Yake uses the power of the Reality Stone to strengthen the entire house "billion" down.

As long as the people in this building don't leave this building, they will escape the attack of the Chitauri army without incident. If they want to go out to find excitement, it's no fault of Yake. They can be regarded as the Mei family. The light of people, otherwise the Acrylic tube would not bother to care about them.

The next day, there was a mess on the S.H.I.E.L.D. mothership, and Loki's plan took effect.

The Soul Stone affected their emotions and made them more irritable. The Avengers huddled together, and Yake's phone started ringing at six o'clock and never stopped.

"Xie Te, black marinated eggs really disturb people's dreams."

Yake answered the phone impatiently, but what came was a message from Agent Hill.

"Mr. Yake, the situation is urgent now. If you still want your things, please rush to the bridge as soon as possible, otherwise Loki will run away."

Yake looked at the time. It was eight o'clock. He didn't know if it was too late. After washing up quickly, Yake confirmed the location of the aircraft carrier, and then appeared on the bridge.

However, the battle seemed to be over. There was black smoke everywhere, and there were still a large number of staff working on repairs. When they walked into the meeting room, everyone's expressions were a little strange.

Fury glanced at Yake and continued: "This was found in Coulson's coat. He will never have a chance to get your autograph."

Fury saw some photos thrown in front of Steve, and Steve picked up the bloody photos with a heavy face.

"We are in a blind state, the communication is broken, and the Rubik's Cube cannot be found. Banner and Thor are gone, and I can't do anything. I have lost my best confidant."

Yake kept silent. If he didn't know that Coulson would be resurrected, he would have believed it. Fury, a black brine, was not telling the truth. In this situation, he said these words just to revive the morale of the army and enhance the cohesion of the team. But it doesn't work for Yake, he doesn't belong to this team.

"That's right, we were planning to use the Rubik's Cube to make weapons, but I didn't put all my bets on it, but used it on a more risky project. That's my ideal, Stark should know .

"We call it the Avengers Project. The idea is to bring together the most Penultimate people in the world and see if they can play a bigger role. When we need them, they can work together to fight against us. We are not sure. Defeated enemies, Coulson believed in this ideal until his death, he believed..."

"The existence of a hero~"

Stark stood up with a heavy face, glanced at Fury, and turned to leave.

Steve put away Coulson's belongings and followed Stark. Only Yake, Fury and Hill were left in the room.

"Mr. Yake, you have not kept our promise."

Yake said lightly: "I obeyed, but not now, besides, I haven't got his scepter yet, have I?"

"You knew that the scepter would affect people's minds! Didn't you?"

Fury said loudly to Yake with a dark face, aggressively questioning Yake, Yake just smiled faintly.

"So what if you know? Aren't you very happy? I have told you a long time ago that the earth is not yet capable of holding things that should not belong to them, whether it is the Rubik's Cube or Loki's scepter."

"And my purpose has not changed from the beginning to the end. The Cosmic Rubik's Cube and the Spirit Scepter should belong to me. If you don't want to..."

Yake didn't say the following words, but Fury understood what Yake didn't say in the second half of the sentence.

Fury was extremely calm: "You are a threat to the people on Earth. You never seem to have said what you want those things for! How can I trust you?"

"You don't need to believe me, you just need to know that if I want to destroy the earth, I don't need those things, and I don't need them. The war is about to start. You should worry about how to protect the people of American first. !"

Yake patted Fury on the shoulder and disappeared in place.

Fury remained silent for a long time, as if he was still pondering Yake's intentions.

Yake has come to the sky above New York. At this time, the sun is shining, and the machine has been placed on the top of the Stark Building. It is Yake's cheap teacher Eric. Yake didn't bother him, turned and returned to the apartment.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Jack, good morning! Have you had breakfast yet?"

Mei La took Yake into the hall, the steaming meal was ready, and she was ready to go to work after eating.

Yake put his arms around Mei and said, "Mei, you'd better not miss work today, and Peter doesn't have to go to school."

"Why! Could it be..."

"You're right, aliens will invade the earth, as long as you stay in the room, you won't get hurt."

Mei covered her mouth in surprise. If other people said she would definitely think it was crazy, but she had to believe what Yake said.

"I see, what about you? Won't you come with us?"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine, don't you know my ability?"

Yake looked around and found no light bulb. Peter, very good, picked up May, sat on the sofa and kissed her passionately, and turned on the TV by the way.


The roof of Stark Tower.

Stark was suspended in the air wearing a steel suit: "Shut it down! Dr. Eric!"

"It's too late, it can't stop! It's going to show us a whole new universe!"

Stark shook his head: "Okay."

"beep~ bang"

Two palm cannons were shot out, and then they hit the egg. The force reflected by the Cosmic Rubik's Cube directly knocked Stark into the air, and Eric was also bounced away by the energy impact, and fell to the side, unconscious.


"Sudden event, an accident occurred at the top of the Stark Building. It is visually estimated that an accident occurred in Mr. Stark's research. The specific situation is still being tracked. Please don't go away. This station will follow up and report."

After eating, Yake leaned on the sofa to watch the news, May was on the right, and Peter was on the left.

"My God! What did Mr. Stark do again?"

Peter stood up directly, leaned in front of the screen, and blocked the TV tightly.

"Peter, what did I say, don't get too close to the TV! Get back on the couch!"

Mei grabbed Peter by the ear and told him to return to the sofa obediently. At this time, the reporter on the TV screamed.

"Oh my God! What is this? Have aliens invaded Earth?"

A blue beam of light appeared on the top of the Stark Tower, and this beam of light opened a passage to the mysterious space. The Zita Swiss soldier riding an airship came out of the passage and came to the earth.

Then the camera fell to the ground, leaving only the screaming and fleeing crowd on the screen.

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