Yake's voice resounded throughout the hall, and Aokiji and Drago lowered their heads.

The sacrifice was too great, and they were indeed a bit over the top. Yake's eagerness to kill Uranus was understandable, and even Yake was ready for Uranus to come to the God of Sky Kingdom.

At this time, Yake's phone bug rang, and everyone's eyes gathered on the phone bug that had been simulated as a bird's head. If there is no accident, this is definitely the birdman Morgans.

"I'm Yak, any news of Uranus?"

"Your Excellency Yark, my children saw traces of Uranus at Whiskey Peak in the first half of the Grand Line. It has destroyed Whiskey Peak and is heading towards East Blue."

Yake said excitedly: "Great, continue to let your children stare at it, don't let it disappear again, we will be there soon."

"No problem, that, after the Uranus is wiped out, look at the position of the head of the Ministry of Information..."

Drago on the side shouted angrily: "No problem, you are indispensable!"

"Hahaha, that's great, I'll definitely keep an eye on Uranus, this is big news!"

The phone hung up, and Yake quickly gave an order.

"Kizaru and I went to East Blue first to attract Uranus' attention, and other fighters boarded my Eternal Truth and rushed to East Blue. Time is urgent, and this time is definitely not to be missed."

After Yake finished speaking, he left Shenju directly, and a yellow light immediately followed Yake.

"Oh~ I didn't expect that one day I would be able to work with you. This feeling is really amazing~"

Kizaru's straight line speed is faster than that of Yake, so he can talk to Yake so leisurely.

Yake rolled his eyes and didn't bother to complain about Kizaru. Aokiji asked him to help. The reason was that he was allowed to use only 10 missions a year, and the salary remained the same! It's outrageous. Yake has reason to suspect that Kizaru will definitely find time to fish when he fights Uranus.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry on your way! This is the phone bug number of Morgans, you are fast, you go to East Blue to confirm the situation of Uranus!"

Kizaru pouted, mumbled something in his mouth, and quickly disappeared.

Yake was already helpless, the obviously serious atmosphere made Kizaru act like a sketch, if not for being teammates with Kizaru now, otherwise Yake would have punched Kizaru twice.

East Blue, known as the weakest sea, is actually the most outrageous sea area. There are not many people who can make a name for themselves here, but all of them are the top powerhouses of the sea.

Let’s not talk about Roger, Garp, etc. Luffy, Sabo, Ace, Zoro, etc. in the new era are among the best.

But East Blue is also full of disasters. The first goal of Shiki's comeback is East Blue, because this is where Roger is buried. Now Uranus is also eyeing East Blue.


"I'm Yake, speak up!"

"Oh~ Yake, I've seen Uranus~ It's really scary! It's so big, it's really Uranus!"

"I, an old man, can't stand its torment! I said, later on, you will..."

"Shut up! Where is the location? I'll be right there!"

Yake looked up to the sky and sighed, and began to hate himself for not giving Kizaru two punches just now.

"Wu~ It's so fierce~ Its destination seems to be the Kingdom of Goa. Oh, really, it seems that another island is going to disappear, it's too scary~"

After Yake learned the location, he hung up the phone decisively. He didn't want to hear Kizaru's slow tone anymore, and he had the urge to hit someone.

Yake speeded up and rushed towards the Goa Kingdom.

Kingdom of Goa.

When the Revolutionary Army declared war on the World Government, the king and nobles of the Goa Kingdom were subsequently replaced by the Revolutionary Army. Now the country is recuperating, and people's eyes are full of hope.

The sky suddenly darkened, and the people of Goa Kingdom raised their heads one after another.

"Ahhh! What is that? A monster! Run!" "That's... Uranus, hurry up and report to Mr. Drago!"

The people ran away screaming, and the revolutionary army cadres who managed the place sent information to Drago at the last moment. They knew very well that as long as Uranus appeared, the place would become barren, and the survival rate was almost zero.

Uranus was wandering and found the island on the ground, his eyes were still scarlet, and he opened his mouth to use a nuclear strike.

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"

Kizaru arrived just in time and attacked Uranus on the head without hesitation.

This time, the hit rate of the light bullets was 100%. One of them hit Uranus without falling, and a series of explosions sounded. Uranus' angry roar resounded all over the world, but Kizaru was the only one with scarlet eyes.

"Ah~ Is it completely useless? This kind of defense... is too scary~ No, it's angry!"

"Eight-foot mirror!"

Kizaru was terrified when he saw the light accumulated in Uranus's mouth, he ran away without saying a word, he was really afraid of anyone, running away, he is invincible!

With the light flashing, Kizaru ran for nearly ten kilometers in one breath under extremely terrifying circumstances. Uranus' attack naturally fell through, and the angry Uranus landed directly in the Goa Kingdom, lying on the land and sucking wildly at the sea.

The steam around him scalded many people to death, and the Kingdom of Goa was still too small in front of Uranus, even if Uranus didn't even need a nuclear strike.

"Looks like I came just in time..."

Yake smiled at Uranus who was still drinking water to cool down, and took out the phone bug.

"Anna, how long will it take to reach Goa Kingdom in East Blue?"

"Yaksama, I've reached the fastest speed, I still need a little time, but it's almost there!"

"Okay, then Kizaru and I hold it, you hurry up!"

"No problem, Anna will bring them to help Yaxama immediately!"

Yake hung up the phone, stretched his muscles, and looked at the state of Uranus. He knew that it had released a nuclear strike just now, and it should have been avoided by Kizaru. Yake didn't believe that Uranus could kill Kizaru after he was about to escape.

Now was one of the few times when he could give Uranus a good beating.

Yake took out a seastone stick with a length of 100 meters from the storage rack, which was specially made for Uranus.

"Air Shock Breaks the Army!"

Driven by Yake's huge force, the seastone pillar broke through the air and made a sharp whistling sound. Uranus, who was concentrating on drinking water, raised his head, and his eyes immediately locked on Yake, with majestic hatred in his eyes.


Uranus opened his mouth and was about to swallow Yake and his stick in one gulp. Yake faintly smelled the salty smell of sea water.

"Shut your mouth!"

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