"Okay, but your sister is probably dying soon."

Yake told the cruel truth. When Anna was kicked out by Aisha just now, Yake could feel the passing of her life. It was the bone-eating ice. Anna, as an ordinary person, couldn't last long at all.

The fact is exactly the same, after Anna and Kristoff left, they came to the gathering place of stone goblins, where Kristoff grew up.

"Anna, your life is in danger now. Your sister's magic has frozen your heart. If the magic power is not removed, you will soon be frozen into ice."

Kristoff hugged Anna and said to Pebby, the stone goblin elder, "You can save her, can't you? Grandpa Pebby?"

"Sorry, boy, I can't, just one act of true love can melt a frozen heart..."

On the side of the Ice and Snow Castle, Aisha broke the defense after hearing Jake's words, and couldn't help sobbing.

"I almost killed my sister? No!! There must be a way, Yake, you must know! Tell me! What should I do?"

Yake shook his head, he really didn't know, he was only good at killing people, not saving people, and he remembered that the final ending was good, Aisha must have found a way to save his sister.

"Sorry, Aisha, I don't know, the most urgent thing now is to find your sister, otherwise it will be too late..."

"Yes, I want to find Anna!"

Aisha was about to rush out in a hurry, but was stopped by Yake.

"It's too late by the time you run over, I'll take you there!"

Yake grabbed Aisha's waist and rushed out of the palace. Prince Hans, who was fighting the snow monster outside the door, frowned.

"Who is that tall man?"

Hans' face was gloomy and uncertain. He thought that he was sure of winning and annexing the Kingdom of Arendelle would not be a problem, but the tall man who suddenly appeared next to Aisha aroused his vigilance.

"Don't get entangled with it, go back quickly! The queen was taken away by a strange person!"


Aisha, who was held in Yake's arms, blushed a little. She had never been so close to a man except her father since she was a child, and she had only known him for a day.

But soon her attention was attracted by the ground: "My God, your ability is so convenient that you can fly!"

"It's nothing, as long as you want, you can too. Flying is not just a legend."

"Okay, here we are!"

Yake put Aisha on the ground, and in front of him was the kingdom of Arendelle covered with snow.

"Anna must be in the castle! I'm going to find her!"

Yake stopped the anxious Aisha: "Calm down, we are going fast, she hasn't come yet!"

"Don't move around here, I'll find someone."

Yake put his robe on Aisha and walked aside.

"Robin, are you there?"

Yake took out the silver hair, which was Robin's hair, and Robin could use it to perceive Yake's position.

The hair turned into ice and snow, and Robin's face emerged.

"Honey, what's the matter?"

"Come over here! I found a good mage seedling, she is very similar to you! In short, you will know when you come here!"

Robin nodded, expressing understanding: "I'll be right over! Reiju, settle the fight quickly, stop playing with this big fool, we have to go!"

The ice and snow dissipated, and there was no more sound. Yake waited for a while, and sparks appeared in the air.

Aisha on the side looked at the strange scene in surprise, covered her mouth and dared not speak, and saw more and more sparks, drawing a circle in the air, the portal officially opened, and Robin and Reiju came out.

"Wow, this world, I don't seem to have been here yet, but it suits me very well."

Robin saw the world covered in ice and snow, as if she had come home. Compared with Elsa, she was more like the Queen of Ice and Snow, while Reiju was a bit out of place.

The two women came over and kissed Yake respectively, but Yake couldn't close his mouth.

"This girl..."

Robin saw Aisha in the robe at a glance, and somehow felt a little familiar. The two people who had nothing to do with each other somehow felt that they had known each other for a long time.

"She is Aisha, she is very talented, just like you, the power of ice and snow."

Robin was a lot taller than Aisha, and Robin walked up to Aisha and gently stroked Aisha's face.

"Hello, Elsa, I'm Nico Robin, Yake's wife, and I'm also a mage, nice to meet you!"

Yake interjected: "How happy?"

Robin glanced at Yake, and Yake closed his mouth consciously.

"Hi, Ms. Robin, I, my name is Aisha, nice to meet you too!"

Reiju, who was leaning against Yake, chuckled and used the power of the Reality Gem to create a house.

"Robin, it's not convenient to talk here, let's go in and talk!"


"I see, I can help you, are you willing to be my disciple?"

Robin felt even more regretful after understanding the cause and effect. Aisha with power is so similar to Ohara with knowledge. In her, Robin saw her own shadow. No matter how talented Aisha is, she is willing to serve as a disciple of Aisha.

"I, I would like to, but my sister, Anna, was hurt by my power, I must save her!"

Elsa hesitated for a while and agreed to become Robin's apprentice.

"I understand, let me see~"

Robin decided to show off to his disciples by using a spell to reveal Anna's location.

"It's Anna!"

Aisha immediately found Anna's location from the phantom, but then she felt distressed. Anna's hair became white and looked very haggard.

"Well, don't worry."

Kristoff dragged Anna forward in a sled, and saw a circle glowing with Mars in front of him, and they appeared in the house made by Reiju in the next second.

"Anna, are you okay?"

Aisha hugged Anna who was almost unconscious, and tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I shouldn't treat you like this, Anna, please, don't die..."

Anna's hair slowly turned back to its original color, and she slowly opened her eyes, looking at Aisha's tearful face, and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"The will of the world, it's interesting, it seems that you are in luck, Yake."

Robin's voice sounded from Yake's mind, Yake turned his head to look, Robin quietly gave a thumbs up, walked slowly in front of Aisha, put his hand on Aisha's shoulder and said.

"An act of true love can melt a frozen heart. The person your sister loves the most is you, Aisha, you saved your sister."

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