a month later.

Yake has moved into Mei's next door, and has become the old Ya next door. From time to time, he visits Mei's house and lives comfortably, and he has settled down.

The current Marvel world is fairly peaceful. Playboy Stark has just become Iron Man not long ago. There is no news about other superheroes for the time being. Yake can occasionally see Stark passing by in the air.

Recently, SHIELD has less and less eyeliner, because Yake can see through his daily life at a glance. He goes to the library to read books during the day, goes home to play games at night, and goes to the next door to pick up the children from time to time. Not like a powerful and ambitious alien.

It's more like a game nerd who likes to read books, so Fury had to arrange for an agent to report on Yake's actions daily, which is what Yake wanted.

Yake behaved very harmlessly, and the agents had nothing to hide under the cover of knowledge and knowledge. What they saw was only what Yake wanted them to see.

Yake played games every day today, and he played World of Warcraft, which happened to be the expansion pack of Wrath of the Lich King. Yake felt that everything was back.

"Shua Shua Shua ~"

A circle of sparks appeared in the air, and Robin walked out from it, observing every corner of the room, unexpectedly very warm.


Yake became alert, but soon relaxed. He was very familiar with Robin's breath, and then Yake slapped his head violently.

Fuck, it seems like I haven't contacted Robin in a month!

"Robin, why don't you say anything when you're here!"

Yake bravely hugged Robin, sniffing the fragrance of her hair.

"You still know me. I see that you and the woman next door have a lively conversation every day! I think you have already forgotten us!"

Robin gave Yake a blank look, but didn't push him away.

"Friend, she is my friend, don't talk about her, how about you, how are you doing?"

Yake hugged Robin and sat on the edge of the bed, and began to check Robin's body, um, not thin, big and soft, she was still the same.

"Don't make trouble, Yake, I can already summon a universe-level portal, but the energy required is too much, I can't bear it yet...I'm sorry, I..."

Robin's mouth was sealed by Yake, and Robin immediately responded enthusiastically. After a while, both of them were a little out of breath.

"Robin, don't worry. Although I don't know spells, I know that you can't rush to gain power. Take your time, one step at a time. Hancock and the others will understand you, and so will I."

Yake pulled Robin's hair behind her ears and kissed her cheek lightly. Robin blushed and quickly pushed Yake away.

"Wait a moment!"

As soon as Robin finished speaking, he put on the hanging ring and opened the mirror space. He glanced at Yake charmingly, and pulled Yake into it.

"The mirror space exists but cannot be detected. What happens here will not affect the real world. Mages train and observe the world in this space, and sometimes it is used to isolate danger."

Robin was afraid that Yake would not know, so he began to explain to Yake.

Yake couldn't help giving a thumbs up, good guy, if Gu Yi knew that you used mirror space to do this...but I like it.

"Wait Robin, don't take off the mage's robe, I like it that way!"

When Yake woke up the next day, Robin had already left, leaving only a faint fragrance in the room.

Yake got up and turned on the computer, and found a video circulating in the World of Warcraft forum. The title was the military besieging the real-life orcs. Yake curiously clicked in and took a look.

It can be clearly seen that this was shot with a mobile phone, and the picture quality is not high. The military is in full swing. Tanks, armored vehicles, etc. are dispatched, and then there is a roar, and a green giant rushes out of the smoke, making a messy move. The cloak hammer method directly smashed the tank into scrap iron.

"Hulk? So fast?"

The first time Jacques saw the Hulk, he knew that Hulk hadn't run away. It seems that the plot has begun, and various things will happen one after another.

Yake wanted to fight with Hulk very much. He hadn't moved his muscles and bones for a month. Seeing Hulk's smashing, he couldn't help feeling a little itchy. After getting the power gem, Yake hasn't tried its power much yet. !

Yake kept an eye out, if there is no accident, Hulk should make a big fuss in New York, alas, poor New York.

"Knock knock knock!"

There was a knock at the door, and Yake put on his clothes and opened the door.

"Hi May, good morning!"

"Good morning, Yake, this is like this, today is Peter's birthday, so I want to invite you to Peter's birthday party, it's at my house, do you have time?"

Mei is wearing a yellow suspenders, showing a plump figure, with long brown hair hanging over her shoulders, and Yake can see the deep gully when he lowers his head. Yake swears that he definitely didn't do it on purpose, it's purely because of his height advantage.

"Of course, I will definitely come to Peter's birthday. What time does it start?"

Yake looked at his watch pretendingly, and asked inadvertently, he was afraid that the time of the party would conflict with the time of fighting the Hulk. He vaguely remembered that the villain Abomination appeared first at night, and then Hulk was fighting him. That's the real party.

"Everyone here is Peter's classmates and parents. It starts at five o'clock in the afternoon. Don't be late!"

"No, I will be there on time."


"Goodbye, Yake, I left so early today!"

"Well, the neighbor's nephew is celebrating his birthday today, see you Nancy."

In the afternoon, Yake came out of the library early. He has been studying quantum mechanics recently. Yake was a little struggling to read it. Even Yake had the idea of ​​finding a teacher to teach him. It was too slow to learn by himself.

"God, Nancy, when did you meet such a handsome guy? Is he a basketball player?"

"Fuck you, you think basketball players come to the library?"

After Yake left the library, he walked to an empty corner and followed the wires to his home, which was much faster than the bus.

"Hi Peter, happy birthday, here's a present for you."

When Yake entered the door, he magically took out a gift box and gave it to Peter. Peter was so happy that he couldn't wait to open the gift, and soon he was dumbfounded.

The small face looked at Yake innocently, with a small head and a big question mark. The gift was full of a stack of exercise books, full of Yake's care for Peter.

"Peter, are you surprised or surprised? Study hard! I'll buy you junior high school ones next time!"

Peter wanted to cry but had no tears. Yake rubbed Peter's little head and walked into the living room. The place was already crowded with children and their parents. Fortunately, Mei's house is relatively large, otherwise it would really not fit.

"Yake, you're here, sit down, I'm sorry, I was a little busy just now."

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