As soon as she stepped out of the company gate, Mei immediately saw Yake who stood out from the crowd, holding a bunch of bright roses in his hands, which made Mei feel a little bit confused.

"My God! What are you doing with so many roses?"

Walking to Yake, Mei covered her mouth, very surprised.

"For you, only you are worthy of this beautiful flower."

Jacques handed the rose to Mei, and Mei was a little surprised. Could it be that he was really interested in him? He didn't seem to know the meaning of the rose.

"Let's go, I'll take you home!"

Looking at Yake who was walking with Mei from the window, Mary couldn't help sighing: "It seems that Mei has finally got out of that relationship, but how did she find such a superb man? No, I must ask her tomorrow! "

The two went to school to pick up Peter. Peter was a little surprised to see Yake, but he was still very happy because Yake bought him some gifts, which made his classmates envious.

The three returned home together, Yake was playing Call of Duty with Peter: Black Ops, and Yake played harder than Peter.

Yake hasn't played a game for more than 20 years, it's really delicious!

Yake seems to have found a new meaning in life.

What is a woman, does she have games to play? It wasn't until Mei asked the two of them to eat that Yake reluctantly put down the handle, only to find that Peter's face was full of resentment, and he agreed to play with him, but he became the companion.

But this changed Peter's view of Yake. He thought he was a boring adult, but he didn't expect that his interests and hobbies were the same as his own, which made Peter have a sense of identity with Yake.

"Yake, I heard you're going to buy a house?"

Mei pretended to ask casually, and then continued to eat.

"Uh, that's right, I'm looking for a house. I have nothing in this country, and the only friends are you two. Anyway, let's find a place to settle down first."

Mei was overjoyed: "Yake, it's like this. The Smiths next door are selling their rooms. Their house decoration is very good and the price is very high."

"If you are interested, I can ask for you, and maybe I can give you a good price."

Yake touched his chin, live in New York? It doesn't seem very safe, New York is the most dangerous city in the Marvel world, not one of them.

"That's not bad, maybe we have a chance to be neighbors!"

Yake thought about it for a while, it's not bad to live here, anyway, it's not short of money, and I'm not afraid of someone who dares to come to the door without eyes.

"Great, I'll help you ask later."

Mei didn't ask Yake if he had any money, not only because the fabrics of Yake's clothes were all third-class, but also Yake exuded the temperament of not bad money all the time.


Karma Taj, Library.

"Miss Robin, have you finished reading the book again?"

The librarian Master Luther smiled and accepted the books Robin handed him, and put them back to their original positions one by one.

After Luther was decapitated by Casillas to branch house, the librarian was Fatty Wang. Now Casillas has not rebelled, and Wang is just a senior mage.

"That's right, that's all for today!"

"The Book of the Dead, The New Edition of the Universe, and the Supreme Code... are good choices. I have to say that your reading speed is really fast. Do you know Sanskrit very well?"

Robin lifted the book with his arms, and said with a smile, "I have a photographic memory. Sanskrit is not difficult. I learned it in one day."

Luther was deeply shocked, and he was more angry than others. It took him half a year to master Sanskrit when he first learned it.

"Goodbye, Master Luther, I have to go back to read the book, by the way, will the book here be new? Otherwise, I will read it soon..."

" not up to me to decide."

Luther was a bit at a loss for words. Only mages felt that there were too many books to read, and they only picked books about spells. Unlike Robin, he read all kinds of books, and he read them very quickly.

"Oh, okay..."

Robin left slightly disappointed.

In just a few days, Robin has embarked on the path of a mage. She is very smart and learns quickly. As long as she establishes a link with the dimension, she can officially become a mage.

Gu Yi has been observing Robin's progress, and from the faint smile on her face, it can be seen that Gu Yi is very satisfied, and decides that it is time for Robin to learn spells.

"Mo Du, let her learn how to use the suspension ring tomorrow, it's time to see how her learning results are."

The next day, early in the morning, a large number of disciples had already started their morning exercises, and Robin was naturally among them.

"one two three!"

Modu patrolled back and forth among the new disciples, focusing on Robin's situation, but he stopped in Bengbu in the next second.

Robin is indeed casting magic, but she is also reading a book at the same time. The transformed arm dances flexibly in the air, and the light of the runes keeps shining. Robin himself is not idle, holding a copy of "Introduction to the Universe" to review carefully .

Modu couldn't help swallowing, who can tell me how to teach in this situation?

"Robin, this is the Suspension Ring. Skillful use of the Suspension Ring is very important in spells. It can help us freely travel through various universes. You need to concentrate on it, visualize it, and have your destination in your mind. Don't be limited to your eyes. world...."

Robin picked up a brass-colored suspension ring, observed it first, and then asked, "Can you open a portal to another universe by using it?"

Modu showed his white teeth: "That's right, but the energy needed to cross the universe is massive, and you can try it when you become a real mage."

"Now, you can try the rest of the universe, it's not as...simple as you think."

Modu was stunned, and before he finished speaking, Robin put on the hanging ring, and drew an arc with his hands in the void, and the portal immediately appeared in front of him, and the other end of the portal was the library.

Robin directly placed the "Introduction to the Universe" in his hand on Master Luther's table, and then skillfully closed the portal.

"What did you just say? Master Modu?"

Robin smiled charmingly.

"You, how are you... this, they all.."

"I remember the cultivation career in the first chapter of "Master Hawthorne's Travel Notes", which clearly recorded the situation of this spell. This spell should not be difficult."

Modu: You are awesome, you are right in everything you say, but you feel a little redundant.

"Miss Robin, come with me..."

Gu Yi appeared in time and called Robin away, and Mo Du took a deep breath, it was too scary, is this the dimensionality reduction blow of Xueba? This beautiful woman is terrifying.

"Miss Robin, do you know what the Supreme Sorcerer is?"

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