"Are you crazy! That's impossible!"

Anna kicked Kristoff angrily and continued to move forward, but Xue Bao pulled the corner of her clothes and pointed to the Eternal Truth lying halfway up the mountain.

"My eyes must be lying to me. Does Elsa have any new abilities?"

Anna covered her mouth and looked at the steel sailboat in the sky in shock.

"Your sister can turn Arendelle into eternal winter. It's not strange. Anyway, go and see first! Maybe your sister lives in this beautiful boat."

The two and the reindeer moved on, and Xue Bao hurriedly followed, noting that the reindeer would eat his nose.


After a lot of hard work, several people finally boarded the Eternal Truth.

"Knock knock knock!"

"Is anyone there! I'm Anna, Elsa, are you inside?"

Yake, who was sleeping in the cabin room, woke up suddenly. He seemed to hear Anna's name. After getting dressed, Yake walked out of the cabin.


Anna sat down on the deck in fright after seeing Yake, and Kristoff stood in front of Anna vigilantly.

"Tch, it turns out they have the same name and surname! But my Anna is much prettier than you."

Yake looked at this Anna, who had a similar face to Aisha but a completely different temperament, and curled his lips.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Uh, sir, we are here to find Queen Aisha, if she is not here, we will leave immediately!"

Kristoff smiled and laughed, and he knew that Jake was not easy to mess with at a glance, so he pulled Anna away quickly, but what Jacques said next made them stop.

"Aisha? She's in the snow castle, are you going? I'm just going to see her!"

No matter how they resisted, Yake took the two of them back to the snow, and put the boat into the storage bar by the way.

Anna's eyes were full of disbelief: "My God, are you the same as Aisha?"

"Almost, let's take you there first."

Yake took out a gold ingot, turned it into a board, and took them directly to Aisha's castle after standing on it.

"Wow, this is amazing, I never thought that I would be able to fly one day!"

Xue Bao yelled happily, not afraid of Yake at all, and directly grabbed Yake's clothes and climbed onto his shoulders. Maybe this is social bullying syndrome!

Yake smiled and said nothing: "Hahaha, that's it, I haven't taken it seriously yet! Stand still, I'm going to speed up!"

Surprise and excitement turned into fright and screaming, Xuebao hugged Yake's neck tightly and did not let go, while Anna threw herself into Kristoff's arms.

"Okay, it's here!"

Everyone opened their eyes, only to realize that they had arrived in a gorgeous ice and snow castle, but the gate was closed tightly, full of the atmosphere that strangers should not enter.

Anna couldn't control that much, her sister was right in front of her eyes, and she directly opened the door.

Yake stood outside the door, and he didn't want to disturb the sisters when they met, but started teasing Xuebao instead.

Aisha's magic is really amazing. It can even give life to ice and snow, which is difficult for Robin to do. This ability can only be described as magic, but Yake can't contact Robin yet.

He vaguely felt that the will of the world was taking care of Aisha, as long as he stayed by her side and waited for the development of the plot, he could get some source of escape from it.

After waiting outside for a few minutes, the singing of the two sisters came, and Yake couldn't help covering his face, isn't it sir, this can also be sung!

But soon the singing stopped, and Aisha's ability accidentally injured her sister again. She suppressed the grief in her heart and drove Anna and Xue Bao and others who rushed in later out of her castle. It's weird.

However, the snow monster perfectly ignored Yake standing aside. It only stared at Anna and the others. Yake secretly marveled that Aisha's creation not only had self-awareness, but also knew how to bully the weak and fear the hard. I don't know if it was controlled by Aisha.

"That's how you drove your sister away?"

Yake just walked into the castle and sat on a stool not far from Aisha. Now Aisha is very depressed.

"Why, my ability can't be controlled as freely as yours, I just hurt the person I love the most just now, why..."

Seeing that Aisha showed signs of singing again, Yake hurriedly interrupted the spellcasting. The person is beautiful and the song is very sweet, but Yake really can't express what he wants to say while singing!

"That's because you're resisting your own power, and the more you resist, the stronger it becomes, so it's beyond your control."

Yake said calmly, playing a guest role as a spiritual mentor.

"Then what should I do!"

Aisha stood up slowly, no longer complaining about herself, and stared at Yake brightly.

"Follow your heart, accept your power, master your power, be yourself!"

Yake was very calm on the surface, but actually racked his brains to say a few coquettish words, didn't you see that Aisha's eyes were full of reverence! Yake was very proud of himself, and suddenly felt that his role was a bit like a "magic old black".

"Do it, myself, I get it..."

Aisha nodded, with a clear understanding in her heart, and looked firmly at the kingdom of Arendelle covered in snow and ice in the distance.


Yake looked confused, I haven't told you what to do yet! Do you understand? What do you understand?

Seeing Aisha walked out of the castle firmly, Jake quickly chased after her.

"Look, it's the Queen!"

The two soldiers glanced at each other and quietly left the team.

"Queen Elsa, I'm here to find Princess Anna, please hand her over!"

Aisha was so frightened that she quickly hid in the castle. She was still a little afraid of strange men and dared not face them.

"If I'm not wrong, they are here for you, and they have bad intentions."

Yake said lightly, he didn't even bother to take a look at these ordinary people, there was nothing special about them, all conspiracies and schemes were false, Aisha's power was enough to suppress them.

But the next moment Yake was slapped in the face, and Aisha was chased by two soldiers and ran around, but she refused to use magic until she had to use it to protect herself.

Yake shook his head and sighed. After all, Aisha was still a princess living in the castle. It was unrealistic for her to suppress her forcefully. She disappeared like lightning, grabbed the necks of two soldiers and slammed them together.

"Why don't you use your power, they clearly want your life!"

Aisha shouted loudly towards Yake: "I, I'm afraid of killing them by mistake, I don't want their lives..."

Yake looked at the comatose soldier, and then at Aisha, let it be, innocence and kindness are beautiful qualities, but how to train her is Robin's business.

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