Punk Hazard, Thousand Sunny.

Brook poured a cup of tea and savored it carefully, while Kin'emon swallowed.

"This tea, can I have a cup?"


Brook turned around and took out two cups, poured a cup for Momonosuke and Kin'emon respectively, and let them taste the black tea he brewed himself.

"Suck ~"

"It's delicious!"

Zoro leaned on the mast with his head in his hands, and put the three famous swords aside casually, watching the so-called father and son Momonosuke and Kin'emon:

"It's too late to ask now, but why did you get on this ship?"

Nami pricked up her ears. After hearing Momonosuke's name, she remembered the task entrusted to them in Yak, God of Sky Kingdom two years ago, which was to find a man named Momonosuke. I don't know if it was this kid?

Usopp crossed his hips and said suspiciously: "It's true to hear what you said! Didn't the children all board the Marine's boat?"

Kin'emon knelt on the ground and said: "Your Majesty is on an important journey, so I don't want to get involved with Marine and waste time. Just put us on an island with a port. Before that, I will trouble everyone. !"

Seeing this, Momonosuke also learned to look good, and knelt down on the grass with Kin'emon: "Please!!"

Luffy climbed onto the lion on the bow and said nonchalantly, "Okay!"

"Pay after the ship's fare reaches the shore!" Nami didn't bother to think whether Momanosuke was the person Yake was looking for, and it was important to collect the money first.

"Are you still charged?"

Kin'emon was shocked, he is an out-and-out poor ghost!

"Nami, where is the next island?"

"Let me see!"

Luo walked to the deck with a ghost crying and said lightly: "The next destination has been confirmed, and it is Dressrosa!"


Kin'emon suddenly became excited when he heard the name.

"What? Do you know this island?"

"No, that's exactly where I want to go! Could it be that you are also going to do business there?"

Luffy smiled and said "Maybe..."

A drop of cold sweat ran across Luo's forehead: "You don't understand at all, do you?"


Luo fell silent, his face darkened, and he was speechless.

"Hey, Luo, you seem to have talked to someone just now?"

Nami knows that Luo is a member of the Ark Pirates, has he notified Yake?

"It's Doflamingo! My goal this time."

Usopp yelled in front of Luo: "Doflamingo? It's that Shichibukai!!! He should be the toughest right?"

Luo ignored Usopp and said to himself: "The battle has begun!"

Zoro frowned: "What battle?"

"Yeah, tell us what combat is!" Luffy was in high spirits.

"I'm going to defeat Doflamingo, our men have gone to Dressrosa, if you don't fear death, you can come too!"

Luffy, Usopp, Zoro and others are all around Luo.

"Really? We can be together too!"

"Luffy, calm down, the other party is a member of Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

As soon as Luffy heard that there was a fight going on, Luffy instantly became energetic. Usopp had no love in his life, but he still tried to persuade Luffy, how would he know if he didn't try?

Nami didn't speak, and kept observing Luo's expression. It seemed that he didn't know anything about Kin'emon and Momanosuke.

"It's mainly me and Doflamingo, me and him have reasons to have to fight."

Sanji pointed at Guy and said, "What about him?"

Luo cast a glance at Guysa, who lowered his head and didn't know what he was doing, and said slowly: "Guysa is the one our captain wants, and I will take him to meet our captain."

"Ah! Your captain? Who is it?"

Luffy scratched his head in a fog.

"Idiot, he is a member of the Ark Pirates, and his captain is of course God Yake, one of the emperors of the sea!"

Usopp angrily gave Luffy a hand knife.

"Oh, Yake, I know, he saved me and Ace in the Summit War, and I haven't thanked him yet!"

Luffy grinned and said that his influence on Yake is still very profound. His master Rayleigh is Yake's adoptive father. Luffy is often compared with Yake by Rayleigh when he is practicing. Yake is also the person he wants to defeat. one.

Sanji let out a puff of smoke, looked at Luo and said, "The bounty with a bounty of five billion Baileys! He must be very strong, but Luo, do you have to defeat Doflamingo yourself?"

"Yes, the captain can easily kill Doffer, but I have a grudge against Doflamingo, and Doflamingo can only be killed by myself."

Luo Chang breathed a sigh of relief, getting closer and closer to Dressrosa, and the memories of the past came like a tide. Whether it was for Rosinante or for himself, Doflamingo had to pay the price.

"By the way, that person's name is Momanosuke, right?"

Luo pointed to Momanosuke and Kin'emon in the distance.

Sanji and Nami's pupils shrank, and Usopp suddenly realized, remembering his experience in the Kingdom of Sky God.

Asked in a low voice: "Could it be that he is the person Yake is looking for?"

Luo remained silent, nodded his head to express his acquiescence, turned and left.

"Huh? What's the matter with Peach?"

Luffy saw that something was wrong with Nami Sanji, and scratched his head in confusion.


While Momonosuke and Kin'emon rested, Nami gathered several people together.

"What are you doing? Nami, I just dreamed about eating meat!"

Luffy was bleary-eyed and was very upset that Nami interrupted his dream.

"Idiot! Have you forgotten the mission entrusted to us in Yak, God of Sky Kingdom two years ago?"

Nami knocked on Luffy's head resentfully.


"No impression."

Nami clutched his forehead tiredly.

Under the vivid interpretation of Nami and Usopp, Luffy finally recalled what Yake said at the time. At that time, he was too busy eating Kenkiki Family Bucket and didn't pay much attention.

Franky and Brook, who joined the Straw Hat Crew after God of the Sky, also knew the ins and outs.

"Momonosuke who is on our ship now is the person Yake is looking for. Do you think we should notify Yake?"

Nami's cross is almost overflowing. After two years of training, her will of D has become stronger.

Luffy felt a little bad, took out the family bucket, took out two finger sucking chickens and stuffed them into his mouth, thinking while eating.

"Since I promised Mr. Yake a long time ago, I still have to tell him. We just need to call him to inform him, right?"

Although Usopp has a good impression of Yake, Momonosuke is a child. If he is handed over to Yake, his end will most likely be death.

Out of fear, he still felt that Jacques should be informed, after all, they and Momanosuke just met by chance.

There's no need to make troubles with Yake for irrelevant people...

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