Mavis kicked away a skull on the ground, her cheeks puffed up,

"Did my father tell you something again? Are you still afraid of my father?"

Yake let out a series of coughing sounds: "Mavis, this is not a question of whether you are afraid of your father, but... We are not people in the same world, understand? And I already have girlfriends, and even five Wife, so, I'm sorry, I think we'd better be friends."

"Besides, we've only known each other for a few days, haven't we?"

Mephis bit Yake's hand angrily, and turned into a little bat and ran away. Fortunately, Yake restrained a little, otherwise her canine teeth would be broken.

Yake looked at the time, it was already 4 o'clock, and it was almost time to go to bed. For the monsters, the day just started, but Peter and May couldn't do it. After walking out, Yake found that Peter was still playing wildly, holding Peter Ears ignored his shouts and led him back to the guest room.

"Peter, go to bed honestly!"

After closing the door, Yake said to the doorknob's head: "Don't let him run out, otherwise, I will beat you in the face hard!"

"like this!"

Yake slammed on the face of the head. In fact, he didn't use much force, but it scared the head to tears, and he nodded in agreement.

After yawning, Yake returned to his room, opened the door carefully, Mei was already asleep, Yake gently covered Mei with the quilt, and shrank in himself.

There was a little bat watching all this quietly by the window, and flapped its wings until the lights in the room went out.

The next day, at twelve noon, it was still gloomy outside, which fit the theme of horror.

Jacques was enjoying May's wake-up call, playing with May's jet-black hair with his right hand.


Mei's face was flushed, and she just tried the new skills she learned on the late-night channel, and she could tell from Yake's appearance that he was very proud.

"Mei, reciprocity, now it's my turn..."

The corners of Yake's mouth raised slightly, and his evil hands pointed directly at Mei's body.

After playing around for a while, the two went to the bathroom to take a shower, and a new day began.

Calling Peter, the three of them had breakfast...lunch together. They were all food that Jacques took out from the storage bar. Mei really couldn't accept the toes, snot, etc. provided by the Elven Hotel.

"Peter, are you going to a birthday party? Tonight is the birthday of the hotel owner Dracula's daughter. They should be performing or something now."

Peter still had a sandwich in his mouth, and nodded after hearing Jake's words.

"May, you..."

"I'll forget it, I'll just stay here! I really can't imagine facing a group of ghosts."

"All right!"

Yake took Peter to a secret place. Frankenstein Frank and Werewolf Wayne were performing, and there was a chunky mummy, but Yake didn't know his name, and it was the first time he saw him, but since he was in This should be Dracula's friend.

"Hey, how are you! Was the show good?"

"Ha, not bad, I think it's pretty good."

Their show is...biting things, wreaking havoc and so on. The scenes are very scary, but they are all sand sculptures. If you know their nature, you won't feel scary at all.

"This young ghost is so cute. Is he your son, Yake?"

"Almost, his name is Peter Parker, just call him Peter."

Peter felt a little bored, a group of ghosts playing these children's things together? His friend's sister's birthday party was more interesting than this, Peter suddenly had a brain turn, came up with a clever plan, and whispered to Yake's ear.

"No, Peter, Dracula's heart won't take it."

"Now my dad's not here..."

"Mavis! My God, you, happy birthday to you, this is my nephew, Peter."

Mavis stretched out her right hand towards Peter: "Hi, Peter, I'm Mavis, and I'm Yake's...friend."

"I think what you just said is very interesting. The set that Dad arranges every year is too boring. I have long wanted to play something different. Just do what you just said!"

Peter was pleasantly surprised by Mevis' approval, and looked expectantly at Yake, who sighed.

"Well, for the sake of today being your birthday."

Yake stretched out his right hand and snapped his fingers crisply, everything around him began to change constantly, and the reality gem constantly affected everything around him.

"My God! What the hell is going on!"

"Ahh! What's going on!"

A small Mickey Park appeared above the castle, and all the ghosts present automatically flew to the entrance of the park. Peter had been there several times, but he still couldn't forget it. Jacques didn't even know what was so interesting about it.

"This is an amusement park in the human world, let's play together!"

Peter immediately changed into the role of the leader, leading a group of wolf cubs into the paradise, having a great time playing.

"What are you doing! Yake, you ruined my plan!"

Dracula couldn't believe what happened, and fell to his knees in desolation, watching all the guests leave him.

"Don't worry Dracula, don't you think Mavis is having a good time? Isn't this what you want to see?"

Dracula looked up, Mevis was having a good time and smiled sweetly, he was silent, yes, gradually let go of the grudges in his heart, nodded towards Yake, and went to play with Mevis up.

This is the time that belongs to the father and daughter, and Yake couldn't bear to disturb him, leaning quietly on the recliner, enjoying the ordinary time.

Suddenly Yake felt that someone was stroking his temple, and when he turned his head, it turned out to be Mei.

"Mei, why do you..."

"I think you are too lonely by yourself, so I will come down to accompany you, okay?"

Yake showed a smile, and took Mei into the paradise he created, laughing and laughing, never stopping.

For Mavis, this was the best birthday party in her 118 years. Everyone had a great time. Seeing her daughter’s smile, the old father Dracula was determined to copy an amusement park so that the baby girl could enjoy it every day. You can have so much fun.

But the happy time is always short, the holiday is over, and they have to go back.

"Goodbye, Mavis, Dracula, we have to go!"

"What? Don't play for a few more days?"

Mavis looked at Yake nervously, a little bit unwilling for him to leave like this.

"I will come to see you every year, goodbye!" "Goodbye, Sister Mavis!" "Goodbye!"

The dense fog hit until it dissipated, and the three of them had disappeared without a trace.

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