Yake was sitting on a lonely stone, bathing in the moonlight, and a cute little bat flew over slowly.

When she flew in front of Yake, she changed back to her original form. She was a girl in black tights. Even though she was old enough to be Yake’s grandma, Mephis had just grown up for a vampire. To be precise, Just a day away from becoming an adult.

Seeing Mephis' unfinished look, Yake smiled and asked, "What's the matter, haven't you played enough?"

Mavis was very happy at first, but she felt a little uncomfortable seeing the red lips on Yake's face. This flirtatious bastard...

Ya Ke saw that Mephis pulled his face down when he saw him, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart, this little girl wouldn't really like him, Ya Ke shook his head, Mephis was just being controlled too strictly by his father Yes, it has probably entered the... rebellious period, but this child may have been rebellious for more than ten years.

"There is still a chance next time, let's go home!"

Yake snapped his fingers, and the lip marks on his body disappeared. A thick blue-gray fog wrapped the two of them, and they returned to the Elven Hotel, Mavis's room.

"You guys are three minutes late!"

As soon as Yake stepped on the floor, Dracula leaned in front of Yake with a look of resentment, Yake said haha: "Well, Mavis, see you tomorrow, I have to find my nephew, goodbye!"

Yake slipped away quickly. Dracula is good at everything, but he is too strict with his daughter, so that any normal man except him will be targeted by Dracula if he approaches Mavis. Yake doesn't want to be with her Dracula laning, he's just on vacation.

Sure enough, after Yake left, Dracula began to slobber-bomb Mephis. Mavis sighed, rather than going out to play, she wanted to play with Yake and listen to him tell his adventure stories …

When Yake came to the hall, Peter was walking around in the jelly monster's stomach, having a great time playing. After all, he was just a child, and he was not afraid of anything.

"Peter! It's almost time, we have to eat!"

"No, Uncle Yake, I've eaten a lot of lizard toes, and it tastes good! I'm full, so... can I play for a while?"

Seeing that Yake was unmoved, Peter tried to open his eyes wide. This is the coquettish skill he just learned from the little wolf cub, and now he is using it on Yake.


"Oh~ please, I've been playing for a long time... Forget it, this is your room number, if you are sleepy, ask the waiter to take you to your room to sleep!"

Yake handed the room card to Peter, and was too lazy to care about it. At this time, Dracula also went downstairs, standing beside Yake with a serious face.

"What did you do to Mavis?"

Dracula's words made Yake look confused, I didn't do anything!

"What do you mean?"

"Why did she say she liked you! Why?"

Yake suddenly realized, good guy, Mavis used him as a shield in order to stop Dracula's mouth! How can it be repaired!

"Well, Dracula, don't worry, she's diverting your attention, you know, I'm just here to play for a few days, and then I'll return to my world."

When Dracula thought about it, yes, no wonder he always felt that there was something wrong with Mephis. It turned out that he was in a hurry to drive him away. This trick worked so well for him. When he heard Mephis say these words just now, he almost had a brain hemorrhage. .

The more Dracula thought about it, the more angry he was, and he was about to question Mavis again, but he turned his head unexpectedly, and asked about the genuine human scent.

Yake followed Dracula's gaze, and a boy with a big bag full of bags appeared in the revolving door, with an orange afro, looking a little funny, and without any disguise.

Dracula no longer cared about Mavis at this time, if other monsters knew that he had humans here, then everything here would be ruined.

Dracula swooped the boy into the revolving door again: "Who are you? How did you find this place!"

"Well, my name is Jonathan. I came to climb the mountain with some friends. I heard that there is a ghost forest here. Who wouldn't want to see a ghost forest? Then I saw a few strange guys on fire, so I followed them. Come to this majestic castle."

Dracula's pupils shrank into a small dot: "How many of you?"

"Just me, I travel alone."

Jonathan's tone was casual, he thought it was just a masquerade.

"It's over, it's over, you have to go!"

Dracula felt more and more that Jonathan couldn't stay and had to throw it out quickly, but as soon as he went out, more than a dozen monster guests surrounded him, and Dracula quickly retreated back to the hall, but other guests also entangled him .

Yake looked at Jonathan in his arms and smiled without saying a word. A college student haha, it's so funny, he's not good enough for Mavis.

Yake followed them to the waiter's locker room, and asked jokingly, "Do you need my help? Dracula?"

"Of course, yes, if it's you, it will definitely help. You have to help me drive him away!"

Yake patted Dracula on the shoulder, signaling him to be at ease: "Boy, where is your home?"

"Whoa, are you a basketball player? I don't think I've seen you before, uh, yeah, I live in New Jersey, what's up?"

Yake took his mobile phone, looked at Xin Naxi's location, and probably knew the direction in his heart: "Okay boy, welcome home!"

A thick blue-gray fog enveloped the two of them, and Yake had brought Jonathan back to the streets of New Nash.

"Should you go home by yourself? Goodbye!"

Yake disappeared in place again, and Jonathan couldn't help rubbing his eyes: "Wow, it's amazing!"

"Well, where did you throw that human?"

"Don't worry, Dracula, he's already thousands of miles away, don't worry."

Dracula let out a long sigh of relief, and finally landed safely, at least he didn't have to worry about scaring away the guests.

"I owe you a favor!"

Dracula shook Yake's hand, expressed his thanks, turned around and went out to continue entertaining the guests, this time he was finally able to handle it with ease.

Yake expressed helplessness and was about to walk out the door when a head hanging upside down suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Hey, what were you doing just now?"

Unexpectedly, it was Mavis. Jacques stretched out his finger and flicked Mevis on the forehead: "Mevis, don't be surprised, you will scare others."

"Then, did I scare you?"

Mephis jumped down from the door frame and stood in front of Yake shyly, shyly pulling her hair behind her ears.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yake quickly changed the topic: "Well, do you want to meet my nephew? He is actually a human being. I disguised him. His name is Peter."

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