Assier took the lead and brought Yake to the shore.

"Master Yake, look, you can reach the second stomach by going down the sour sea of ​​stomach, and Al Camie is in the third stomach, but we don't have a boat, so we really can't get through it!"

Assier rubbed his hands and said carefully, in fact, he hadn't said that lizards could pass through the sea of ​​stomach acid, but he thought Yake was a pirate who wanted to steal the pure gold, so he deliberately didn't tell Yake.

"Don't worry about this, I just know the direction."

Yake started working with his left and right hands, and carried Assie and Oro Jia into the sky. There was no problem with the elemental flight with the two, but they couldn't move forward at full speed.


The two exclaimed, this kind of ability has never been seen before.

"Master Yake, is this power the ability of the legendary sea treasure, Devil Fruit?"

"Shut up! It's so loud!"

Yake carried two people all the way down, and came to Lord Lantern's second stomach, which was also a small world, but there was no one there. Yake didn't stop and kept going. Go straight to the third stomach, where Al Camie was swallowed two hundred years ago.

"Is this the place?"

"Hmph, this is the island where he was born, and Al Camie, who is pure gold, sleeps there!"

This place is close to the buttocks of the giant anglerfish. The light is not very good. The whole Al Camie is shrouded in darkness, and the faint white light from above illuminates the whole island, which looks very mysterious.

"Mr. Assier, please lead the way, I only want pure gold."

Yake's nail clippers were behind Assier, and the threat was self-evident.

"Of course, of course, the laboratory where the pure gold is stored is at the deepest part of this waste pit." Assier pointed to a staircase leading to the upper part.

Yake directly took the two of them to the gate at the top of the stairs. There was a string of unknown characters written on the left. If Robin was there, he would definitely be able to decipher it, but Yake is basically illiterate, and he can only read and write. language.

"What does this string of words mean? Mr. Assier? You should know!"

Assier nodded quickly, these words were left by himself, but it had been a long time since he wrote them, and he still needed to recall them.


"Find the shining gold


Will pay the price of life! --Misquier Assier. "

"Hey, Master Yake, I actually wrote it myself, but don't worry, with me leading the way, there will be no danger to your life!"

In order to show his sincerity, Assier directly took the lead and entered the gate. Under the leadership of Assier, the three of them directly arrived at a room with a piano. The piano is surrounded by a magma pool, and the whole room is very hot.

Acière caressed the keys of the piano and played a string of notes, but a round of arrows suddenly shot out from the high part of the room.

"Dad! Watch out!"

Assie's pupils shrank, it shouldn't be, the keys he pressed just now were the prelude, could it be that the trap has failed?

"Don't worry, keep going!"

Yake stretched out his left hand to control the magnetic force. The arrows were made of metal, and they were quickly attracted by the center of magnetic force made by Yake. They deflected and gathered on the top of Assier's head.

"Huhu, I was scared to death, thank you Lord Yake. Oro Jia, do you still remember your favorite lullaby when you were young?"

Assie gave Oro Jia a doting look, melodious notes came from the piano...

Listening to the familiar rhythm deep in memory, Oro Jia closed his eyes and began to chant softly.

"A kind smile...a hearty smile...your lovely smile..."

"Heart of silver and heart of gold, I give you both, Al Camie~Al Guyma~"

Assier played affectionately, and Oro Jia sang the lullaby that his mother used to listen to every day along with the rhythm, and the scene became warmer for a while. Yake closed his eyes and listened quietly to the ensemble of the father and daughter, and gradually relaxed.

After a short lullaby was sung, a circle of magma surrounding the piano slowly receded, revealing a step leading to an underground secret door. Yake slowly opened his eyes after hearing the movement.

"Papa, good singing! Let's go!"

The relationship between the two father and daughter seems to be getting better, Assier carries Oro Jia to keep up with Yake, and after entering the secret door, it seems to have reached the final stage.

This is an underground world. There is a small table on the right, with simple characters written on it, and a lava pool in front of it.

"The one who gets the shining gold is the one with Penultimate concentration and courage, shoot the holy eagle and build bridges!"

Assier slowly read the content above, looking at the suspension bridge above his head.

"Mr. Yake, as long as you hit the center of the Golden Eagle, the suspension bridge will come down. I believe that with Mr. Yake's ability, this is not a problem."

After hearing Assier's explanation, Yake picked up a small stone from the ground, shot the stone towards the center of the Golden Eagle like a marble, and hit it directly without any suspense. The suspension bridge on the opposite side slowly lowered, extending out of the bridge deck to Yake's feet.

Asie suddenly felt that the trap he had carefully designed seemed a bit idiotic, and it couldn't stop this powerful man at all, making him feel no sense of accomplishment at all.

Keep going, there is a door ahead, and there is a key next to it. But the lock of the gate is a stone crocodile with its mouth open, and the keyholes are all in the crocodile's mouth.

"This is the last checkpoint. Normally, there is no way to enter my laboratory. The keyholes are all disguises. Only by pulling the switch over there can we enter the real laboratory."

"Oh, don't bother!"

Yake waved his hand, signaling Assier to take Oro Jia back. The lightning surged in the palm of his hand, and a thunder beast rushed straight into the mouth of the stone crocodile.


The Thunder Beast exploded in an instant, blasting the door and the crocodile to pieces, leaving a big gap in the ground.

"Look, how simple is it?"


The three jumped into the cave and came to a laboratory piled with various minerals and metals. There was a jar on a wooden table in the center of the laboratory. Pure gold was soaked in a green solution, emitting a soft light.

"This is the pure gold I researched, Mr. Yake, take all you want!"

Assier handed the pot of pure gold to Jacques, without the slightest nostalgia, it was enough to be with his daughter.

Assier pointed to the ring in Oro Ka's hand and said: "The light emitted by pure gold contains the power to slow down the growth of all things extremely. Only under the light of pure gold can prevent Oro Ka's incurable disease from worsening. This is pure gold!"

"I also survived for two hundred years because of the power of pure gold, but fortunately, my daughter is still alive!"

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