The Kingdom of God in the Sky, Angel Island.

Hancock was waiting anxiously, next to Robin and others. Although they were comforting Hancock, they were also worried about Yake. After all, it was the legendary Uranus who had the power to destroy the world.

"Look, it's Yaxama!!"


Hancock raised his head suddenly, covered his mouth, waited until Yake returned to the ground, and checked Yake's physical condition to see if there was any injury.

"Don't worry, how could something happen to me?"

Yake patted Hancock on the back to show comfort, and said to Robin behind him: "Aokiji and the others are there? Call them all over, we need to discuss the battle plan."

"No problem Captain, what's the plan?"

"Dragon Slayer!"


God dwelling.

The leaders and important figures of the three parties met here, Marine, Revolutionary Army, and Pirates.

There is only one purpose, to kill Uranus.

"Everyone, I have seen the ability of Uranus just now. I have to say that it does have the ability to destroy the world, and it is invincible. Gathering everyone together today is to brainstorm and discuss countermeasures together."

Yake sat on the main seat, which he deserved, and everyone else acquiesced in this sorting.

"Let me start first. I will share with you the information about Uranus and the process of fighting."

Yake stood up, simulated the appearance of Uranus with lightning, and began to explain to everyone.

"Uranus Uranus, Ancient Weapon...that's all I know, do you have any questions?"

Aokiji frowned and stared at the Uranus model in Yake's hand, raising his hand.

"Mr. Aokiji, you say."

"According to what you said, unless we have the ability to avoid the range of Uranus' attack, or we will be killed in one hit, otherwise we will not be able to avoid one round of its attack, which is too..."

"I understand what you mean, Aokiji, so I have already prepared a backup, this is Dr. Vegapunk, he will answer your questions."

Yake showed a long-lost smile, and Vegapunk, dressed in a white lab robe, walked in front of everyone.

"Mr. Yake, please take out the nuclear reaction neutralization device!"

"no problem."

Yake put the device on the open space for everyone to watch.

Several Demon fruit power present suddenly felt their bodies were hollowed out, and they were paralyzed in their positions. There was no way, the power of the essence of Devil Fruit was indeed a bit beyond the standard.

"This, what is this? Seastone?"

Aokiji gradually got used to the feeling of weakness and sat down again. He represented Marine, and Sabo, Xiong and others of the Revolutionary Army also tried their best to maintain a normal state.

"Yes, no, this is the essence of seastone that is a hundred times more effective than seastone, and its production is even rarer than seastone."

Vegapunk explained with a smile, this is the reaction that Demon fruit power should have, unlike Yak, it is a monster.

Next, Vegapunk began to talk about the effect of the nuclear reaction neutralization device and how to counter Uranus.

As the Vegapunk explanation unfolded, everyone became more and more confident. As long as Uranus couldn't use his abilities, it would be a big target.

"I understand, Mr. Yake, we have to wait for Uranus to release the nuclear explosion first, put this device into its body, and then he will lose the fruit ability. We can besiege it at this time, right? "

Sabo tentatively looked at Yake and asked, until Yake nodded before showing a smile.

"That's right, it's basically like this, but the difficulty lies in how to let him drink water to cool down after releasing the nuclear explosion, and then control it in one fell swoop."

"After Uranus is under control, how to put the device into Uranus' stomach to maximize the effect of the device."

As soon as the words came out, everyone fell into thinking again, and Yake put the device into the storage box to avoid accidents.

Although time is urgent, a feasible plan must be discussed, otherwise the entire army may be wiped out by then.


The collective wisdom is infinite. It took a day for everyone to formulate five plans, three of which are backup plans, which will only be used in extremely bad situations.

In view of the danger of Uranus, the participants in this battle were carefully selected, otherwise they would die in vain.

The list of participants in this "Dragon Slaying Battle" is as follows.

output core:

Yake, Reiju, Fujitora, Sabo (Wind Fruit Ability)

Special, control system:

Aokiji: Frozen Fruit capable person.

Blueno: A person with door fruit ability.

Bear: A person with fleshy fruit ability.

Bullet: A person with combined fruit ability.

Support: Shirahoshi, Ana, Robin, Betty (Inspiring Fruit).

Collaborative battle: Dorag, Momousagi, Tranan, Fan Oka, etc.

This is just a preliminary list, this time the lineup is absolutely unprecedented, gathering the powerhouses from all sides, with these people, Uranus will undoubtedly die.

However, no one is relaxing at this moment. Aokiji rushed back to the Marine headquarters non-stop, saying that he was going to find Kizaru. Drago activated the intelligence system of the Revolutionary Army to monitor Uranus' movements in real time.

Two days later, the situation is very grim.

In just two days, Uranus wandered around the world, destroying more than two dozen islands, leaving few survivors, and causing unimaginable damage to the world.

Moreover, Uranus' attacks are aimless and irregular, and it is extremely difficult to predict where it will appear next time and release a nuclear explosion.

"We can't wait any longer, we must go out now and find that damned beast Uranus! Kill it!"

Drago's eyes were full of red blood. Uranus was wreaking havoc all over the world. The biggest loss was undoubtedly the Revolutionary Army. Even the information was passed to him by the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army before their death. How could he not be in a hurry.

"Yes, we must find it as soon as possible, otherwise, even if this world is not destroyed, it is not far from destruction."

Aokiji agreed with Drago's point of view in a deep voice. The two looked at Yake at the same time. The final decision still rests with Yake. Whether it is status or strength, Yake is the strongest. If Yake vetoes, they will also I can only wait.

"I've contacted Morgans and asked him to dispatch all the newspaper delivery seagulls to help us locate Uranus. I know the situation is urgent, but we can't mess up."

"No matter how urgent you are, do you want to search the whole world for traces of Uranus? Impossible, we don't have that time to waste."

"Uranus is not a lion that escaped a circus, and we are not breeders looking for lions, this is war, folks!"

"War will kill people!!!"

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