big deal for one or two more guys who could stand at the top.

BIG· MOM is indeed right.

Just outside frantically celebrating the death of Whitebeard and Kaido the Beast, at the same time the earth-shaking changes began in the new world.

The pirates at the bottom can’t see any big changes in the situation, they can only see their immediate interests.

When the news of Whitebeard Kaido’s death was spread, these pirates completely fell out, they only knew that after Whitebeard and Kaido died, they had a greater chance to invade Whitebeard and Kaido’s territory.

Especially Whitebeard, after the battle of Malinfodo, all Whitebeard’s personnel, including the pirates attached to it, died in the navy headquarters.

And the lone ranger of the Hundred Beasts Kaido was captured by the Red Count and then thrown directly into the navy, and the people of the Hundred Beasts Kaido Pirates themselves did not participate.

Although many people have already set their sights on the leaderless Hundred Beasts Kaido Pirate Group, after all, there is still Whitebeard’s chassis completely empty, compared to this area where there is still a Hundred Beast Kaido Remnant Party, the territory of the completely unmanned Whitebeard Pirate Group is naturally regarded as the first target.

For a time, in the entire area where the Whitebeard Pirates were located, a large-scale war broke out!

All kinds of pirates with different strengths and weaknesses aimed at these fat flesh and began to bite, and the chassis of the entire white-bearded pirate group instantly turned into hell on earth.

“Turbulence in the New World? It’s just something expected. After glancing at the latest newspaper, Abel simply threw it away.

The turmoil in the new world can be said to be inevitable, and the turbulent region is not a member of the world government anyway, so as a navy, there is naturally no need to pay attention to it.

If the navy directly intervenes in the internal affairs of non-allied countries, or even sends troops to clean up pirates, it will involve external problems, which is not a concept at all with pirates in the territory of allied countries.

Of course, the government complained heavily about this result, saying that the navy paid too much attention to Whitebeard and did not need so much combat power, and that at least one general should be left to protect Mary Joa.

Looking at the devastated ground, the government side is also annoyed.

Barrett destroyed half of Mary Joa with the ability of the Combined Fruit as soon as he came up, and with the subsequent destruction, the entire Mary Joa no longer exists.

Even simple office tasks could not be completed, even for meetings, they also set up a temporary office space to use, which looked a little miserable.

However, there seems to be some important secret hidden on this red earth continent, even if Mary Joa has been completely destroyed, the five old stars have no intention of leaving.

A conference is going on here.

“The navy won almost a big victory in this battle, completely annihilating the Whitebeard Pirates and killing the captain of the Hundred Beast Pirate Regiment, Hundred Beast Kaido.” Sengoku very often took a document and began to read it.

Next to the Sengoku are Vice Admiral Tsuru, the chief staff of the Navy headquarters, and the three major generals.

Of course, in addition, the five old stars were also present.

“The final death toll of the navy this time was 3,426, the number of people who were seriously injured and needed to be decommissioned was 2,758, and there were countless minor injuries, and the total annihilation of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment was close to 10,000.”

“Sengoku! As a naval marshal, you must be primarily responsible for failing to protect Mary Joa! Seeing that the Warring States not only did not mention Mary Joya’s question, but also showed off the glorious achievements of the navy in front of them, the five old stars with a birthmark on their foreheads couldn’t help but roar out.


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Chapter 51 The Moby Dick

Such a terrifying force, as long as it has it, has enough deterrent power, and there is no need to care who is stronger or weaker in this terrifying force.

Because no matter how strong or weak, in a naval battle, the destruction of the hull is enough to be fatal, even for the Whitebeard Pirates.


At the same time, the headquarters will also be located

“Abel, that idiot actually went directly to Whitebeard’s trouble!”

Abel’s news reached the naval headquarters, although Abel often went out alone to arrest pirates, but this time it involved the white-bearded pirate group, and the people below did not dare to hide it.

“Yes, it is said that the cause was the last time Waldo happened, and that place was on the edge of Whitebeard’s territory.”

In the face of the roar of the Warring States, the navy who made the call also looked a little trembling.

Hearing this, the Warring States also suddenly sobered up.

The information about the last time Waldo was also handed over to Abel and Kuzan to handle.

