Powerful energy fluctuations continued to come, and the black magic released by Dormammu was blocked by the shield.

Yake turned into thunder, and Kamui was mighty, and the thunder flashed, smashing the black mist of Dormammu's body. Reiju is like another Dormammu, crazily absorbing everything around him, and the dark power constantly fills Reiju's body.

"Shameless thief! How dare you steal my origin!"

Dormammu was furious. This was more than those mages. At most, mages used his power to cast some spells, but he could also take the opportunity to spread the power of darkness to different dimensions, but Reiju was trying to steal his job. ! Still grab it.

Dormammu immediately changed the attack target and launched an attack on Reiju with all his strength. A terrifying energy shock hit Reiju, and towering black thorns emerged out of thin air, trying to pierce Reiju's body.

"In a hurry? The woman who wants to touch me, have you asked me?"

Yake urged the power gem to absorb all the attacks one by one and return them all to Dormammu's blurred face.

"Damn reptile, you pissed me off!"

Dormammu's face changed in the void, and the purple evil eyes stood up high, showing the master's anger at the moment. Two planets hung in the sky and fell down suddenly. Yake and Robin looked at each other and controlled one of them respectively. an asteroid to neutralize Dormammu's attack.

"It's useless, just come to my site to be presumptuous, you have to be prepared to be killed!"

"Now, die to me!"

In the dark dimension, Dormammu is the only true god, and he can freely control everything here, even a small stone far away from the edge of the dimension.

The planet with the combat power of the three directly swallowed them, everything was so fast, and everything returned to calm, but a burst of purple impact shattered the planet, Yake withdrew his right hand without changing his face, and he was blocking Reiju's ahead.

As expected of the demon god of the dark dimension, Yake has never seen this kind of strength before. This is definitely the strongest opponent he has ever encountered. There is no one. How to eliminate Domamyak is still unclear.

Looking at Reiju who was still absorbing Dormammu's origin, Yake gradually realized that Robin's goal was never to destroy Dormammu, she wanted to weaken Dormammu's power! As long as the time loop is still there, Reiju can always draw on Dormammu's power.

"Yake, continue, try to buy time for Reiju, now Reiju's power is not enough, not enough for her to shape a god body."

"Understood, I will try my best, besides, we have this, don't we?"

Yake raised his right hand with a smile, the green ring on it was clearly visible, the tense atmosphere was swept away, and Robin also laughed.

"Yeah, that's right, we will never lose! It depends on how long Dormammu can last!"

Robin summoned a magic circle and continued to apply defenses to Reiju to protect her from being disturbed by Dormammu.

"Damn! What do you want to do?"

Dormammu's angry voice resounded through the space. When he felt his power disappear little by little and never come back, he panicked. Although the loss of power was less than one ten thousandth, it was his For the first time since becoming the ruler of the Dark Dimension.

Green magic flames ignited on Dormammu's body, and evil eyes stared at Reiju, as if trying to see through her.

"Dormam? What's the matter, are you scared?"

Dormammu was in a daze, and Yake was also happy and leisurely.

"I understand, you want that woman to replace me? Hahaha, how naive, I will crush you one by one, make you slaves of darkness, I want you to be my puppets!"

Dormammu laughed back angrily. He has already seen Reiju's situation. She is so similar to her original self, and she fits the darkness so well. It's just that she came a little earlier, otherwise Reiju would only need to step into the dark dimension. Like him, she will directly become the master of darkness.

"Especially you, shameless mage, I have plotted against Gu Yi, and you actually came in front of me and shouted, forget it, go to hell!!!"

Dormammu launched an attack without warning, and the overwhelming magical flames enveloped the three of them. Yake and Robin turned into elements one after another, so as not to be eroded by the magical flames, and counterattacked with the power of the Thunder Dimension and the Ice Dimension.

"Hehe, no wonder you dare to come here. You are also the Lord of Dimensions, but you are too young! The power of darkness is the strongest!"

The eyes of the three of Yake went dark, and the time loop circle was activated silently, and the three regained consciousness.

"Dormammu! Come out!"

"Who! It's you! Gu Yi's disciple dared to come to my territory, courting death!"

"What's going on, was it a hallucination just now? Impossible!!!"

After Dormammu finished speaking, he felt something was wrong. He was a little confused about what was going on. Didn't he just use dark magic to kill all three of them? Why are you back again!

Dormammu's strength has surpassed time and space, and the time loop has no effect on him, but in this way he has nothing to do with Yake and the others. As long as he kills them, everything will start again, but his power is in the same place. Disappear little by little.

"Fuck you, Domamu, Laozi is here to kill you!"

Yake breathed out the fragrance directly, wiped honey on his small mouth, and seeing Dormammu as if he had seen them, Yake knew that they had failed once, and Yake directly launched an attack with all his strength.

Fortunately, I saved the file before fighting the boss, otherwise it would be gone.

"Reiju, do your own thing, I'll buy you time!"

Robin applied a defensive circle to Reiju as usual, and Reiju also used ether particles to create an enchantment, so that he could absorb energy. Reiju felt a little strange when he began to absorb energy, as if he had already absorbed part of it?

"Damn ants, I will crush you, and your world will become a part of me!"

Domamu spits out a purple energy breath, which is doubled and returned by Yake's one by one absorption!

Dormammu's face was blasted with a big hole, but he recovered after a few breaths, but he was even more angry.

"You all must die!"


"Dormammu! Come out!"

"Who! It's you! Gu Yi's disciple dared to come to my territory, courting death!"

"Damn it, what's going on! Why can't you kill me?"

Dormammu is a little tired, these people are here to find fault, and they will take away his power without saying anything, and they are hard to kill.

"Huh? Was he killed again? Strange, why did I say again?"

Yake glanced at Robin helplessly, and Robin was suspended in front of Dormammu.

"Dormam, we are here to negotiate terms with you!"

"Haunting spirits linger, die to me!

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