Pirates: The Beginning Makes The World Feel The Pain

34. Seven Warlords Of The Sea Conference

Marine headquarters, Marineford.

Except for Boa·Hancock and Gekko Moria, all Seven Warlords of the Sea gathered together.

"The main purpose of calling everyone here today is to discuss the candidates for the two vacancies of Seven Warlords of the Sea."

Sengoku sat on the main seat and said sonorously, with a very serious expression.

"Hmph, heh, there seems to be two more people who haven't arrived!" Doflamingo smiled evilly, and put his legs on the table wantonly, showing his sexy leg hair at a glance.

"Pay attention to your words and deeds, Doflamingo! This is exactly the reason for calling everyone here. According to the news of Gekko Moria's subordinate Hobak, Moria has been confirmed to be killed; Empress Boa Hancock broke away from Seven Warlords of the Sea a few days ago .”

"These two incidents are related to the same person, the heinous wanted criminal, God Yake."

"Now Boa Hancock and her resident Nine Snake Island have disappeared. According to her own statement, she has joined the Ark Pirates founded by God Yake."

With a heavy heart, Sengoku told all the Shichibukai present what Marine had learned. Boa Hancock's joining Yake's pirate group was obviously not good news for Marine.

"God Yake? That Thunder Fruit capable user!" Doflamingo's complexion changed. From his deeds in the newspaper alone, he is a lawless guy, and his ability is still very tricky.

The tyrant Bartholomew Big Bear looked down at the book with the cover of BLBLE in his hand, and kept silent. At this time, Big Bear had a complete personality. In his opinion, this god Yake might not be the enemy of "their".

"It's that bloody bastard again..." Crocodile clutched at the scar on his chest, which still seemed to be in pain.

Jinbei also remained silent. He had just met this god Yake some time ago.

The world's number one swordsman, Dracule Mihawk, seemed a little casual, if he wasn't a swordsman, he wasn't interested at all.

"So, we will deprive the Empress of the title of Seven Warlords of the Sea, re-list her as a wanted criminal, and offer a reward of 800 million Baileys."

Hancock's original bounty was 80 million Baileys, but that was only the amount of bounty she got when she first went to sea when she was eighteen years old, when she was Grandmaster Conqueror's Haki. It has been nearly ten years now, and besides joining the pirate group of World government hostile elements like God Yake, this amount is not an exaggeration.

"800 million, huh huh~ What an expensive head!"

"Okay, that's the end of this matter. The news will be distributed to the sea tomorrow, and then there is the question of the new Shichibukai candidate. Do you have any recommended candidates?"

The air suddenly fell into an eerie silence, Sengoku didn't care too much, they were just proposing anyway, whether it can become Seven Warlords of the Sea is another matter.

"Since no one has anyone to recommend, I'll recommend someone and see what everyone thinks."

"The leader of the Spades Pirates - Portgas Ace, Logia, Mera-mera Fruit ability user, is a newcomer who has been in the limelight recently."

"No comment."


"Mera-mera Fruit, hehe, no comments."

No one in the room objected to Ace becoming a Shichibukai. Just relying on one point, Logia, or the extremely lethal Mera-mera Fruit, it was determined that his lower limit would not be too low.

"Very well, then we will send an invitation letter to Ace, if there is no important matter, let's adjourn the meeting!"

Shichibukai gradually left the field, Doflamingo swaggered out with Doflamingo steps, and Marineford showed a very arrogant attitude.

"This sea is really getting more and more interesting, huh, huh, huh, huh~"

In fact, Sengoku did not reveal one thing, which is the news that Yake challenged Whitebeard. According to the description of the second and fifth boys in the Whitebeard group, Yake stabbed Whitebeard with a knife, and Yake was just knocked out by Whitebeard's punch. , Although he didn't join Whitebeard, he has a good relationship with the crew of the Whitebeard regiment and even Whitebeard. The most important thing is that he is still the adopted son of Pluton·Rayleigh.

Marine had heard the news a long time ago, but the question about Yake must be reported to the World government, so the bounty has not been updated....

The next day, the newsbirds flew to the corner of the world in groups.

The newspaper has three headlines, and the content is roughly as follows:

Shock! What happened to the two Seven Warlords of the Sea?

Shock! Whitebeard stood still and was pierced by God Yake!

Shock! The Ark Pirates' bounty is open!

This is a shocking idea conceived by a genius reporter, which can greatly increase the sales of the newspaper. It is said that the reporter has been promoted by Morgens and raised his salary.

Whitebeard originally won, but was advertised by Marine as if he had lost, in order to damage Whitebeard's reputation.

Then the entire Ark Pirates were rewarded, including the three Boya sisters.

Ark Pirates

Captain: GOD·ARK

Extremely Dangerous: ONLY DEAD

Bounty: 2400000000 Bailey

Devil's Son: Nico Robin

Extremely Dangerous: ONLY DEAD

Bounty: 100000000 Bailey

Pink Toxic: Vinsmoke Reiju

Extremely Dangerous: ONLY ALIVE

Bounty: 120000000 Bailey

Princess Mononoke: Perona

Extremely Dangerous: DEAD OR ALIVE

Bounty: 30000000 Bailey

Anna who loves fish


Bounty: 500 Bailey

Empress: Boa Hancock

Extremely Dangerous: DEAD OR ALIVE

Bounty: 800000000 Bailey

Green Python: Boa Sandersonia

Extremely Dangerous: DEAD OR ALIVE

Bounty: 60000000 Bailey

King Cobra: Boa Marigold

Extremely Dangerous: DEAD OR ALIVE

Bounty: 60000000 Bailey

A few days ago, Marine called and asked Hancock to attend the Shichibukai meeting. Under the instruction of Yake, he directly announced his withdrawal from Shichibukai and joined Yake's Ark Pirates. The reason for the bandits.

In fact, the Queen's Nine Snake Pirates did not directly join Yake, but joined in the form of a fan team, but Yake didn't care, after all, it was a family.

"Gu la la la ~ this kid is really lecherous, the crew members are all female dolls ha ha!" Whitebeard, who was full of needles, looked at the reward order of the Ark Pirates and laughed, and blocked Ace rushing out of the shadows The fatal sneak attack knocked him to the ground.

"Damn it, Dad, Marine dared to slander you, you obviously knocked Yake that bastard unconscious with one punch..." Marco, the real dutiful son, was very angry when he saw Marine's report, and strongly demanded to rush to Marineford Give Sengoku a few big mouths.

"Gu la la la, it's okay Marco~" Whitebeard didn't care, Marine was just that tricky.

Ace, who was knocked down by a punch and lying in a corner, fell into self-doubt...

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