"Aliens have invaded Earth! Oh my God!"

Peter grabbed Yake's hand nervously, looked straight at Yake, and hinted frantically that he almost didn't put on his armor to go into battle.

Yake touched Peter's head, stood up and looked out the window.

"Yake!" "Uncle Yake!"

Mei and Yake's fingers are intertwined. She knows that Yake is unusual, but otherwise she will put Yake in danger.

"It's okay, I'll come when I go..."

Stark Tower.

The Zeta Swiss soldiers are constantly rushing in from the space wormhole. At present, only Stark is fighting bloody battles, but he alone cannot stop so many Zeta Swiss soldiers, and can only watch helplessly. Break through his defenses and wreak havoc across the city.

The people in the distance looked at the change in the sky, their eyes were full of horror, but they were covered by Chitauri's artillery fire in the next second, those who survived fled in a hurry, and New York was in chaos.

Thunder Hammer Thor was ready to go, landed on the top of Stark Tower, and shouted at Loki.

"Loki, close the Rubik's Cube immediately, or I will destroy it!"

"Hmph, my stupid brother! You can't do it, you can't stop it, now there is only war!!!"

Loki's scepter was pointed at Thor, and the mage directly began to fight the warrior close to him, putting it in the Lord of the Rings, and Loki was at least the upper half of Gandalf.

Yake wandered around in the riotous city, screaming and yelling, and there were still people buying at zero yuan in the store, with black and white leather, which was a lively scene.

But Yake is not in a hurry to make a move. Only after feeling the pain, people will realize how precious peace is... Ahem, it’s crossing the stage. Anyway, the death of others has nothing to do with Yake, it’s all about Loki wrong!

Yake is waiting for an opportunity to show his existence to the world. Now it can only be said that it is a small fight, not in a hurry.

"Get out of here! It's dangerous here!"

Steve, Natasha and others arrived. After dispersing the crowd, they saw Yake looking up at the sky on the road. Looking in the direction of Yake, a mechanical kun came out of the wormhole, nearly a kilometer long. , the sense of oppression it brings is far from what those Zeta Swiss soldiers riding airships can match.

I saw the mechanical kun passing over the heads of Yake and others, and the soldiers of Chitauri were continuously ejected from the inside. The standard war machine has strong destructive power and can transport a large amount of troops. The damage caused in the city is unparalleled.

Seeing Steve and the others standing motionless, Yake seemed to be still admiring the arrival of the mechanical kun, and asked curiously, "Aren't you still going to fight monsters? Why are you standing still?"

"how about you?"

Yake pointed to the sky: "Me? I've already done it, can't you see it?"

Everyone looked up, the dark clouds covered the sky, and the sky gradually darkened, as if the end was coming.

"That's what you did?" "Don't worry about it, go and evacuate the people first!"

Hawkeye, Black Widow, and the US team dispersed immediately, and took the initiative to save the people and deal with some aliens by the way.

With a wave of Yake's hand, the scrapped vehicle in front gave way, and Yake continued to move forward.

"Help, help, please, save my child!"

Yake turned his head and looked, a woman was caught in the car dripping with blood, holding a little boy in her hands, there was no one else around, and all her hopes were pinned on Yake.

A team of Zeta Swiss soldiers landed and aimed at Yake and the woman who called for help.

"act recklessly..."

"Heavenly Judgment!"

Dozens of thunderbolts fell from the sky, and the Chitauri team was instantly wiped out.

Yake hooked his fingers in the direction of the woman, and the vehicle instantly disintegrated, freeing the woman, and the reality gem continued to recover from her injuries.

"Take your baby and go! Good luck..."

Yake left without looking back. Just now he saw Loki who fell into the Stark Tower, and he had to get back what belonged to him.


Yark appeared on the top of the building, and the device was constantly delivering energy to expand the wormhole, allowing more Zita Swiss soldiers to enter the earth.

Feeling the guidance between the gems, Yake found the spiritual scepter lying alone on the ground on a platform.

Yake disassembled the mind scepter with his bare hands, and clamped the huge yellow gemstone in it with two fingers. Compared with other infinite gems, the mind gem is the largest.

"Ding~ The soul gem has been collected, do you want to absorb power!"

"Don't worry, I'm not ready yet."

With a thought in his mind, Yake took out the artifact embryo directly, and slowly changed its shape according to Yake's thoughts.

A bracelet and five rings appeared in Yake's hands, engraved with complicated patterns, but without grooves, it looked like an exquisite jewelry.

"Ding, the artifact has been generated, please name it Host!"

"Infinity...then call it the Möbius Ornament!"

"Ding, get the artifact Mobius Ornament, get the effect of the artifact: indestructible, the skill of the artifact: the knot of eternal life, give the part holder eternal life, and bind up to six people."

Yake pressed the soul gem on the bracelet, and the huge gem was directly immersed in the bracelet. From the outside, there was no trace of the gem at all, only the lines glowing with a faint yellow light, and the yellow light flooded into Yake's body, making him Yark can forcibly use all the powers of the Mind Stone.

"Not bad, but is this an infinite bracelet?"

Yake shook his head and continued to do the same, integrating the power gem and the reality gem into two rings one after another, and a ring with purple lines and red lines appeared in Yake's hands.

Take back the other empty rings, on the right hand, wear the ring of power on the middle finger, the ring of reality on the index finger, and the bracelet of the soul on the wrist, Yake holds three infinite gems at the same time, Yake slowly closed his eyes , feeling the earth-shaking changes.

The more gems you hold at the same time, the stronger Yake will be. This is only three gems. Yake then turned his attention to the cosmic cube that continues to deliver energy.

At this time, the Avengers on the ground have gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

Banner just transformed into a hammer and exploded a mechanical kun, but three more flew down from the sky. The enemies seemed to be endless. With the thundercloud summoned by Shang Yake, it was really dark clouds overwhelming the city. My heart sank to the bottom.


"Order! Captain!"

Steve walked to position C and looked up at the sky: "Listen up, stop them before closing the portal."

"Barton, go to the roof and find out the marching route of these guys!"

"Stark, you hold your ground, anything close to these three streets forces them to retreat, or burn them to ashes!"

"Thor, you have to find a way to hold them back! Can you summon lightning or something?"


"Also, Hulk, let's make a fuss!"

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