The Kingdom of God in the Sky.

To get rich, build roads first. The only problem with Sky Island is that the transportation is inconvenient, whether it is for sightseeing tourists or pirates with ulterior motives, it is inconvenient to come up. The first problem of Germa Kingdom is to solve the transportation problem of Sky Island.

How come? How to go?

Everyone was talking about the location of the entrance and exit, and in the end Yake made the decision to set up the entrance and exit of the Sky Kingdom at the end of the cloud.

Letting this country have only one place where outsiders can enter and exit is also convenient for controlling potential safety hazards. As for how to build access roads, it is not Yake's consideration.

The Kingdom of God in the Sky is being built day by day, and this country is also changing day by day.

A large number of islanders are actively participating in the construction of the country. The reason is very simple. If you take care of the food and have a lot of money, you can get a citizenship certificate for free if you participate in labor. Otherwise, you have to pay 10,000 Berries to apply for a citizen ID card made of pure gold. , Residents competed to be cattle and horses one after another.

The construction of the God of Sky Kingdom is in full swing. After all the projects are put into construction, Yake is considered to be on vacation, and the supervisor is not needed, and his own crew will be responsible.

Today, Yake is going to demolish Nine Snake Island and move Hancock's daughter country to Sky Island.

Yake turned into a dragon and flew around the Sky Island. In fact, he also reminded the residents of Sky Island that God is always by your side.

Then Yake came to the end of the cloud and went to Qinghai.

"Sister, it's not good, a dragon has come to our country, come out and have a look!" Sandersonia rushed into Hancock's room anxiously.

"How is that possible! Is it Kaido! How dare he invade my concubine's kingdom! Go, go out and have a look!" Hancock stuffed Yake's arrest warrant under the pillow, and walked out with Sandersonia.

"Sister, look, this is it!" Sandersonia pointed to the blue dragon hovering in the sky.

Hancock stared blankly at the giant dragon in the sky, and she actually felt that this dragon was somewhat similar to Yake.

"Sister, order the attack! Our soldiers are ready." Seeing Hancock's silence, Marigold thought her sister was in trouble again.

"No! Wait, don't you think that dragon looks a bit like Yake?" The more Hancock looked at it, the more he thought it was Yake. She would never forget Hancock's thoughtful face.

"Yake, is that you!!" Hancock yelled.

Yake scratched his head with his paws in embarrassment in the air. He wanted to scare Hancock, but it seemed that he was recognized. Could this be true love?

Since it was recognized, it would be boring, Yake transformed into a human form and landed in front of Hancock, spreading his hands.

"Surprised or surprised?"

When Hancock saw that it was indeed Yake, he was overjoyed immediately, and the milk swallow crashed into Yake's chest like returning home.

Yake: Coach, I'll report it, she hit someone with the ball!

"Yake, I know it's you!"

The two began to be close to each other, and Hancock's two younger sisters left silently. The dog food was too uncomfortable to let the soldiers of Nine Snake Island see, otherwise the character set of Hancock Empress would collapse.

"Yake, why do you have time to come here today? Could it be that your residence has been chosen?" Hancock rested his head on Yake's shoulder.

"That's right, Hancock, my country is on Sky Island, and I'm here to move the entire Hydra Island to our residence."

Country, our seat, Yak is king, then I'm queen! Yake is proposing to me! Hancock's little head was crazy, and he even thought of the child's name.

"Hancock! Hancock~"

Yake watched the empress's face getting redder and redder. Although she was very beautiful, she didn't seem to say anything!

"Ah~ I am willing!"

Hancock grabbed Yake's hand and put it in his palm and shouted excitedly.

"That's good, Hancock, let's get started!" Yake was relieved, thinking that Hancock was unwilling to take Jiu Snake Island away, after all, this is the place where Daughter Country has lived for generations.

"Ah, Yake, is it too hasty to get married here?" Hancock said with a look of embarrassment. Although he was willing to marry Yake, he didn't have everything ready.

Yake: Please turn on the microphone to communicate!

Obviously, the two are no longer on the same channel. Yake was even more confused.

who I am? where am i Am I doing gods and demons?

"Hancock, have you misunderstood something? Hey, listen to me!! Be sober!" Jacques shook Hancock vigorously before letting Hancock escape from his fantasy.

"Hancock, I'm not talking about marriage! Have you misunderstood something?" Jacques had a headache, and Hancock had obviously lost his mind.

"Don't you want to marry me? You don't love me anymore! Woooooo..." Hancock couldn't help but bow his head and sob when he heard Yake's words, because Yake designated someone outside.

"Monkey Thunder~ Xie Te!" Yake's head was getting big, and the woman who urged the marriage was too difficult to deal with. To deal with this situation, it seemed that he had to use that trick.

Yake bit the bullet and picked up the weeping Hancock and rushed to the empress' bedroom.

The general situation is like this.

The empress used the charm spell, and Yake's attack speed increased.

Yake used the Grip of Immortality to quickly draw his gun and then hit a giant dragon with his backhand, causing the Empress to be defeated.

Both sides are evenly matched players, and the battle situation is gradually escalating, but Yake's advantage is gradually obvious.


The empress's decline has been revealed, and Yake sees the right time to use it

Water Style·Water Bomb

The battle is over...

Hancock: Sure enough, he still loves me!

The world finally calmed down.

Seeing that Hancock finally stopped talking about marriage, Yake felt relieved, and hurriedly whispered sweet words in Hancock's ear, finally exposing the matter of marriage to the past.

Nine Snake Island.

All the residents of the daughter country have been in place, and the demolition plan of Jiusnake Island has officially started.

Yake turned into a dragon form and floated in the air, and the dragon's face clearly showed that he was struggling.

Nine Snake Island and Birka are not in the same order of magnitude at all. It took Yake a lot of effort to pull Nine Snake Island out of the sea, and the sea water was already turbid.

The huge island was lifted slowly in the air by circles of flame clouds, but it was much more convenient after the island was raised, and it was over with a little more physical effort to send the island up.

"Comparable to the power of a god, is that why Yake insisted on wandering outside!" Hancock looked at the fading sea and muttered to himself, had he been at ease for too long?

The overall shape of Apayado is circular, and there is a circular gap on the south side of the island. Jacques is going to place Hydra Island in the center of the circular gap.

Whether it is Qinghai or the Kingdom of God in the Sky, Jiu Snake Island will be a forbidden place, a forbidden place for men.

Of course, except Yake.

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