Cake Island.

After sailing for a period of time, Yake and others finally came to the center of Totto Land in all countries - Cake Island, which is the island where the aunt lives. It is not wrong to say that it is the palace.

Here is the same as the world in fairy tales, colorful houses made of cakes; flowers and trees of different shapes that can sing; crowds of all races can be seen everywhere, at a glance, snakehead tribe, long-handed tribe, mermaid...these Rare races that are usually rare to see are just ordinary people here.

Yake and others got off the boat, and under the leadership of Garrett, they came to Cake Castle in a unique carriage. Along the way, Anna and Perona chattered non-stop, screaming excitedly from time to time, and Yake was paralyzed.

"Mum, Mama, Boy Yake, you are finally here, and everyone is waiting for you!"

When I got out of the car, I saw Aunt Xiaoshan's fat body, surrounded by her children.

Good guy, Yake roughly counted at least 30 of them, and the physique of the aunt is really... amazing!

One gave birth to a large pirate group, Yake prefers to call Big Mom a sow fruit capable person, no... Big Mom can give birth better than a sow. Not to mention the quintuplets, there are even decuplets, my God... Compared with the aunt, Yake is a scumbag. The aunt started having children at the age of eighteen, and it doesn’t matter how many husbands Yake has I don't know, anyway, the husband will be killed by the aunt after giving birth.

If it weren't for Big Mom's pirate group being suppressed by her alone, as long as she died, several pirate groups would be split in an instant. Fortunately, Big Mom is strong and her reputation is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. If Big Mom is alive for a day, the pirate group will not be disbanded. .

"Hey~ Didn't Yake build a country in Paradise? How did he come here?"

"Does even Yake have to attend aunt's tea party? What a face!"

The brains of the underground world who were invited to the tea party talked a lot. Yake was obviously the most important character besides the aunt, and the bounty was 3.6 billion, basically relying on personal strength, so they couldn't help but not pay attention to it. Some people even have the idea of ​​quitting. If the aunt and Yake get into a fight, it won't be a fight between gods and mortals will suffer!

"It seems that I came at the right time, aunt, why did you come to me? Tell me straight, I'm very busy!" Yake said casually, although he didn't care what the aunt's purpose was, but he still seemed to do it.

Robin and Reiju, who were wearing low-cut dresses, held Yake's hand respectively, and stood on both sides of Yake. Yake was naturally the third, with beach shorts, a child in tow, and a topless body. The imposing manner of the words reveals a faintly intimidating charm.

"Mum, Mama, don't worry, the banquet is starting, I will tell you of course, everyone, everyone is here, I announce that the tea session has officially started!" Kakuzu grinned behind her ears, the aunt was very happy. As soon as the voice fell, the fireworks were lifted into the sky, beautiful music sounded, and a woman in black robe sang loudly, and the scene suddenly became a sea of ​​joy.

Yake took Robin and Reiju to sit near the aunt. The guests on the table were all the kings of the underground world. Yake recognized only the news agency president Morgans, and the Queen of the Pleasure District who was more impressive. Stussy, I can't remember the other crooked melon split dates Yake.

"Linlin, this is a gift from me!" Stussy smiled coquettishly and handed a beautiful box to the aunt, and the aunt was immediately as happy as a child, the five-thousand-jin kind.

Stussy started, others also gave presents one after another, Yake was indifferent.

"Hey, have you prepared a gift?" Robin whispered in Yake's ear, she thought Yake would prepare it.

Yake, of course... I didn't prepare it, whoever is a decent person will bring a gift to the tea party, anyway, Yake didn't bring it, and he doesn't form an alliance with the aunt, so it's pointless to please her.

When the aunt saw Yake sitting like a log, she knew that he didn't bring a gift, and she was not annoyed. She said with a smile on her face: "Boy Yake, you are not married yet! I am going to send my daughter Charlotte Jialei Franchised to you, so that we are one family."

The guests present froze, waiting for Yake to speak. It is human nature to eat melons, especially the melons of Yake and Dahai Emperor Aunt, who are in the limelight recently.

Yake glanced at the aunt with disdain and said coldly: "If you come to me, if this is the matter, then you can avoid it! I am very specific." Yake said and opened his hands, Robin and Reiju cooperated very much He threw himself into Yake's arms.

Aunt: ...

"Mum, Mama, do you suggest one more? If Garrett doesn't like it, what do you think of Smooji?"

"I'm not here to discuss marriage, old woman!"

Yake said unceremoniously that others are afraid of her aunt, but he is not afraid, at worst, it will be a fight to see the truth.

"Are you really going to reject me? Yake kid! Don't think that you are defiant after fighting Shanks, this is my place!"

The aunt's smile gradually disappeared, and her tone became very cold, inspired by the powerful Conqueror's Haki, coupled with a ferocious fat face, it was very frightening.

"Do you want to fight? Come on! If you dare to fight me, you dare to make Wan Guo disappear from New World!"

Yake didn't give in, isn't it Conqueror's, who can't seem to be the whole person, the rich Conqueror's came out through the body, and the moment it appeared, the air suddenly condensed, and it was a bit cold. Yake exuded a shivering cold aura all over his body, and the expression on his face was like the frost of the twelfth lunar month.

The weak-willed guests passed out one by one, and Yake remained motionless, staying quietly in his seat and confronting the aunt.

"Brother Katakuri, what should we do? Mom seems to be fighting Yake, can we help?" Garrett's expression tightened suddenly, and she hurriedly sought advice from Katakuri beside her.

"Don't panic, mom is not ready to fight Yake." Ka Er's knowledgeable look has foreseen the future.

In the next second, the aunt's cold and ferocious face turned into an old chrysanthemum with a smile, as if what happened just now had never happened: "Mum, Mama, that's a pity, if you like my daughter, just tell me! Come, come, let's taste long bread and make a three-layer chiffon cake covered with sea salt and almond milk!"

Stussy hurriedly beat the snake to ease the awkward atmosphere: "Come, come, let's taste it together! Mr. Longbread's dessert skills are unique in this world!"

A proud sneer appeared on Yake's handsome face again, he snorted coldly, and patted Robin and Reiju's shoulders to signal them not to be nervous.

The aunt didn't care about Yake and the others, and ate the cake by herself. She ate almost all of the huge cake, no wonder it looked like a fat pig.

Stussy picked up the wine glass and walked towards Yake with his slender waist twisted, his face was ruddy, and his voice was sweet: "Master Yake~ I'm toasting you, your female partner is really beautiful! I don't know if I have a chance to meet you How about a dance together?"

Like Reiju, Robin could see that she was definitely a bad woman, Garrett just now was better than her!

Yake has no interest in CP's spies, and the old woman knows how old she is.

"If I remember correctly, you are the chicken head of Happy Street! How many Baileys at a time? What about overnight? Take away?"

Stussy's brewing smile froze, stomped his feet, and left in embarrassment, the whole paragraph collapsed.

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