"Thank you, Lord Yake, I happen to have something to do with Dorag."

Xiong leaned over to pay tribute to Yake, and disappeared in front of Yake with a sound of "Bo".

Yake: This operation seems familiar.

Everyone has left, there is nothing to stay in this place, under Vegapunk's resentful eyes, Yake walked out of the research base with his arms around Reiju and Hancock's waist.

"Hancock, I'll come to you again tonight, it's definitely a different experience, hehe..."

Yake took a sip of his saliva, kissed Hancock on the cheek, and left Hydra Island.

Hancock watched Jacques go away obsessively, and looked at the basically unused swimming pool in the palace.

"Quick! Clean up this place for the Ai family! Also, everyone is not allowed to go near the palace tonight!"

As soon as Yake left, Hancock immediately returned to the appearance of the queen, proudly raised his head...

God dwelling.

"Knock knock!" "Come in!"

Tela Nan walked into Yake's office slowly holding Ghost Cry, and looked at Yake indifferently, not because he disrespected Yake, but because he had always looked like this, and Yake was used to it.

"Ro, it looks like you're ready."

This is the first time that Luo came to find him alone. Jacques always remembered Luo's goal - to kill Doflamingo, and Jacques saw his hard work in the past few years.

Compared with Luo who became Shichibukai in the original book, his strength is not what it used to be. He has a proficient and solid Armament Haki, a freely retractable Observation Haki, a strong physique, and Op-Op Fruit has also awakened.

As long as Luo is willing, he can perform the eternal life operation at any time, but the Ark Pirates have a pile of pure gold, so it seems that it is not necessary.

Luo looked at Yake with confidence: "Captain, I'm going to Dressrosa Island. I have 100% confidence to kill Doflamingo, and I alone will be enough."

Yake smiled: "Luo, I believe you have the strength to kill Dover, but he still has family cadres, you can't deal with their entire family alone!"

"This is exactly the reason why I came. I have asked Crocodile, Jinbei, and Fan Oka to help me block Dover's men and create a chance for me to single out Dover. I hope the captain can approve it!"

Yake nodded. It seems that Luo has not been dazed by revenge. Although this lineup is a bit bullying, Yake doesn't want his crew to have accidents.

Yake always believes that only by living can he output.

"No problem, I approved it, but there is still a task for you."

Yake suddenly remembered that the Straw Hat Crew made a big fuss in Sabaody yesterday, and it should be on The fish men island now, which means that kid Momonosuke will show up soon.

"Captain, what mission?"

"I want you to go to Punk Hazard and find a kid with Momonosuke in his name. He's there, and he's accompanied by a man named Firefox Kinemon. They're all dressed up as samurai, so they're easy to identify."

Yake stretched his waist and said lazily: "When you find them, notify me immediately, do you understand?"

"No problem, Captain! I'm off then..."

Luo turned around and was about to leave, but Yake stopped him again.

"Wait a minute, if you meet a scientist named Guysa remember to catch him, he's kind of smart."

"Guy Scatter? I see."

Luo silently read Guy's name, and left without looking back.

Angel Island.

"Luo, did the captain agree?"

Anna concentrated on licking her palms and smoothing her fur, and only took the time to ask when she saw Luo coming.

"Well, the captain has already agreed, so please ask Anna to take us to New World."

Luo took out a dried deep-sea fish and handed it to Anna as travel expenses, and Anna took it into his pocket without any hesitation.

"Don't worry meow! Anna is fast and steady! Get on board!"

Luo boarded the long-lost Polar Diving, followed by Beibo, Jinbei, Fan Oka, and Sand Crocodile.

"Just go to New World, right?"

"That's right, New World will do, Anna!"

After Anna confirmed, she stepped on the Polar Diving, one cat and one boat went straight to the sky, and flew towards New World.

This kind of work is easy and not tiring. If Anna had to go to school, she would rather be a captain and fly around with ships or things.

Yake took Reiju to the base of the Revolutionary Army in the Kingdom of God in the Sky.

"Hahaha, welcome, welcome, Lord Yake is coming for the first time!"

Before getting close to Yake, I heard Drago's voice. The bear stood beside Drago like an iron tower, and Sabo was like a little transparent.

"It's okay, the place you chose is quite secret!"

No one knows business bragging better than Ak!

"Your Excellency Yake, I invite you and Ms. Reiju here this time to take out my Devil Fruit ability, and I want to give this ability to Sabo."

"Mr. Dorag..."

Drago patted Sabo on the shoulder without speaking, waiting for Yake's opinion.

"Sabo, is he your chosen next leader of the Revolutionary Army?"

Yake understood what Drago meant, and it seemed that Drago was very optimistic about Sabo's ability to make a difference.

"That's right, faith, strength, and Sabo are all suitable in every aspect, and my ability is very suitable for him."

"Dorag, what ability do you have? Climate fruit?"

Jacques has never fought against Drago before. I can only guess from the anime works I watched before. Drago’s strength has always been a mystery. The only impressive thing is a shot from the execution platform in Logue town. Is it Drago? There is still a question mark on the power!

Drago shook his head and said with a smile, "Hahaha, Mr. Yake is too worried. I am a Logia · wind fruit capable person, which is why the comrades with me will wear goggles."

"Windwind fruit? Interesting."

The fruit of Dorag is the wind fruit. Using the fruit ability during combat will affect the team members' sight, so everyone wears goggles to cooperate in combat; and because it is their own ability, they don't need to wear them at all.

Yake didn't ask too much, anyway, he wasn't very interested, it was just Devil Fruit, as long as he wanted it, what fruit couldn't he get?

"Then Dorag, you should know how to operate."

"Well, the bear has already told me, let's do it, Lord Yake, we are allies."

Dorag deliberately emphasized the last two words, and Yake smiled without saying a word.

Yake nodded and signaled to Reiju to prepare, and Drago didn't have any resistance, and Yake easily stunned Drago.

"Okay, let's get started!"


Yake woke up Drago, and had a light blue Devil Fruit in his hand, and threw it to Drago indifferently.

"Here you go, just this time, next time you will have to pay haha!"

Ya Ke put his arms around Reiju and turned to leave.

"Eat it! Sabo."

The dragon didn't miss it, and threw the Devil Fruit to Sabo.

"Well! Mr. Dorag!"

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