After strolling around, Jake returned to the room and found that the atmosphere was a bit subtle.

Just now Robin and Gu Yi were not very familiar with each other, now how...

"Mr. Yake, Miss Robin has agreed to become my disciple and practiced in Karma Taj. What are you going to do?"

Yake looked at Robin in surprise, so fast?

"Yake, this place is very suitable for me. I think I should stay here. I believe that it won't be long before I can reunite my sisters."

Robin walked to Yake and took Yake's hand, a bit like a coquettish meaning, Yake kissed Robin's forehead.

"That's great, I'll be here with you."


Gu Yi ate a lot of dog food and felt a little tired, so he interrupted the tenderness between the two of them.

"Ahem, Mr. Yake, I have to remind you that what you say here will affect other disciples. So, I think you should understand..."

Gu Yi glanced at Yake and Robin vaguely, and Yake instantly understood that if he lived here, he must be with Robin. After all, this is the mage's place of cleansing, and the influence is always bad.


Three days later, at night, Yak was kicked out of Karma Taj.

Yake looked at the empty street and wanted to cry without tears. He agreed to let him visit for a week. Gu Yi, who didn't talk about martial arts, drove him out for three days. The reason was that it would greatly affect other people's cultivation, and the circumstances were extremely bad and serious. , directly used the portal to show Yake here.

Yake wanted to cry, but he quickly adjusted his mood. It's no big deal. This day will come, and he has been mentally prepared for it, but...

The key is, where is TM here?

It's already night now, the street is empty, there are no people, it's normal, after all, this is American, it's really a bit courageous to go out at night.

Yake looked at the brightly lit streets, this is the earth, a place very similar to his former hometown.

Yake wandered aimlessly along the road, and occasionally came across a pedestrian who wanted to ask some questions, but when others saw Yake, who was more than two meters tall, the bulging body looked like muscles, so they consciously avoided Yake. Ke, then turned around and ran away, leaving Yake sighing.

There was no other way, so Yake had no choice but to move on. In the civilized world, without any documents, Yake couldn't walk a single step. He didn't know where to sell the gold in his pocket. Which gold shop was so open at night?

In a small alley in the distance, several ferocious strong men blocked a woman in a corner, their greedy eyes swept over her chest and the gorgeous satchel around her waist.

"Hey hey, I caught a big fat sheep today! Brother, I'll come first today..."

The robber wearing a mask glanced lewdly at the plump figure of this beautiful young woman, and kept rubbing his palms, almost drooling.

"You, what are you trying to do? Let go of me you bloody pervert!"

Mei saw the robber who was approaching and took out the anti-wolf spray and sprayed it on his mask. The anti-wolf spray took effect very quickly, and the robber covered his eyes in pain and kept sneezing.

"Mommy Falk~ You stinking bitch, Laozi..hache! I'm going to kill you!"

Mei saw the timing and wanted to escape, but there were four men on the other side, and the remaining three men subdued her and tore her clothes.

"Damn, if you dare to touch me, I'll bite my tongue and kill myself! Help! Help!"

May, her full name is May Parker, today she was very unlucky, her car broke down, and she was left behind by her boss to work overtime. On the way home, she ran into robbers. How could she, an ordinary person, deal with several tall robbers? ! She prayed that the nearby police would be patrolling here today, otherwise she was really in danger.

"Hey, it seems that someone is calling for help?"

Yake directly turned on his knowledge and knowledge, and clearly felt that there were five people in the alley in front, four men and one woman, and the woman was still calling for help. He immediately understood what was going on. After all, the folk customs of foreign countries are relatively simple.

But this is a bit too bloody, can you encounter the plot of the hero saving the beauty by walking two steps by yourself?

Obviously, Yake still fell into a misunderstanding of thinking, and he didn't have a clear understanding of American's law and order. Robbery and rape are basic operations.

Yake has no interest in being a superhero, but he urgently needs to know some information to save people, so that he won't scare people away directly.

"Let go of me, you bastards!"

"Hey, hey, I see you guys are having fun, can you add me?"

Yake was wearing a black suit, and specially unbuttoned a few buttons on the neckline, revealing his solid pectoralis major. With a height of 2.15 meters, he was indeed a thug in a suit.

The robbers turned their heads to look, and couldn't help shivering. Comparing their heights, they couldn't help but feel a little bit pained, why the hell did basketball players come here?

Mei couldn't help feeling a little desperate, another one came, and she was still so strong, she was going to die today...

"Hey, brother, I advise you to stay away, she is ours!"

One of the robbers took out a bright knife and pointed at Yake, the threat was self-evident.

Yake smiled and continued to walk towards them. The robber with the knife felt overwhelmed. It was all fake muscles. Such a person would be stabbed three times at most, so he stabbed Yake directly.

Yake still looked lazy, kicked him on the stomach, kicked the robbers with knives flying, and knocked down the rest of the robbers. knocked out.

Yake was very careful, for fear of killing them, or scaring others.

Yake took off his straight suit and put it on the tattered Mei, and asked softly, "Are you all right?"

"Woo, thank you, I really can't imagine what they would do to me without you!"

Mei threw herself into Yake's arms like a kitten and sobbed, feeling a little scared in her heart, but after feeling Yake's strong heartbeat, she realized that she was shamelessly hugging a strange man, and quickly pushed Yake away, her face couldn't help Some blush.

"Sorry, my name is May Parker, you can call me May, thank you very much today!"

Mei raised her head and looked gratefully at the tall Yake. The light in the alley was not very good, so she couldn't see his face clearly, but she could feel that he was a gentle gentleman, and the suit on his body still had residual warmth.

"My name is Yake Silver, you can call me Yake."

Yake didn't say much, and walked out of the alley with Mei in his arms, left and right. There was a strange smell everywhere in the alley, which stinks to death, and the robbers behind him seemed to be forgotten.

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