At the tea party, the guests and the host enjoyed themselves.

The dark giants in the underground world watched Yake ready to move. Who has the best weapon on the sea? Kingdom of God in the sky! The high-end weapons currently circulating in the sea are basically products of the Sky Kingdom. It is said that the revolutionary army has basically been equipped with the automatic weapons of the Sky Kingdom, and the army of the Fallen Kingdom cannot resist at all.

The business of the giant Heavenly Yaksha, which sells arms, has been affected. Although the World government has also launched the same weapons, the cost is much higher than that of Yaksha. They do not have all kinds of precision machine tools and equipment made by Yaksha. High, there is no competitiveness in the market at all. And the source of these weapons is the man in front of him, the God of the Sky God Kingdom!

"Lord God Yake, in Xia Umit, I want to buy a batch of AK-47 automatic weapons from Sky Island to arm my shipping fleet. I don't know what your Lord Yake wants!" The Sea King licked his face, The attitude is extremely humble.

Yake slowly wiped off the cream around his mouth with a paper towel, and said coldly: "Go away! You don't deserve it, if you don't disappear before my eyes, I'll kill you..."

After hearing this, Umit trembled uncontrollably and clenched his fists, not from fear but from extreme anger. How can he say that he is also the emperor of the dark world, the king of the sea, and he was sneered at when he talked about business in a low voice. He was angry, but he didn't dare to attack, because Yake would really kill him, no matter what his status...

Umit tried his best to squeeze out an ugly smile, turned around for a moment, his face darkened, and he remembered the hatred.

"Captain, don't you even want door-to-door business? Aren't you worrying about the lack of sales of weapons?" Reiju asked strangely, wiping off the cream that fell on Yake's chest with a tissue.

"Hmph~ Do I still need orders? The orders for the Revolutionary Army have already been queued for two years, simply because he is too ugly." Yake said disdainfully, selling his weapons whenever he wanted, and if he didn't want to. Don't sell it, it's just so capricious.

Yake glanced at where Anna was sitting, and found that they were eating happily, with splashes of butter and dirty bodies. Luckily, Luo and Fan Oka were not affected by them, quietly being a handsome man, Yake felt more at ease, there were still reliable people.

"Mum, Mama, Yake boy, since you don't like my daughter, then forget it. But I heard that Germa seems to have fallen into your hands, and that little girl is Germa's princess, right? !” Aunt interjected during cooking. She was first interested in Yake’s people, and secondly, she was interested in Germa’s technological power. Germa disappeared in the sea two years ago, but she did a good job of investigation. some.

Now with the addition of Reiju beside Yake, it can basically be confirmed that Germa has already been included in Yake's pocket. I didn't expect this kid to have such a vision.

"That's right, there is no Germa Kingdom in this world anymore, only the Kingdom of Sky God, so what?"

"I need Germa's life-and-death soldiers and her! So, Yark boy, let's work together! With that little girl who can read the text of history, becoming One Piece is just around the corner! Mama, Mama, Kaido, Shanks, Whitebeard They will all be defeated by me!" Everyone knows about Auntie's wolfish ambition, not only Germa, but Robin is also her goal, and only those who can interpret the historical text can become One Piece, this is the consensus of the sea. Otherwise, she wouldn't have collected the historical texts and kept them under strict supervision.

After listening to aunt's words, Yake exuded a shivering breath all over his body, and the sharp cold wind rushed towards his face!

"BIG MOM, do you really think I'm in your pocket? Since I dare to come here, it's because I'm not afraid of you at all. You want war? Then I'll give you war!"

"If you dare to think carefully about my crew, I dare to destroy you!"

Yake's face was cold, and the words of the aunt had touched his reverse scales, and quite exquisite blue dragon patterns suddenly emerged. If you want to hurt his partner, let's fight!

"No one can reject me twice, Yake boy, don't think that you dare to be so arrogant after a small achievement! When my old lady crossed the sea, you were not born yet!"

The aunt was so angry that even people in the distance could feel her fiery anger, and the atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point! Big Mom's eyes were red, and a terrifying aura spewed out!


The aunt instantly launched the soul shock and soul spell. As long as Yake and his party have a fear of the aunt, they will be taken away by her. This is ignoring any defense. If you want to block this move, you must be strong enough not to be afraid aunt!

Robin and Reiju held Yake's arm tightly, as long as Yake was around, they were fearless. Yake looked at the ugly face of the aunt indifferently, and even felt that the face of the aunt should be more lethal when paired with a little ketchup.

"BIG MOM, is this the ability of the soul fruit? It's not bad, it matches your face, but do you want to scare me with this? Hahahaha, you are so stupid and hopeless!"

"Ark Pirates! Enter..."

"Boom! Rumble~"

Yake's words were interrupted by a loud noise. It seemed that something had fallen from the sky, and it happened to hit between Yake and the aunt, causing a burst of smoke and dust. Before that, all the attention was on the aunt, and she felt it, but didn't care.

Yake: This scene is somewhat familiar. Isn't this the scene when he imitated Kaido's suicide? In addition to myself and Kaido, there are others... Wait, it can't be the comparison with Kaido, right?


A demon-like figure gradually emerged from the smoke screen, and the aura of appearance that descended from the sky had already overwhelmed everyone present.

Yake frowned, the two Four Emperors have come, and he can retreat completely... Fortunately, he was prepared, but he still has to make a quick decision!

"Kaido! What are you bastard doing here? Do you want to die?" The aunt who was interrupted by Kaido was furious, and started to swear at Kaido.

"You are very talkative! Old woman, Laozi is here to find Yake. I advise you not to meddle in your own business. He hit Laozi's younger brother. I have to ask him for an explanation!" Kaido clasped his ears impatiently. He said, not paying attention to aunt at all.

"Beasts... Kaido! He's coming too, it's over!!"

"Quick... run away, idiot, this place will soon become a battlefield!"

The guests present exclaimed and fled in despair.

"Brother Katakuri, what should we do?"

"Take care of the members of the Ark Pirates, don't let them escape, the battle between the emperors is not something we can participate in!"

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