"Everyone else can go back to the original world, and you and she can stay."

Gu Yi pointed to Robin with a faint smile on his face.


Robin pointed at himself uncertainly.

"Yes, she has the potential to become a mage. As long as she becomes a mage and sees through the mysteries of the universe, she will naturally be able to control her own power and become stronger."

Yake looked at Robin, then looked at Hancock and the others. From their eyes, Yake got the answer.

"Forget it, let's go back!"

Yake smiled and rejected Gu Yi, and wanted to go together.

"Don't you understand? You, from the time you bound the power gem, you can no longer leave this universe unless you collect all the gems, but that will be a difficult road..."

Yake was inexplicably agitated. I didn't expect that there would be so many troubles in the Marvel world. How did the protagonists with infinite flow do it?

"Yake, why don't you let Robin be with you, we don't want to hurt you, if Robin is with you in this world, maybe you won't be so lonely..."

Hancock suppressed tears, smiled and said to Yake, Yake hugged Hancock, he really didn't want to be separated from anyone...

"Haha, it seems that your relationship is very good~ But when did I say that I would never see them again?"

Yake turned his head to look at Gu Yi in astonishment, hope rekindled in his eyes.

"As long as she becomes my disciple and learns spells, she can open the dimension portal at any time and let them come to this world, as long as she doesn't stay for too long..."

"I do!"

Robin couldn't wait to tell Gu Yi that she believed she could do it.


"Yake, there is no better way than this, I will definitely reunite everyone as soon as possible! Leave it to me! Captain!"

Robin touched Anna's head and said confidently.

Gu Yi walked up to Yake and asked, "Have you decided?"

"Haha, the brief parting is just for a better reunion, send them back!"


After exchanging greetings with Hancock and others, Yake signaled that Ancient One could start.

Gu Yi took off a strand of Hancock's hair, used it to cast spells, and opened a portal. The scene inside was exactly what the shrine looked like.

"Your world is very interesting, I might come over and visit it when I have time, let's go in!"

Hancock gave Yake a reluctant look, and walked into the portal.

"Yaksama, Sister Robin, I will wait for you obediently!"

"Sister Robin, I'll leave Yake to you, let's go first."

"Master Yake, Sister Robin, what a pity, Shirahoshi will definitely grow up as soon as possible, so that I can help you!"

With their departure, the place became deserted all of a sudden, and Yake also felt a little emotional. He didn't expect that he would shoot himself in the foot when traveling through the world, but Yake was also more motivated. As long as he collected infinite gems, it happened to be one for each person. So they can get rid of this damn world rejection.

"Okay, come with me! I'll take you to Earth."

After Gu Yi closed the dimension portal, he opened another portal, the portal leading to Kama Taj.

Yake took Robin in without hesitation, as if it had been a lifetime.

"Welcome to Karma Taj, this is the world of mages."

Gu Yi waved his hand, a tea set floated over by himself, and Gu Yi poured tea for the two of them.

"Would you like some tea?"


Yake saw the tea in his hand and didn't know what to say, you gave it to me directly, can I not drink it?

"Hmm~ It tastes really good!"

Yake was a little surprised. He didn't expect this tea to be surprisingly delicious. After taking a sip, he felt refreshed and relaxed.

"In fact, your arrival disrupted my plans and made the future blurry. Now, even I can no longer predict the future. I really don't know whether it is right or wrong..."

Gu Yi's words made Yake a little confused, but she didn't care. Since she had decided to bring them to the earth, it meant that she had already made a decision in her heart.

"Knowing the future is not a good thing..." Yake said meaningfully, he only knew the general plot, and almost forgot the specific details, after all, the time interval was too long.

"Perhaps you are right, Mordo."


A black man came out from behind the door, Gu Yi's meaningful disciple, Master Modu.

"Take Mr. Yake out for a walk! I have something to say to Miss Robin alone."

"Mr. Yake, please come with me..."

Yake patted Robin on the shoulder, signaling her not to be nervous, Robin smiled at him, and Yake knew that he was worrying too much, turned around and left with Modu.

"Miss Robin, do you know why I think you can be my disciple?"

Gu Yi took out a small folding fan and fanned it comfortably, waiting for Robin's answer.

"I don't know, maybe it's because I love reading, and it happens that becoming a mage requires a lot of reading?"

"I see the desire for knowledge...and awe in your eyes. Anyone can become a mage, but not everyone can become a mage, and you have this potential."

Robin remained silent, pondering what Gu Yi said in his heart, before saying after a long time: "What the hell is a mage?"

Gu Yi smiled, she didn't expect Robin to find the key point so quickly, she was very relieved, maybe she was a better candidate than Strange.

"The language of secret arts has existed since the birth of civilization. The ancient mages called this language a spell, but if you feel that this title contradicts your cognition, you can understand it as a necessary medium for exerting power .”

Robin and Gu Yi sat on the cushions separately. After Gu Yi finished speaking, his palms began to move, mysterious lines appeared in the air, and sparks bloomed continuously.

"We draw the powerful energy we need from other dimensions in the multi-universe, recite spells, summon shields, forge weapons, and cast spells."

Gu Yi cast a spell while talking, and a wonderful magic circle appeared in front of Robin. Robin seemed to see a brand new world, with moving brilliance shining in his eyes.

"So, open your eyes!"

Gu Yi tapped Robin's forehead lightly, and a wonderful world was officially opened for Robin.

"Abandon your inherent cognition! At the end of reality, spirit and matter meet, and thought sculpts reality. This universe is just one of the multiverses, and the world is infinite..."

Robin's thoughts seem to have entered a mysterious dimension, where there are grotesque, full of infinite possibilities, and Gu Yi's whispers keep echoing in Robin's ears.

"Miss Robin..."

Robin's thoughts returned to reality, his eyes were a little blurred, and he seemed to be immersed in the world just now.

"Please teach me, Teacher Gu Yi..."

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