Yake walked through the sea of ​​​​thunder, unimpeded.

Soon, Yake arrived at the center of the Thunder dimension. Yake saw the scene in front of him, clenched his fists, and was ready to enter the battle at any time.

A huge egg was beating under the cover of the nebula. This egg alone was already comparable to a super giant Sea Kings. Yake visually estimated that the diameter was about five kilometers, and it was still beating slowly, making a deafening thumping sound.

Yake couldn't help clicking his tongue. The sound of thunder that he thought just now was the heartbeat of this giant egg. This is too exaggerated. According to Robin, this is the embryo of the gods, and it must have how big!

Yake patted his head and recalled a name in his mind, God!

The land of nothingness is an area formed by the heads of dead gods. Until today, the brains and other materials in it have not been mined. It is conceivable how huge they were when they were alive. None are fully developed.

"Yake, kill him. Every god formed will absorb the power of countless intelligent life. There are countless thunder elemental elves living on this planet. They will all be your most loyal believers! They will be your source of strength. Source!"

Robin's words reached Yake's ears in a timely manner, and Yake swallowed his saliva: "Got it, I'll test the water with a punch first!"

The Reality Gem and the Power Gem exerted force at the same time, and Yake's size rapidly increased, soon surpassing the size of the dome, and he didn't feel a little strenuous until he was nearly 8,000 meters tall.

Yake waved his fist casually, feeling that it didn't have much impact after getting bigger, and it was about the same speed as usual, so Yake was relieved.


Yake slammed on the shell of the giant egg like a fist the size of a giant meteorite. There was a deep pit on the giant egg, and there were purple cracks all over the periphery. Yake looked around and found no change. It seemed that he was thinking too much. up.

Then Yake began to attack the giant egg with one punch and one kick, tearing apart the shell until the fleshy lump inside was exposed, bloodshot all over his body, still wriggling, looking a little disgusting.

Yake was about to smash it, when the meatball suddenly opened its eyes.

"Bold! How dare you offend the gods, retreat quickly, or I will banish you out of the void!"

This sound was transmitted directly to Yake's mind, and it was still echoing constantly. Yake shook his head, trying to get rid of the sound, but it was useless.

"God? Now you are just a lump of sarcoma, how dare you show off in front of me?"

Yake showed a disdainful smile, stretched his hand behind his back, and began to extract the void thunder in the thunder sea, and condense the weapons.

"Aren't you afraid of the revenge of the gods! Stop it! Stop it!"

The meatball squirmed for a while, and a dozen humans appeared. Yake narrowed his eyes. What is this? Humanity? Or a robot? Regardless, Yake directly released a large amount of lightning to disperse these annoying flies.

"How dare you offend my lord, Eternals, come with me and attack!!!"

Following the guidance of the woman wearing the crown, others started to attack Yake's single part with the same target, but the elemental Yake was exempted from these fancy lasers, fists, etc., but soon Yake felt My mind was bewildered.

"No, someone uses mind control!"

Yake's complexion changed, and he activated the power of the Reality Gem to apply spiritual protection, and the feeling of dizziness disappeared.

"You guys are so cheap!"

Yake got angry, and speeded up the extraction speed, and the giant blade took shape quickly. Let's kill this god who has no resistance first!

"Stop him, buy me time!"

The gods in the embryo are in a hurry. The Eternal Race was originally a race created by them to protect their smooth birth. This is their mission. For them, the orders of the gods cannot be disobeyed or disobeyed.

"Cut off his energy source!"

The leader of the Eternal Clan shouted loudly, pointing to Yake's radiant right hand, and the others understood, gathered together to show their magical powers, trying to cut off the connection between Yake and Nether Thunder.

"Hahaha, it's too late, what kind of eternal gods, that's all!"

Yake held up the blade of the void, and cut it down under the horrified eyes of the gods.

"Face the judgment of fate!"

"No! My God!"

The Eternal people stopped in front of the giant sword and used laser and other abilities to consume the energy of the giant sword. It has to be said that it is very useful, but how could the void thunder that Yake had accumulated for so long be wiped out so easily? Far from enough!

The blade of the void cut off the flesh without accident, and divided the embryo of the god of heaven into two. The god of heaven swept Yake with vicious eyes, and his eyes were full of hatred.

"Ahhh~ you! You must die!"

"You will regret it! The gods will destroy your planet, everything about you..."

In the unwilling roar of the gods, the embryo was turned into ashes by the thunder, and the eternal family who protected the gods also froze in place, motionless, as if they had lost consciousness.

From the corner of Yake's eyes, he noticed a mass of red streamer fleeing quickly, and soon realized that the god was not completely dead, and hurriedly wanted to catch up.

"Smash Varudo!!!"

Except for Robin and Yake, everything in this world was stopped, and the frost quickly covered everything, and time stopped flowing.

"Thank you, Robin, but why did you use this move name?"

Yake, who had changed back to his original form, came to Robin and asked curiously, Robin won't be taken away, right?

"JOJO's Bizarre Adventure, haven't you watched it?"

Robin said without turning his head, and cast a spell to hold the red streamer in his hand.

"Uh, well, what is this thing?"

Yake scratched his head, as if there was such an anime on yotubie.

"The will and divinity of the gods!"

Robin peeled off a golden ball of light from the red streamer and handed it to Yake: "This is its divinity, eat it, and you can merge this dimension and become the ruler of the dimension!"

Yake swallowed the ball of light without hesitation, Robin will not harm himself, swallowing a ball of golden light into his stomach, my life is up to me...

Yake's whole body glowed with golden light, and his body was warm. He felt that countless weak signals were coming to him, and Yake couldn't help but look at Robin.

"This is the belief of the thunder elemental elves. You have become their ruler, their true god! As long as there are people in this universe who believe in you, you are eternal!"

Robin said with ease, she has experienced this kind of scene once, and she has some experience.

"Then now, don't I..."

"Congratulations, you have become a god!"

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