Pirates: The Beginning Makes The World Feel The Pain

234. Dimensional Coordinate Orbit Determination

One year later, Laputa in the Sky (formerly Sky Kingdom)

The world of Pirates has been on the right track, and Yake has officially retired and become an ordinary person.

Because Yake gave up all his rights, Drago compiled Yake and his deeds into history in order to thank him for his contribution. Almost all newborn children know this former god on earth, and it has been passed down through the ages.

This year, Yake took his wives to visit this brand-new world, leaving their traces in every corner of the world. Yake has shed sweat on the corner of the island, the dense jungle, and the towering mountain. ...

It’s just that I don’t know why, no matter who there is no sign of pregnancy, Yake can’t help but doubt life. Fortunately, with pure gold, their faces are fixed at the most beautiful moment, and time cannot stay on them. leave no trace.

After a year of honeymoon, Yake began to miss the adventurous time before. Only then did he remember the rewards of the system, the dimensional coordinates, can he go to another world and start a new journey.

The city of the sky - the residence of the gods, a hermitage far above the white sea.

"System, use dimensional coordinates!"

"Ding, the dimensional coordinates have been orbited, and the orbital dimension-Marvel Universe, please host, get ready, ten people can pass through at the same time."

"Marvel Universe?"

Yake frantically searched for memories in his mind. After thinking about it, he seemed to only remember that there were the Hulk, Iron Man, the Director of the Family Planning Office, and by the way, there was Thor!

Yake shook the back of his head, feeling that the Marvel world is a bit dangerous! There are really too many people who can't beat it.

The god king Odin, the king of Asgard, Thanos really didn't dare to do anything to Asgard when he was alive.

Gu Yi, the supreme mage of the earth, fought against the invasion of the multiverse with his own power, and his strength was unfathomable. Similarly, Thanos did not dare to invade the earth himself when she was alive.

Jacques only knows about the strong ones that appear in the movie. As for Thanos, Jacques doesn’t know if he can beat him. After all, he only knows if he has been beaten.

"System, how many days can it last after the dimensional coordinates are determined?"

Yake didn't want to go in so soon, there are still some things to prepare before going.

"The dimensional channel lasts for three days, and it will automatically close after three days."

Yake touched his chin, three days, it's okay, he still has time to prepare, looked at the Devil Fruit in the inventory, Yake had a new idea.

Yake found Hancock and the others and told them about the situation of the dimensional coordinates.

"Yak, are you saying we're going to a new world soon?"

"Great Yaxama, we can finally go on an adventure!"

Not surprisingly, Hancock and the others agreed. After they got married, they unloaded all the burdens and retired from the world. There was almost nothing else to do except to be with Yake. More importantly, they believed that Yake gram.

"Well, we will set off on time in three days. You put all your things on the Eternal Truth, and the Ark Pirates will set sail again!"


Yake has not been idle these two days. He asked Aokiji to ask for Frozen Fruit. Unexpectedly, Aokiji agreed. Now he doesn't need to fight anymore. When he found the bear, he took out the Devil Fruit directly. Yake expressed his sincerity Thanks.

Before Yake left, Aokiji asked curiously: "Why do you want my Devil Fruit so suddenly?"

"Because we are about to go to another world and start a new journey in another world!"

Yake smiled mysteriously, and the man had disappeared.

Yake is Logia Devil Fruit. Logia is born with incomparable advantages. It can be elementalized, at least a little bit of security in the new world.

Yake asked the bear to take out Robin's Flower-Flower Fruit, fuse the Flower-Flower Fruit with the Frozen Fruit, and then let Robin eat it, so that Robin also became a compound ability, and his strength increased with the tide.

After doing all this, Yake glanced at the water fruit in the storage bar. This is the Devil Fruit reborn after killing Im, which Yake found on his honeymoon.

At that time, he was still playing games with Hancock in the woods, and then it ran out by itself, and after taking it back for experimentation, it was found that it was a fruit of water.

Yake originally wanted to destroy the Devil Fruit, but thought that if Shirahoshi went to another world and lost the power of Poseidon, then she would lose the ability to protect herself, so Yake decided to let Shirahoshi eat the Devil Fruit.

"Is everything ready?"

Yake looked around and saw their expectant expressions, Yake knew they were ready.

There was also Bullet present, and Jacques had promised to take him to another world. After that, there was no relationship between them, and each had his own destiny.

"System, use group purification!"

A burst of white light flashed, and except for Yake, a circle of black mist appeared from everyone's body and dissipated in the air. If there is no accident, their curse of the sea has been lifted.

Anna was the most excited. She plunged into the man-made sea. Seeing that she didn't lose her strength, she meowed happily, then found herself in the water, and ran out immediately.

"It seems to have succeeded, so I don't have to try."

Robin folded her hands and said with a smile, she knew that Jacques had her own little secret, but she didn't want to ask, and one day Jacques would tell her by himself.

Bullet picked up the seastone on the ground, squeezed it into pieces, smiled, and his last weakness disappeared.

"Come with me..."

Yake stopped talking, and led everyone to the dimensional channel.

In the crack of the void, there is a deep starry sky inside, which is so mysterious that people can't help but immerse themselves in it.

Bullet glanced at Yake, didn't speak, and walked into the dimension channel on his own, the huge body disappeared into the crack in an instant, without any sound.

Yake glanced at Shirahoshi, her body was a bit too big, but it was just right for her to take them in together.

"Shirahoshi, it's up to you!"

"Yeah, leave it to me!"

Shirahoshi held everyone in the palm of his hand, tapped the fishtail on the ground and jumped into the dimensional channel.

After being in a trance for a while, the group of people came to a desolate planet, where there are ruins everywhere, and there is no sign of any intelligent creature.

Robin grabbed the soil on the ground and analyzed it with his professional knowledge: "This place has been deserted for at least 300 years, but it seems that there are living things here..."

Marvel Universe, Karma Taj.

A bald man moved his mind and waved his hand, and an illusory image appeared, which was Yake and his party.

"Visitor from another world? Interesting..."

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