To be honest, they really didn’t expect Abel to really kill Waldo.

On the one hand, they want Abel to take Kuzan to see the strength of the powerhouses of the New World, and secondly, they also want to make an appearance and deal with the tasks of the government.

Usually, their navy sends large-scale troops to capture Waldo, and basically they will suffer losses because of Waldo’s ability, resulting in heavy losses.

And the fact that Abel killed Waldo is actually nothing, but Whitebeard has to grab this excuse to find trouble, then they also have some headaches.

“I already know the situation, I will let Lieutenant General Karp go there as soon as possible.”

Although it is not his intention to be so direct with the Whitebeard Pirates, since the Whitebeard Pirates want to find trouble, their navy cannot be left behind.

However, at this time, the soldier on the other side spoke: “Warring States General, Lieutenant General Abel said that you don’t have to worry, he alone has the ability to make Whitebeard retreat.” ”

When he said this, this soldier was also a little unconfident.

After all, he had mixed in the New World, and naturally knew how terrifying those monsters in the New World were.

Especially the Whitebeard Pirates, this kind of monster can not be solved by one person at all!

Indeed, this is the normal reaction of normal people after hearing Abel’s words, single-handedly repelling the entire Whitebeard Pirate Group, how can this kind of thing be done?

Indeed, generally speaking, even if Abel had the ability to transform fruits, it was impossible to do such an exaggerated thing.

Because the devil fruit also has certain limitations, such as the current Abel Devil Fruit ability not only has certain restrictions on the size of enlargement and reduction, but also must contact the corresponding object.

If it was just a simple ability, Abel probably wouldn’t have a chance to connect to the Whitebeard Ship.

But as a subhuman, he is different, especially since this devil fruit is eaten by Xiao Hei and then fed back to his body.

And without Xiao Hei attacking, seeing that Xiao Hei is domineering, there is no way to detect Xiao Hei’s existence.

So Abel only needs to let Blackie touch Whitebeard’s ship, and then activate the Devil Fruit ability to directly destroy Whitebeard’s ship.

“Don’t talk such nonsense! Do you think that Whitebeard is comparable to a pirate like Waldo! I immediately asked Karp to support, and that’s it. ”

After speaking, the Warring States did not care what the situation was on the other side, and directly hung up the phone worm.

Now he didn’t have time to fight here, and the priority was to get Karp to support Abel immediately.

He is now inseparable from guarding the naval headquarters, and Zefa is working as an instructor, and now the only general-level combat power that can be mobilized outside the entire sea is Kapu.


Time passed slowly

New World Pensacola Sea

At this time, without everyone knowing, the two forces are gathering towards this vicinity.

On one side was a petite and incomparably small condensed version of a warship the size of an ordinary fishing boat, traveling at a speed of almost a hundred knots.

On the other side, several boats that are still far away from here are slowly breaking the waves and slowly moving towards here.

Compared to the boat on the other side, which is moving at the same speed, the boat on this side is simply slow and exaggerated.

If anyone sees this moving ship at this time, they will immediately recognize who the ship belongs to.

After all, this is one of the most famous ships in the New World – the Moby Dick!

“Huh? Which is…”

On the Moby Dick, a one-eyed dragon pirate is holding a telescope and standing on the ship’s patrol platform to look around at the surrounding ships.

At first, the other party did not notice a ship that was moving very fast, but when his eyes once roamed Abel’s ship, he saw that there was a rather young navy sitting on it.

“A man sailing the navy on the seas of the New World? Could it be a death? But what was the situation with that incredibly fast ship? ”

Seeing that the other party was the Navy, the pirate subconsciously thought that Abel was a victim of the Navy.

After all, in the terrible sea area of the New World, ordinary navigators have no way to guarantee that they face everything perfectly.

“What happened?”

At this moment, Margau below, noticed the abnormality above and opened his mouth to ask the other party.

“Nope! It’s nothing, it’s a navy on a fast warship coming towards us. It should be victims or something, right? The one-eyed pirate said with some uncertainty.

No matter how he thought about it, he couldn’t think that the other party was alone to trouble their white-bearded pirate group.

But after hearing the one-eyed pirate’s description, Margau frowned.

“Even the navy in distress can’t take the initiative to drive towards our white-bearded pirate group!”


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