At night, Straw Hat Crew was still discussing the issue of Momonosuke.

Luffy didn't say a word. Although he didn't have a deep friendship with Momanosuke, he knew the consequences of telling Yake the news that Momanosuke was on his boat.

Others are still discussing. Zoro, Sanji, Nami, and Usopp agreed to notify Yake. Brook and Franky who joined later did not express their views, but these are meaningless. Luffy is the captain, and the final decision is in his hands.


While everyone was still discussing, Luffy suddenly patted the table, attracting everyone's attention.

"I've decided not to tell Yake, let's send Momanosuke and Kinemon to Dressrosa and then tell him! There's only so much we can do!"

Luffy said with a serious face that although he owed Yake a lot of favors, he promised to take them to the next port. Even if he wanted to notify Yake, he had to wait for him to send the father and son to Dressrosa.

Luffy has already made a decision, and everyone agreed with Luffy's approach. Nami yawned. It was a big night, and he was a little tired. He was about to go back to sleep. Luo, who was hiding in the kitchen and eavesdropping, activated his ability, and a bean fell into the crack on the ground .

"Blue, blue, blue~"

"Who? Are you calling so late?" Robin sleepily took the phone bug and handed it to Yake beside him.

"Ah, someone is calling? Let me see~"

Yake didn't even open his eyes, and he caught the phone bug by feeling.

"Hi, I'm Yake."

"Captain, the Straw Hat Crew decided to land on Dressrosa and tell you the news about Momonosuke. They have been struggling for a long time~"

"Yeah, I see, don't let Momonosuke escape, keep an eye on them."

Neither of them mentioned about Doflamingo. Luo is confident that he can defeat Dover, and Jacques also believes that Luo can easily defeat Doflamingo. What's more, with the help of Jinbei, Lao Sha and others, his captain and Dover's cadres are simply Not one level.

Dressrosa, the Highlands of Kings.

Doflamingo's face was gloomy. After learning that Guy was arrested, his mood suddenly turned cloudy, especially when Luo called him specially and asked him to wash his neck and prepare to die. Doflamingo was so angry that he smashed it on the spot. A set of expensive furniture.

"Patriarch! The people from Kaido of the Beasts have arrived!"

The baby5 in the propeller form rushed into the palace, and immediately passed the news to Dover.

"Furfurfur~ that's great! God? Fufurfur~ I don't know if your subordinates are stronger or Kaido's subordinates are stronger!"

Doflamingo was in a good mood, and Luo thought he was settled, but he also had a backer. No, when he heard that he was in trouble, he was still from Yake, so Kaido immediately sent a big kanban to help out.

Now, it's hard to say who lives and who dies!

"baby5, take me to see them immediately!"

Under the leadership of baby5, Doflamingo stepped out of the palace with arrogant steps.

Walking out of the city, Doflamingo saw the tall Plague-Quinn at a glance, and all kinds of strange givers behind him.

"Furfurfurfur~Welcome to my country, I didn't expect Kaido to send you here."

"Do you think big brother is looking for you? Wrong, it's because the Beasts Pirates have already fought against the Ark Pirates. I heard that the Ark Pirates are back this time, so big brother asked me to help you! FUNK!"

Quinn spoke very fast, and it was a bit like rap while talking. His fat body twisted flexibly, and the younger brothers around him were beating the beat. If it wasn't for the microphone, Quinn would have a meet and greet concert with Dover .

"When did this happen?"

Doflamingo said in shock, is Yake's handwriting already so big? First he wiped out Big Mom, and now he's at war with the Beasts Pirates. If he was allowed to wipe out the Beasts Pirates, wouldn't he become a sea overlord comparable to Rocks?

Now even if he told Dover Yak found Raftel, he would believe it. Yak, who debuted less than five years ago, has already surpassed countless pirates, making Dover wonder whether he has lived on a dog these years.

Comparing people to people makes people mad.

"Just a few days ago, Yake killed brother Jack, woohoo, really useless, so the big brother is now at odds with Yake, I hope you can recognize your position."

Quinn changed into an extremely serious one, without any threatening words, but every sentence revealed a threatening meaning, reminding Doflamingo not to make small moves.

"Furfurfurfur~ I can't enter God's eyes, his subordinates are here to kill me!"

Doflamingo didn't care either. To be honest, whenever Yake revealed that he wanted to recruit him, Doflamingo joined directly. But it was a pity that Yake not only didn't want to recruit him, but Aokiji didn't bother to kill him.

On the surface, Dressrosa still looks peaceful and peaceful. Toys and humans live in harmony, and there is a romantic atmosphere everywhere. Gladiators shed their blood and sweat in the bullfighting arena. In fact, there has already been an undercurrent here, and various forces have gathered here.

Fantasy Island, Zou.

After Anna became the new king of Zou, she abolished the two work and rest schedules established by Neko Mamushi and Inuarashi, and the fur people can arrange their own time according to their living habits.

Robin has been teaching Anna "The King's Self-cultivation" recently. Anna has studied it very seriously this time, and she really wants to be a good king this time.

Robin, as the actual king of the Kingdom of Sky God, has a lot of experience. It just so happened that she had nothing to do in Zowu these days, so she simply opened a cram school, teaching the children of Zowu to learn about the sea during the day, and studying in Zowu at night. Tutor Anna alone.

Robin's lectures are very good. Many fur tribe adults who are interested in the outside world also listen to Robin's talk about the outside world with the children. Now her status in Zou is no less than Anna.

Yake is probably almost forgotten, because he has been thinking about how to bring Zou back to the Kingdom of God in the sky these days.

Zou is very strange. The forest, vegetation, and buildings here are all on the back of the elephant owner. Unless one layer of the elephant owner's skin is torn off, there is no way to pack Zou away at once.

Anna's ability Lion Fruit ability is very convenient, but physical strength can't keep up.

In the end, Yake chose to take a part of Zou, the house building must be taken, and only a part of Zou's unique plants should be taken.

Yake has already thought about the location of Zou. It is on the other half of Gaya Island. It is big enough and rich in resources. It just borders on Angel Island, and it is very convenient for foreign exchanges.

Yake scratched his head. As soon as Zowu joined, the God of Sky Kingdom really became a zoo, with all the animals swimming in the sea and running on the ground...

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