Nine Snake Island.

The palace looked deserted tonight, except for the brightly lit swimming pool.

There is no one on the surface of the water, but there is an undercurrent under the water.


A burst of bubbles burst out of the water and exploded in the air, making an inaudible sound, and two figures quickly surfaced.

"Ah~ Yake, I didn't expect it to feel like this in the water!"

Hancock, who had regained his swimming ability, was a little excited. He lay on Yake's chest, his face flushed, panting continuously, and the fragrance was like blue.

Yake patted Hancock on the shoulder to calm her down. In order to exercise Hancock's lung capacity, Yake paid a lot.

This is probably the daily life of Yake and Hancock, but it is not normal.


the next day.

"Hancock, this fruit is for you, Soul Soul Fruit, I need your strength."

Yake took out the soul soul fruit from the storage bar, which is one of the key abilities to kill Im, and he can only rest assured if he eats it for someone close to him.

"Well, I listen to you."

Hancock took a bite without hesitation, turned into a landlubber again, gently raised Hancock's arm, and the surrounding flowers, plants and trees were endowed with souls by her.

"Queen! Queen!"

The flowers, plants and trees grew cute smiling faces one by one, scrambling to greet Hancock, treating her as a real queen!

"It feels good, Yake, I will seriously develop the fruit ability, and try to help you as soon as possible."

Hancock has a serious face, and regards the development of fruit ability as his top priority.

Yake touched Hancock's head to show his encouragement, and told Hancock some of his understanding of Soul Soul Fruit when he was fighting with Big Mom. A little detour.


Yake returned to Shenju and went straight into the treasure house.

This is where Yark keeps his treasures. If other pirates enter this place, they will mistakenly think that this is Raftel.

Gold here is only the most basic property, and more are all kinds of gems, cultural relics, etc. The whole treasure house is full of the atmosphere of local tyrants.

But today Yaklai took these treasures away. Robin has fabricated a more "reasonable" false historical text that is quite unfavorable to the World government. It is time for Raftel to reform.

With a wave of his hand, all the treasures were put into the storage bar by Yake, and the jeweled treasure house instantly became empty, leaving only a dozen lamp shells that silently glowed white.

"Robin, Anna, we elbow!"

Everything was ready, and the three set off directly to Raftel, and thanks to the pointer provided by Bullet, they flew in the direction recorded by the pointer.


The final island, Raftel.

"Captain, are you sure you have been here? It seems that no one has been here for a long time!"

Robin was indeed a little excited at first, but soon calmed down. After all, she already knew all the history, so she began to examine this so-called final island.

After careful observation, it is not difficult to find that no one has been here for a long time. Robin measured the footprints and other traces, and preliminarily judged that these should be left by Roger's landing at that time, but could not find any recent traces.

So Robin looked at Yake suspiciously.

"Ahahaha, this, this captain doesn't need to walk, don't you know?"

"It's too fake, I hope you won't be eaten by birds when you fly that day!"

Yake: ...

Robin gave Yake a blank look, turned to look at the historical text on Raftel, and found that it was exactly the same as the one Yake brought back, so he didn't speak any more.

"Okay, let's start the transformation now!"

Yake first put the real historical text into the storage bar, so Raftel became a veritable desert island, with nothing left.

"Anna, please come and plow the field!"

Yake told Anna his idea, and asked Anna to transform the terrain here according to the style he imagined.

The terrain of Raftel changed freely under Anna's control. After the transformation was completed, it was almost unrecognizable, and it became what the world imagined.

Those with Lion Fruit ability are strong!

She did all the work that required hundreds of cows and horses by herself, and only needed a small dried fish!

Yake nodded with satisfaction, very satisfied with his thoughts.

There is a huge cave in the center of Raftel, which is strangely rugged and exudes an ominous atmosphere. As we all know, the more such a place is, the more likely it is to hide treasures.

So reasonable!

However, the cave was empty, there was nothing, and the ground was covered with broken stones.

Yake first took out the historical text stele fabricated by Robin from the storage column, two large pieces, Yake randomly placed it in the center of the cave, and now only treasures are needed to decorate it.

"These gems will trouble you, Anna."

Yake took out a hill of gemstones and diamonds in different colors, which were worth a lot at first glance. Yake vaguely remembered that the gems in a certain work in Blue Star were inlaid inside the cave, and Yake was going to reproduce it.

"Leave it to Anna Meow!"

Under Anna's control, a bunch of precious stones flew around, messily inlaid on the ground and the inner wall of the cave, reflecting the light of the torches, and the whole cave suddenly felt like a treasure trove.

Yake gave Anna a thumbs up.

"Captain, is this really good? I think..."

Robin always felt a little weird. As a genuine historian, he witnessed Yake's falsification of history.

"Hey~ Don't you see that this is very in line with people's imagination of Raftel? As long as this news is given to that birdman Morgans, everyone in the world will believe that I have found Raftel."

Yake said indifferently, thinking silently in his heart, except for the Roger Pirates.

"Uh... well, whatever you want, who called you the captain?"

Robin helplessly covered his forehead and gave up the treatment.

"The last step, gold!!!"

How can there be gems without gold? Otherwise, this Raftel looks a bit too shabby.

Yake put a lot of gold handicrafts in the cave, and the whole cave was shining under the golden light reflected by the gold, which almost blinded Yake's titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.

The interior of the cave has been decorated, and the next step is the exterior.

Yake held his chin and thought for a while: "By the way, the exterior looks too ordinary, and we should add more materials!"

"Lei Metallurgy!"

People imagine that Raftel's treasure can buy the whole world. The inside of the cave is not exciting enough, but the cave is almost full, so we can only think about it outside.

And so several hollow mountains of gold landed on Raftel.

Now Yake is really satisfied.

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