"Ahahaha, that's really great, cough cough cough~"

Roger coughed up some blood again. Recently, he coughed up blood more and more frequently. Crocus basically followed Roger closely every day to prevent him from accidents.

"Roger!!" "Captain!"

Roger reached out to stop the crew members who wanted to check on him, and wiped the Bloodline from his mouth with his sleeve.

"I'm fine, hoo... let's keep going, our goal has not been accomplished yet! I won't die!!"

Shanks, who was raised by Roger as his son, had tears in his eyes and clenched his fists tightly.

"That's right, we still have to find the big treasure! Shanks, don't cry, how can a man cry at will?"

The aggravation of Roger's condition also made everyone feel a little impetuous, holding a breath in their hearts, and wanted to find the final island as soon as possible.


"Is this Wanokuni? Is the Life Card pointing in the wrong direction? Doesn't this look like a country?"

Jabba stared straight at the waterfall in front of him, but Yake laughed, Wanokuni is a special area, there is no coast outside the sea, and there are only cliffs and waterfalls around. After climbing over this waterfall, you can reach the inland sea of ​​Wanokuni.

"Let's go up!"

Yake walked to the bow and said that in order to save time, Yake chose a simple and rude way. After all, it was his first time to come to Wanokuni, unlike Oden who is a local and knows how to get up.

"It won't be the trick from last time, right? But our boat can't dock! Yake, you..."

Before Rayleigh finished speaking, Yake flew into the air, and after a few breaths, he became a blue dragon that covered the sky and the sun.

"Ah... this, this is?"

"Impossible! Isn't this an ability of the recently famous Kaido of the Beasts?"

"Ability is a trivial matter, the key is, isn't he a Thunder Fruit ability user?!"

Yake has never revealed that he is a double-fruit ability user before, just try to hide his power as much as possible. His name has been listed on the reward order, and the bounty is only about one billion. Marine fights, the only record Marine knows is fighting Whitebeard for three days and three nights.

Yake didn't say much, and directly used the flame cloud to carry the boat over the waterfall to the Wanokuni inland sea. There was a big Uzumaki in the middle of the inland sea. Yake simply took the boat to the beach.

"Yake, I really didn't expect that you still have this trick hahaha! It really saves a lot of effort!"

Roger patted Yake's shoulder happily, making him want to eat a fun Devil Fruit, it was so convenient.

"Roger, I'm afraid someone doesn't welcome us!" Rayleigh said vigilantly, his hand already on the hilt of his sword.

When Yake turned into a dragon and flew to Wanokuni, Kaido's subordinates noticed it. Now Kaido is ready to plan Wanokuni. Several weapon factories have been established. Now Oden has not returned, and the actual ruler of Wanokuni is Orochi.

"Master Kaido, a pirate group is coming, the flag is the Roger pirate group! Are we going to fight?" Kaido sat on the huge seat, drinking wine and listening to the report of his subordinates.

"Roger? What is he doing here?"

Kaido frowned, feeling that things were not simple.

"Don't act rashly, see what they are going to do! Keep an eye on them!"

Kaido waved his hand, picked up the mace on the side, and strode out. He was going to secretly observe Roger's movements, and he didn't want to fight Roger unless Roger was here to grab the territory from him.

Recklessness is just Kaido's appearance. In fact, he is very shrewd. Now that he has no men and no troops, it is impossible to defeat Roger Pirates. When my former captain Rocks Xebec was defeated by Roger and Garp, I was just an intern.

He is well aware of Roger's strength, and the only ones under his command that can make shots are Jhin and Quinn, but compared with Roger's right-hand man, Rayleigh Jabba, they are a bit muddy and unable to support the wall. It can only be said that the future can be expected.


"Who are we waiting for? What is the purpose of coming here?"

Kin'emon led a group of people to stop the way of the Roger Pirates. Before, they thought it was Oden who came back, but they didn't expect it to be just ordinary pirates.

"I'm Roger, and I know a samurai named Oden, do you know?"

Roger had a good relationship with Oden. Roger remembered that Oden said that he had some retainers in Wanokuni, and it would be easy if these people were his retainers, so that someone would lead the way.

"Master Oden? You know Master Oden!"

As soon as Kin'emon heard Oden's name, he became excited, and the Six Heroes of the Red Sheath were very excited. The other three went to sea with Oden, and they should still be on the Whitebeard ship now.

Several people surrounded Roger, waiting for Roger's next words.

"Yes, I have been friends with Whitebeard for many years. He is the captain of the second division on Whitebeard's ship. With him is a cat, a dog, and a samurai who looks like a woman. Am I right?"

Roger was afraid that they would not believe it, so he told the Six Heroes of the Red Sheath all the information he knew, but he didn't know why they cried and laughed when they heard the news about Oden, and their emotions were extremely unstable.

"It seems that you are indeed Lord Oden's friend, and this life card is also mine. What do you guys want to come to Wanokuni?"

The most mature Kin'emon is undoubtedly the leader of the six, and he basically negotiates with Roger.

Yake looked at Kurozumi Kanjuro quietly. It's a pity that this guy's acting skills can't be compared with Xiao Jinren. If Yake didn't know the follow-up plot, he might not have guessed that this guy is an undercover agent. I always thought it was Shinobu coming.

"Reporting to Master Kaido, Oden's retainers took Roger and his party to the back mountain of the Flower City. There is a cave there, a place we have never been to, and then our people will not be able to follow up."

Kaido stuck the mace into the ground, and locked his eyes on the cave in the back mountain of the Capital of Flowers.

"Go and call the big snake, I want to know what's hidden there!"

"Wait, you just said you saw me transform on the coast?"

"Yes, yes, Master Kaido, it is a giant dragon like you, but I don't know if it is you." The younger brother said tremblingly, Kaido is moody, and being his younger brother would have to be beaten every now and then.

"Oh, did I run out drunk?" Kaido only remembered that he had been drinking before Roger came, and this kind of thing had happened before, could it be...he lost his memory, Kaido thought in shock .

At this time, Jinweimen also brought Roger and others to the cave where the historical text was stored.

"That's what Master Oden said! See if it's what you're looking for!"

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