Yake came to Oro Jia on a sensible ride.

"Little girl, I'm here to find pure gold, you don't happen to know its whereabouts, do you?"

Oro Jiafu was frantically thinking about countermeasures with his small brain on the ground, this man definitely came after her.

"Hmph~ The pure gold is in Lord Lantern's third stomach, which is only the first stomach. I can take you to find the pure gold, but after you find it, you have to take me out..."

"no problem!"

Before Oro could finish his words, his expression collapsed.

"The promise is too perfunctory!"

Yake patted the sensible head, put his head down, and signaled Oro Jia to sit up.

"Come on! My time is limited, I have to find pure gold as soon as possible. By the way, are you alone on this island?"

After Yake's knowledge covered the entire island, he found that besides the dinosaur, there was a person's breath in a cave. If Yake guessed correctly, it was Oro Jia's father.

I really don't know that the father and daughter live on the same island at the same time, and they haven't met each other for 200 years. Yake has been unable to complain.

"Hee hee hee~ I am the only one on this island. I have lived here for more than two hundred years, and I have never met another person!"

Oro Jiaxie said with a charming smile, the expression of a six-year-old girl was just as good as Brother Ming's, it seems that more than two hundred years has really given this child a mental illness.

"Okay, I already sense that there is another person on this island, who do you think it would be?"

Ya Ke's words made Oro Jia fall into deep thought. If there is really someone, it can only be his bastard father, but he thought he was dead long ago.

Two hundred years ago, Oro Jia's father was a scientific researcher on Al Camie, the island of steel. He researched pure gold, which caused his death.

At the same time, the light of pure gold also attracted the attention of Lord Lantern, and he swallowed Al Camie in half in one gulp. At that time, only Oro Jia and her father were still on the island, so they were swallowed up and lived in the stomach of Lord Lantern. for more than two hundred years.

"Take me to him quickly, it must be my bastard father!"

Oro Jia said with a grim face that she always believed that her mother's death was due to the pure gold researched by her father, and she also hated her father for 200 years.

Yake spread his hands, no matter what kind of grievances the father and daughter have, as long as he gets the pure gold, it will be fine.

"Very sensible, let's go!"

The two traveled through the jungle all the way to a remote fork in the road. To be honest, this island is really big enough, no wonder the father and daughter have never seen it before. Although Oro Jia will not die of old age, his physical development is restricted by pure gold, so it is useless even if he cultivates.

Now it seems that pure gold still has disadvantages.

In the tyrannosaurus rex lair, a dozen baby dragons howled hungry.

A doll-like dinosaur crouched surreptitiously behind a small rock in the distance, observing the condition of the baby dragon's lair.

"Damn it, why haven't you come to feed me today, I, I'm almost starving to death..."

"Wait, what's that? The dinosaur is riding... Oro Ka! My daughter!" Assier didn't care about hiding, hurriedly took off the doll costume used for camouflage, stood still and waved wildly , still shouting Oro Ka's name!

"Hey, Oro Ka! I'm here! Great! You're alive~ woo woo woo!"

Assier's obese body trembled and cried very sadly. For two hundred years, he could only eat meat and not vegetables and fruits, which made his body fat. Oro Jia only recognized him as his asshole father after several confirmations. .

"Father bastard! So, it turns out you're not dead yet! What a pity~ Cut!"

Ya Ke has gotten off Ting Sen's body, Oro Jia is still riding on Ting Sen's body arrogantly, and refuses to get off, she has not forgiven her father, and she will never say a word to him.

"Oro Chia..."

"Uh, sir, are you..."

Asie looked at Oro Jia's inhumane look a little disappointed, but he also noticed the tall man next to him.

"I'm Yake, I'm here to find pure gold, I don't need what you have, but I will take the rest!"

Yake suddenly thought that this Assier must be able to research pure gold and must have good attainments in metal synthesis. Maybe bringing him back to the Kingdom of the God of Space can improve the Wabo alloy. Yake's face straightened and he cleared his throat.

"In return, I can take you back to the human world, you, to study alloys for me!" Yake said, pointing at Assier.

Hearing Yake's words, Oro Jia's small mouth is getting higher and higher, and she is so gorgeously ignored? Scholars can bear it, aunts can't bear it.

"Hey, I can also lead you to find pure gold, as long as you kill my bastard father!"

Yake couldn't help raising his thumb, good guy, another big dutiful son!

"Oro Ka... The reason why I study pure gold is actually to treat your incurable disease. It is your mother's and my wish to keep you alive. Her death... I am also heartbroken!"

Acière covered her eyes, tears flowed down her cheeks, recalling the sad past, she hadn't told Oro Jia before, just hoping she could grow up healthy and happy. But the pirate's greed ruined everything, killed his wife, and the father and daughter broke up.

"Asshole... Dad, I..."

Oro Ka knew that he was not lying when he saw his father. Recalling that he also went to see a doctor when he was a child, and his father and mother decided to develop pure gold...

"Oro Jia, I love you very much, and so does your mother, but the disease you contracted is South Blue Emperor Fever, which is incurable. In order to keep you alive, we decided to study pure gold to suppress your disease."

"That... I said you..."

Yake stood there, feeling that he was completely ignored, and he hadn't experienced this feeling for a long time. Looking at the father and daughter who were getting bored, he decided to do something.

"Hey, can you listen to me a few words?"

"Thor's Arbitration!"

A thunderbolt fell from the sky, and there was a deep pit with a diameter of ten meters beside him. He almost peed out of fear and ran away. It was too dangerous for this man.

"Now, immediately, take me to find pure gold, and when you arrive in my country, there will be plenty of time for you to relive the relationship between father and daughter!"

Yake said with a dark face, and took out a nail clipper and pointed at the two of them. This was the smallest knife Yake could find.

Asie glanced at Oro Jia, then at the exaggerated deep pit, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. It seemed dangerous to point at the nail clippers of the two of them. As a senior survivor, Assier bowed and apologized to Yake neatly.

"I'm very sorry, this way please~"

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