Robin smiled and looked at Yake with a mocking look in his eyes.

"God? Like the one just now?"

Yake couldn't help but feel a little disgusted, that's what the gods are like, it sounds very lame...

"It's just a way of saying, or that you already have power beyond the universe level of a single body. There are not many things in this universe that can threaten you, and the infinite stone is one of them."

"The same to you?"

Robin flicked the time gem on his chest with both hands, lifted the time stagnation, and everything around him returned to normal.

"That's right, me too. There is also an embryo of a god in the ice elemental dimension, but it is weaker and has just developed. I have picked up a loophole."

Robin lamented her good luck, if she really met a fully developed god, she would have to run away.

"This is really, I suddenly feel that my cognition can't keep up..."

Yake sighed unceasingly. The god who appeared suddenly caught him off guard. From the mouth of the god just now, he learned that there is definitely more than one god. Maybe there are countless gods silently conceived in the universe, and maybe there is one on the earth.

"Don't worry, Yake, this is a good thing for you. We can go home when we collect all the Infinity Stones."

Robin murmured in Yake's arms, and Yake patted Robin on the shoulder, staring at the Thunder Nebula ahead.

"Are those all Thunder Elemental Spirits?"

Yake looked at the small thunderballs below, they were clustered around Yake, as if they were cheering.

"They are your most loyal believers. Unless they die, they will always respect you as a god. Keep your mind down and you can hear their language."

Yake held a slightly larger thunderball in his hand, and according to what Robin said, he closed his eyes and felt their sound.

"God, answered us! We are the people of God!!!"

"God Yak!" "God answered me, Yak god-tier!"...

Yake suddenly felt that there were countless people talking in his head, almost all of them were flattering, which made Yake himself a little embarrassed. The key is that these elves have no desires and desires, and the sea of ​​thunder is immortal. They are eternal. This is The benefits of elemental life, they can continuously provide Yake with the power of faith.

"Their civilization is very simple, and you are the only one for them, so you'd better leave something for them to admire and condense their beliefs."

Robin said with a lot of experience that her ice statues have already stood in every corner of the ice elemental dimension.

"Let me see, just use gold!"

Red energy spewed out, and golden statues of Yarks landed in every corner of the Thunder Nebula, so that the thunder elves didn't have to surround him, and each group could get a golden Yark.

After a while, a little bit of starlight gathered into a long river and poured into Yake's body, improving every cell of Yake. Yake couldn't help making a happy sound. Robin blushed and continued to observe Yake's situation.

Yake's body was gradually shrouded in starlight, and his whole body became colorful Madara, just like the aggregation of nebula, which was a bit gorgeous at first glance.

After a while, the starlight was absorbed in the body, and the whole person was completely new, surrounded by mysterious runes, and there seemed to be a sea of ​​stars in the eyes, which made people addicted.

"I am..."

Yake was a little puzzled. Although he felt very good, he didn't know what happened at all. Could it be that he was not a human being anymore?

"The leap of life, the first step into eternity."

Robin said lightly, the clothes on his body disappeared without a trace, the body was surrounded by runes similar to Yake, and the two looked at each other in the void.

"Yake, we already have eternal life and an indestructible body, but we can't lose our human emotions. Then we will be no different from Dormammu, and we will only become demon gods chasing power in the end."

"Don't worry, I know it well. If the price of becoming a god is losing human feelings, I would rather be an ordinary person."

In the void, the two nascent gods approached slowly and began to discuss the meaning of life.

After an unknown period of time, the wind stopped and the waves stopped, and everything returned to silence.


"The death of one god is accompanied by the birth of another god..."

In a giant battleship, Thanos in gorgeous armor sat high on the throne, looking at the distant starry sky and muttering to himself.

"The population in the universe is increasing, and the gods are also born. I am the destiny!"

Thanos clenched his fists and his gaze was firm. The birth of a god requires the sacrifice of countless intelligent creatures. As long as the population is reduced by half, all creatures can not only avoid the fate of resource depletion, but also prevent the birth of a god. It kills two birds with one stone, but his approach has always been No one can understand, only that he is crazy.

While becoming the overlord of the universe, he was also known as the Mad Titan.

After returning to Earth, Yake returned to normal, but his temperament was completely different, and his attraction to women was terrifying, like a walking aphrodisiac. Yake seldom goes out, otherwise, he would be very annoying to meet women of all ages who strike up a conversation.

Yake has been familiarizing himself with his own power recently. The only feeling is that knowledge of physics is useless. The Reality Gem can change the rules of physics at will. Fortunately, the Reality Gem is used by Reiju, so it is not a blood loss.

The portal opens, and Robin and Reiju step out through it.

"Yake, are you ready? We are going to the dark dimension soon."

Yake showed his snow-white teeth: "Of course, I have long thought about the so-called dimension demon god for a while. The bad guys on the earth are just like playing house, which is boring..."

"That's good, let's go!"

Robin and Reiju took Yake's hand from left to right, and walked into the portal together.

The dark dimension, looking around, is a silent and dark galaxy, full of rich dark energy everywhere, almost no end in sight, this place is completely a distorted space, and the original appearance of the former planet can be vaguely seen. Do you know how many planets Dormammu devoured to reach its present size.

"Dormammu! Come out!"

Yake shouted loudly, and by the way looked down at the green magic circle in his hand. This is the time loop magic circle that Robin set up for them. If there is an accident, everything can be restarted.

"Who! It's you! Gu Yi's disciple dared to come to my territory, courting death!"

Dormammu's face immediately appeared in the void, and he launched an attack without hesitation. It seemed that he knew the reason why the villain died because of talking too much.

"Yak, let's stop him, Reiju, try to absorb his power!"

Arms are all around Robin, while casting magic spells, one person is an army of mages!

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