Yake looked at the starry sky above his head and suddenly felt a little unwell.

This situation also happened to other people, among which Yake was the most serious, followed by Robin. The only thing they have in common is that they all have Demon fruit power, and Yake has the most ability, and Robin is second.

"What's the situation! I feel... so uncomfortable!"

The veins on Yake's neck burst out, as if the rules of the universe here were repelling them.

"Captain, my energy..."

Yake looked up and saw that Reiju's body had automatically activated his abilities, and his whole body was shrouded in black mist, and the unknown substances in the starry sky were constantly being absorbed by Reiju. After a while, Reiju returned to normal, and his breath soared. Strong, and absorbing the energy of the universe all the time.

Shirahoshi also failed to escape, her body continued to overflow with blue energy. As the energy dissipated, her size became smaller and smaller until she returned to normal. Only Shirahoshi knew that she might not be the so-called Poseidon·Poseidon anymore.

But the power belonging to Devil Fruit remained and even became stronger, and she could even sense the water molecules in the air.

Others were not so lucky. The souls that Hancock extracted from Pirate World kept popping up and dissipating until they were all consumed, and Hancock regained his blood color.

After a period of time, everyone returned to normal one after another. Robin was the last one to return to normal. Yake was still struggling. Yake's body was surrounded by nebula particles, shining brightly under the thunder light surrounding his body.

"Yake, what's wrong with you!" "Husband!"

Everyone surrounded Yake, looking anxious, but a little overwhelmed. This is another world. Faced with this situation, there is nothing they can do.

Yake endured the discomfort and greeted the system crazily in his heart.

"System, get Laozi out, what's going on!"

"Ding, testing..."

"The energy system of the universe is in conflict. Since the level of the Marvel Universe is higher than that of the Pirate Universe, the energy of the Marvel Universe is improving the power of the Host and others. Please don't panic!"

"Then why am I so slow! Zhuo!"

"It was detected that the Host has crossed two universes and has more abilities in the body, so the transformation process took a long time."

Yake was shocked, he was really like this, he was originally from the Blue Star, but later went to the Pirate World, that is to say, he is the soul of the Blue Star, and the body of the Pirate World, no wonder!

"I understand the truth, but why the fuck is it so slow!"

Yake only felt that his body was getting more and more uncomfortable, and his whole body was about to explode, and the energy in his body began to rebel.

"The specific reason is unknown, and it is recommended to use the Marvel Universe Destiny props to improve."

"Destiny props are infinite gems..."

Yake is speechless, now where do you want me to find infinite gems!

"Yake, Yake! What's wrong with you! Talk!"

Hancock Robin anxiously pushed Yake's body, trying to wake him up.

"System, where is the nearest infinite stone to me?"

"Ding, the main task has been released."

"Gem collectors, collect all the infinity gems, the power gems are within five kilometers of the host, please pay attention to the host!"

Yake:? ? ?

The emotional system directly sent them to the desolate planet where Xingjue was looking for the cosmic spirit ball, so the power gem is nearby!

Now Yake knew what to do, Yake withdrew from the space of consciousness and opened his eyes.

"Yake, great, how are you doing!" "Yaksama!"

"I need something, it's called the Cosmic Spirit Ball, it's within five kilometers, you guys... hurry up and find it, I can hold on for a while!"

Yake's voice was very weak, and the conflict of strength made him almost out of breath.

"Just now I discovered that there are unusual energies on this planet, I'll go and see!"

Reiju released a black mist from his hand, and the black mist gradually elongated, guiding a direction.

"Reiju, I'll go with you, the others are here to protect Yake!"

Robin glanced at Yake and followed Reiju resolutely. Hancock had no choice but to give up and stay in place to take care of Yake. Bullet disappeared without a trace after returning to normal without any nostalgia.

Following the direction of the black mist, Reiju and Robin walked towards a ruin. The place was very quiet, with stagnant water everywhere, and there were some strange creatures like rats. They were also very fierce, and they moved towards Reiju and Robin without fear of life and death. Attack.

Robin snorted coldly, pale cold air rushed in all directions, and all the mice turned into ice cubes.

"This is a relic, if I'm not mistaken, it's the center of the relic."

Robin looked around, and even though he didn't know the history of this world, he could analyze the general situation through archaeological knowledge.

Walking into the dark room, there are various unknown characters inside the room, and an altar is placed in the center, on which is enshrined a spherical object protected by a blue-purple beam of light.

"This should be the cosmic spiritual ball that Yake said, and it is its energy that attracts me."

Reiju walked into the altar, put her palm on the altar, all the energy was sucked dry, and the cosmic spirit ball fell directly into her hand.

Reiju put away the cosmic spirit ball and said to Robin: "Here we have it, let's give it to Yake!"

"Hey, that girl doll actually has the potential to be a supreme mage. Could it be that the future has..."

Gu, who had been peeping at the situation of Yake and his party, changed his face, and quickly looked at the changes in the future.

"Sure enough, the future has become blurred, and these blurred fragments..."

Gu Yi frowned, and seeing Reiju handing the cosmic spirit ball to Yake in the picture, she couldn't sit still.

"Yake, this is what you want!"

Reiju put the cosmic spirit ball in Yake's hands, his eyes full of expectation.

"Well... let me see..."

Yake raised the cosmic spirit ball and crushed the shell, revealing the purple power gem inside.


After the power gem fell into Yake's hands, it immediately eroded Yake's body, his whole body was covered with purple cracks, and his eyes turned a deep dark purple, which made Yake cry out in pain.

"Ding~ The power gems have been collected, do you want to absorb power!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Ding, the power gem will assimilate the physical power and vibration power of the blue dragon, do you want to continue absorbing it!"


"Making a spiritual connection..."

Yake's eyes went dark, and he passed out completely. The cracks on his body began to disappear, and the light of the power gem shone brightly, wrapping Yake's body, and no one could touch it.

After Yake regained consciousness, he found that he had come to a spiritual space, and there was a person standing in front of him, which was himself.

Phantom Yake rushed towards Yake without saying a word, with an evil smile on his face.

Yake: "I hit myself?"

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