Yake showed a handsome and sunny smile, but Elsa was scared back again and again.

"You, what do you want to do? Don't come here!"

Aisha's appearance made Yake a little depressed. Yake touched his face and took out a mirror from the storage bar.

"Impossible? I'm still so handsome! It must not be my problem, um, yes!"

Aisha let down her guard a little after hearing what Jacques said, at least this tall man didn't have any malice towards her, and he was a little narcissistic...

"I'm Aisha, what's your name?",

Seeing Yake intact after being frozen by herself, Aisha was very curious. Her magic hurt her relatives when she used it for the first time, which made her hate her "talent" very much, and she seemed to be the only one with it. man of strength.

For this reason, she grew up alone in order not to hurt other people, but this man who appeared suddenly seemed a little different.

"I am Yake, a traveler. I heard your singing suddenly, and all curiosity followed me. Please forgive me!"

"It's okay, anyway, I... uh, by the way, aren't you cold?"

Aisha felt cold when she looked at Yake's thin robe.

"It's cold! Don't you see that the hair on my legs is almost freezing off?"

Yake lifted up the corner of his robe, revealing his sexy leg hair. Aisha couldn't help covering his forehead. This man is really full of words and silly, but he is not afraid of his ability, and she is even a little happy.

"Well, are you the same as me?"

"What is the same as you? What are you talking about?"

Yake asked strangely, they were the same there, and said they were similar, but Aisha was a bit like Robin, both of them could cast spells, and they were ice-type.

"Well, like this!"

Aisha gritted her teeth and used her own magic. Two ice swords appeared in the air, watching Yake's every move nervously, worried that he would be scared away by herself again.

"Oh, this! Magic or spells? I don't know what to say. If that's the case, I'm similar to you, but I'm stronger!"

Yake waved his hand, and the thunder transformed into a shape, and two cute thunder beasts appeared beside him. If you look closely, you can see that it is a blue Pikachu, the kind that cannot be touched.

"Oh my god! That's awesome! Ugh...I mean, you're awesome!"

Aisha was ecstatic, and she knew that she was not the only special person in this world. Jacques was obviously a person with special talents just like him, and maybe the two of them would have a common language.

"Well, would you like to sit down?"

Aisha released her magic, and a set of luxurious ice and snow furniture appeared in the center of the castle. Aisha sat down very ladylike, her demeanor and temperament were quite like a queen.

"What happened to you? I feel like you are a little unhappy."

Yake sat down carelessly, without any manners at all, being able to speak in a gentle manner was enough for him.

"Actually, oh, forget it, it's okay to tell you, I have been special since I was a child, when I lost control for the first time, I hurt my sister, and my parents died in the sea because they were looking for a cure for me, just like others As you said, I was born to be a disaster star..."

"Are you talking about your ice magic? That is indeed an amazing talent, and it is too late for others to envy! My wife, Nico Robin, is exactly like you, and she can also use the power of ice."

Yake took out a photo from the storage bar and handed it to Aisha. It was a photo of him and Robin. The thunder and ice complement each other beautifully.

"It's amazing! I can feel that she is just like me...Where is she now?"

Aisha looked at Robin in the photo with a dazed gaze, and suddenly thought that if she could live a normal life, then she must be able to teach herself, maybe, she would not have to be regarded as a monster by others.

"You mean Robin? She's out of this world."

Yake shook his head, he didn't know where Robin was, he wasn't in this world anyway.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked you."

Aisha hurriedly apologized to Yake. She seemed to think that Robin was dead, and at the same time she was a little sad. Is this ability really a curse?

"Cough, cough, cough! I said, are you delusional? Forget it..."

Yake doesn't want to explain too much, he can think whatever he likes, but unfortunately he is not a mage, so he doesn't know how Aisha's magic talent is. If possible, he would like to contact Robin to let her accept an apprentice, and strive to become the supreme as soon as possible Mage, set Robin free.

That's right, Aisha has become a proper tool person in his eyes. Her achievements may not be as good as Robin's, but she can also become the backbone of the mage, so that Robin can relax.

"Aisha, I'm a little sleepy, I'm going to find a place to sleep first!"

Yake yawned tiredly. Every time he used the suspension ring, his mental power would be consumed. The result of excessive use of mental power is that he is prone to sleepiness, and if he rushes too much, he will...

"You, are you leaving? Uh, goodbye!"

Aisha just wanted to keep her, but thinking that she was a girl and the other party also had a wife, it was not very good after all.


Yake waved his back to Aisha to say goodbye.

Seeing Yake drifting away, Aisha couldn't help asking: "Well, are we friends?"

Yake looked back and smiled, showing his white teeth: "Of course!" Then Yake disappeared into the snow.

With the reality gem not around, Yake can only take out the ultimate magic weapon, the Eternal Truth, which has heating, hot water, and food, and consumes a Pikachu for 100 kilometers.

The blizzard was raging, and it was impossible to tell whether it was day or night.

Yake put down his ship halfway up the mountain. The appearance of steel warships in this medieval-style world seems a bit abrupt, but the materials are just a little inconsistent. The overall shape of the Eternal Truth is still dominated by medieval sailing ships.

"Aisha! Aisha! It's me, Anna! Your sister didn't mean to force you, I'm sorry, it's all my fault!"

Aisha's younger sister rode up the mountain to look for her elder sister Aisha. No matter what, she had to find her sister back, otherwise Arendelle would be in eternal winter, the people would not get food, and the final end would be a dead end.

"Wandering Okun's store, ugh! And a sauna!"

Here, Anna met Han Kristoff, a poor country boy, and they went together to find Queen Aisha.

Along the way, after being chased by snow wolves, jumping over cliffs, and even meeting a talking snowman who called himself Xuebao, they finally came to the foot of Beishan Mountain where Aisha was.

"My God! How can there be a ship here?"

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