When you see the bright red, you know you can't go wrong.

Yake neatly rubbed down this piece of historical text. He was very excited, and the dusty history was finally about to be unraveled.

"Great, I finally collected all four landmarks of the historical text, Yake, I'm counting on you! Ahahaha!"

Roger raised his hands and laughed happily. The other crew members were finally relieved, but they couldn't help worrying. Roger's time is running out. When they reach the final island, their pirate group will be disbanded.

Yark calibrated the translation of the historical text of the four road signs and began to analyze the final location.

"Rayleigh, give me the map!"

Rayleigh hurriedly handed the map of the Grand Line to Yake, and everyone dared not make a sound, waiting quietly for Yake's result.

"Here, the coordinates of the first island..."

"Here, the second coordinate.. the last coordinate..."

Yake drew four locations on the map, and the center of these four locations was the location of the final island.

"Hahahaha, so it's here, Roger, get ready to go to the final island!"

Yake pointed at the intersection of the two red lines and laughed. Roger, Rayleigh and others rushed over to see where it was. After all, this is a place that no one has ever arrived. After seeing this clear coordinate, everyone Can't help cheering.

"Let's go! What are we waiting for?"

"Let's go! I can't wait!"


Saying goodbye to Kin'emon and others, Roger and his group returned to the coast of the Inland Sea. Jacques smiled mysteriously at the position behind him. He found that people were watching them all the time since he went ashore. At first, Jacques perceived ordinary The pirate is probably Kaido's younger brother. After he and others entered the cave, the people staring at them changed.

Yake didn't expect Kaido to be so tolerant, he was a bit unlike him, and he was still too conservative compared to Jack Kaido.

"Roger, let me take you back! Get on the boat first!"

Yake was going to leave Wanokuni directly by boat, but he really wanted to beat Kaido up. Fighting with Roger is not very exciting. It is better to fight Kaido's punches to the flesh.

When Roger returned to the pirate group and was ready to take his place, Yake transformed directly. Kaido, who was in the distance, widened his eyes, and fell to the ground without holding the mace firmly. He couldn't bear it anymore.

"How is this possible? Is that old woman more than me?"

Kaido roared and turned into a dragon and flew towards Yake. The residents of Jiuli thought that Kaido was drunk again and began to flee.

"Yake, what's going on here? Why is there still a dragon? Is it your brother?" Roger did not dare to accept the reality after confirming several times in a row. He did not expect so many surprises today.

Yake is really a mysterious man.

"Almost, he is indeed a younger brother to me now."

Yake quietly waited for Kaido's arrival in the air, turned his head and pushed the Oro Jackson to the distance: "Roger, you go first, I have your life card, I will gather with you later!"

"Okay, Yake, be careful when you're done, I'm still waiting for you to go to the final island together!" Roger's voice was loud, but the distance was too far for Yake to hear.

Kaido flew directly in front of Yake and confronted Yake in the air.

"Who the hell are you? How can you have the same ability as me!"

Yake directly ignored Kaido's questioning and launched an attack directly.

"Flame breath!"

Yake opened his mouth and spewed out a huge pillar of fire that stretched for a kilometer, giving Kaido a blow.

"Damn it!"

Kaido secretly scolded Yake for not talking about martial arts, and breathed heat to resist Yake's attack, but Yake's fire breath directly swallowed Kaido's heat, and it would burn Kaido's mane in a blink of an eye.

Kaido's dragon body shrunk sharply and turned into a dragon man form. He realized that the strength of the person in front of him who was similar to his ability had exceeded his expectations.

"Thunder Eight Trigrams!"

Without further ado, Kaido jumped straight into the air ready to loosen the bones for Axon.

Yake shook his head, the current Kaido is too young, Yake directly elementalized in advance, Kaido broke up a group of thunder and lightning with a stick, and the thunder and lightning quickly gathered to become the dragon head, with a slightly mocking smile.

"Kaido, that's not how Thunder Eight Trigrams are used..."

Yake turned into a human form and grabbed Kaido's mace directly. It was not very smooth, and it was a bit too big, but it didn't affect Yake's teaching.

"Kaido, watch out, here it is: Thunder Eight Trigrams!"

With the same stick, the special effects added by Yake are much more gorgeous than Kaido, and all kinds of buffs are directly filled, and Kaido is only hit with this blow. It is hard to say that Whitebeard insisted on this move.


Kaido was directly hit in the abdomen by Yake's stick, and a large ball of blood was sprayed out, and the whole person went directly to the city wall of Jiuli. But Yake flashed directly in front of Kaido without hesitation, punching and kicking.

"Come out!"

Yake grabs Kaido by the head and throws him straight out of the city wall onto Nine Mile Street.


The fight lasted nearly an hour.

The youth version of Kaido had no power to fight back in front of Yake. He was beaten beyond recognition, with more than a dozen broken ribs. The current Kaido is not only resistant to beatings, but also resists beatings, gradually losing the ability to resist.

"Alas~ let's go!"

Yake was very disappointed to see that Kaido had been knocked out of his eyes, and he was not interested in killing Kaido, so he sent him back to Ghost Island with a big foot!

The entire streets of Jiuli were ruined, and the people secretly looked at Yake behind the ruins with horrified faces. Whenever Yake glanced over, it would cause a burst of exclamation and screams.

As if nothing happened, Yake turned into a dragon and flew away. It didn't take long to beat Kaido. Roger and the others shouldn't have gone far. Yake wandered around in the sky for a few times and found Oro No. Jackson.

"Look, it must be Yake, don't guess, that Kaido guy can't be his opponent!" Roger said confidently, he had played against Yake, and he had a deep understanding.

"That's right, you guessed it right, let's go, there is a town before going to the final island, and it will take a long time to sail to get there, let's go to rest and replenish before we go!" Rayleigh saw the humanoid in the sky Yake said lightly that they also fought against Kaido in the early years, but for them, Kaido is just a newcomer with great potential. It is easy to defeat him, and it is more than enough to defeat Kaido with Yake's combat power.

"Great, let's go! Uh...uh~"

Buggy jumped up and shouted excitedly, then suddenly fell to the ground, his whole body was hot and his nose was glowing red.

"Hey~ Buggy! Buggy!"

Shanks suddenly tightened his expression when he saw his good friend fell down, and hurried forward to check his situation.

"Crocus, show Buggy what's going on!"

As soon as Yake landed on the boat, he saw a commotion. Did he call Kaido soon? As for it?

It was only after seeing Buggy Yake who was unconscious on the ground that he realized that the main character was not him.

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