God dwelling.

"Let me introduce to everyone. This is Mr. Yixiao, our new partner. Although he is blind, he is very powerful!"

There are new members joining. According to the usual practice, Yake still needs to call all the crew members to get to know each other.

"Hi, Mr. Yixiao, I'm Nico Robin, a historian." Although Robin didn't know where Yake got a crew member, from Yake's point of view, this uncle's character and strength are at least not too bad, First of all, he expressed his goodwill to Yixiao.

After Robin introduced himself, other people also introduced themselves one after another. The atmosphere of the Ark Pirates was good. No one ignored this new uncle, but joining with a smile undoubtedly raised the average age of the pirates by several years. .

"Mr. Yixiao, our Ark Pirates are all young people. Please take care of them in the future. You are older than us. It is not good to call you by your first name. I see that Mr. Yixiao always wears a purple kimono." , How about using Fujitora as a nickname?" Yake is not used to always laughing, the name Fujitora is more Haki, and also seems cold, but this name is also a title after joining Marine and becoming Admiral.

"Fujitora? It's a good title, it's very suitable for me, so everyone will call me Fujitora from now on, Fujitora·Smile!"

Fujitora smiled and was very satisfied with the name, as if it belonged to him by nature.

"Let's drink a toast to Mr. Fujitora joining our pirate team!"



After the meal, a group of people chatted with each other, Fujitora and Fan Oka unexpectedly got along very well, but the conversation between them made Yake confused and unable to understand. Looking at the kitten Anna playing with Perona, Yake suddenly remembered that the Lion Fruit hadn't been given to her yet.

"Anna, this is the Devil Fruit I specially prepared for you. This is the ability of the legendary great pirate Golden Lion. It suits you very well. Don't you always want to fly? Eat it and you will have the ability to fly."

Yake opened the exquisite box, revealing the white Devil Fruit inside, and the room suddenly fell silent.

"Golden Lion? I met him once when I was young. At that time, he was already a big pirate who dominated the party. It's a pity..." Fujitora seemed to be lost in memory.

"Great! Yaxama, can this really make me fly? Then I won't be polite! Aww~" Anna unceremoniously took the Lion Fruit into her hand and bit it off.

As a kitten, Anna's biggest dream is to fly and find ALL BLUE. Now the opportunity to realize her dream is in front of her eyes. Of course, Anna will not let it go, and if this is the ability that the big pirate once possessed, she will become even stronger. Strong, this will help the captain!

"yue~ oh, ah, why is it so unpalatable! Yaxama, this taste is too unpalatable, Anna can't stand meow!" As a chef, Anna has a very keen sense of taste, Devil Fruit's The taste was really indescribable, Anna's expression looked quite painful, her little face was huddled together.

"Hahaha, Anna, thinking back then, Captain, I ate all the Devil Fruit in one go, that's why I'm so strong!" Yake winked at Anna. Devil Fruit only needs to eat one bite to gain strength. It's just too stupid to be bored. Now others eat it... Can deceive anyone!

"Ah~uh...Anna fought meow!" Anna stared bitterly at the remaining Lion Fruit, put on the pain mask in advance, and Lihua ate the remaining Devil Fruit with rain.

Seeing that Anna ate all of them stupidly, Yake's shoulders shook, and he couldn't hold back anymore, laughing loudly.

"Hahahaha, Anna, I lied to you, just take a bite... Oh, you are really... ah~ ah... I am the captain, don't scratch my face, I rely on my appearance for a living!"

Yake's ruthless ridicule aroused Anna's anger, and the sharp nails popped out and fell on Yake's face and scratched him, but no one helped, Yake deserved what he deserved, it was too bad.

Fujitora was embarrassed standing aside. He really didn't expect that Yake, who was so handsome when he first met, would look like this in private. He wondered if he got on the wrong boat?

"I'm sorry, Anna, I was wrong, I was wrong, look, you flew up!" Yake tried to protect his face, and quickly diverted Anna's attention, his hair was almost scratched off by Anna, Yake Expressed great heartache.

"Hey! Really! Sister Perona, look, I can fly just like you, that's great meow!" Anna floated around in the spacious room excitedly, almost skipping in the air.

Yake was a little worried. Anna had changed. She was no longer a good cat who was pampered and hugged by Karuqiu before. This is the end of the calf.

"Thank you, Yaxama, Kaluqiu!" Anna, who was excited for a while, immediately threw herself on Yake's face, like a face-hugging cat! The fluffy tail flew up.

Jacques: Sure enough, I read Anna correctly, she is still a good cat with cat virtue!

"Haha, what's the matter, another day the captain will teach you to use your abilities to amplify your move, which is the captain's Planetary Devastation move! You are handsome!" Yake blushed with honey, and Anna was easy to catch.

White, soft, hehehe... This refers to Anna's fur.

Speaking of which, Golden Lion Shiki is nicknamed the Flying Pirate, so Anna who inherited Lion Fruit is the Flying Cat? Tmall? strange...

"By the way, Reiju, you are ready to eat Devil Fruit at any time. If there is no accident, Dark Fruit will be yours."

Reiju's strength has improved rapidly, and a powerful Devil Fruit must be arranged for her. Blackbeard's Dark Fruit has been reserved by Yake, and the Devil Fruit prototype and enhanced card are prepared for Dark Fruit. Say you have to arrange another one for yourself.

"Okay Captain, I'll listen to you..." Reiju smiled and flicked her pink bangs with her little finger.

"Our pirate group, Fan Oka, and Bepo don't have the fruit ability. If you have the fruit you want, you can tell the captain, and I will try my best to find it for you."

Devil Fruit is not the only choice in this sea, one can still become a top powerhouse only by practicing physical skills, but having a powerful Devil Fruit ability undoubtedly has a higher starting point and upper limit, even if one becomes a landlubber.

Beibo and Fan Oka fell silent. Beibo looked at Luo, but Luo didn't show any expression, then he looked at the others, and finally made up his mind.

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