"Captain, I don't want to eat Devil Fruit, otherwise someone will fall into the water and no one will be rescued." Beppo said sincerely, he did say this on purpose, his real idea is that simple.

"Captain, fate has not yet reached a fork in the road, now is not the time to make a choice."

Fan Oka shook his head and said that Yake offered him the slippery fruit before, but he refused. What he wanted was not this kind of ability, and he was waiting for a suitable ability to appear in front of him.

"Okay, let's talk about it then, it's getting late, everyone go back to sleep!"

"Robin, Mr. Fujitora, you two come with me."

Yake mainly wanted to take Fujitora along for a history lesson.

"Mr. Fujitora, this is a rubbing of the historical texts I have collected since I went to sea. The translation is over there. Robin, please read it!"

It's a pity that Fujitora can't see it, otherwise it would be better for him to see it himself, but there is no way, in order to shield the filthy scene in this world, Fujitora hurt his eyes, and he is not willing to change a new pair of eyes.

This made Yake very embarrassed. Luo's ability could easily change Fujitora's clone eyes, but Fujitora refused.

"If the old man puts on new eyes, what's the point of my self-injury?"

These are the original words of Fujitora, so Jacques no longer insists.

Robin simply read the translation of the historical text without adding his own subjective conjectures, just to let Fujitora understand the most authentic history. Fujitora sat upright, very serious, Yake observed his expression and could tell that he was not calm.

"Oh~ I really want to know what happened in the blank hundred years, if I can see it with my own eyes." Fujitora sighed and said in a low voice.

Yake: Huh? Didn't you say that before?

Fujitora has always thought that the reason why the world is full of filth is the inaction of Marine and the government, otherwise he would not participate in the world conscription in the future, and wanted to change Marine through his own power, but today he realized that he was so wrong. His own understanding of this world is still too little, and the history popularization class taught by Robin enlightened him. I am afraid that subverting this world is the only correct way.

"Captain Yake, the old man smiled and is willing to join the Ark Pirates and contribute his meager strength to this world. If the old man can live to that day, I really want to see this brand new world with my own eyes!"

Fujitora bowed deeply to Yake. At this moment, he wanted to join Yake from the bottom of his heart and witness the brand new world that Yake depicted!

"Great, Mr. Fujitora, I think you can see that we are not evil people, our enemies are neither Marines nor pirates, but Celestial Dragons and World government, don't violate the justice in your heart, I don't I will force you to do things that embarrass you. From today, you are the deputy captain of the Ark Pirates!"

Fujitora smiled and officially joined the Ark Pirates, with the position of deputy captain.

Yake helped Fujitora up, and with Fujitora's joining, he can pat his chest and say that the strength of the Ark Pirates has completed the transformation, even if a full-scale war is launched, it is worthwhile.

"Captain, why..." Yake and Robin chose a room for Fujitora and sent Fujitora to rest, and Robin expressed his inner doubts.

"Robin, he has the same philosophy as us, and he also has a heart of justice. He is the most suitable partner for us. You will understand in the future. Let's go, I will take you back to the room."


the next day.

Everyone performed their duties, and even Fujitora went to guide Anna to practice. His ability has many similarities with Lion Fruit, and he was the one who asked to teach Anna. Yake was just happy to be free.

Drinking tea, reading newspapers, fishing is really comfortable!


Yake took a sip of tea, but he didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

The news in the papers was that five days after the public execution of Firefist Ace at Marineford, ten supernovas landed on the Sabaody Archipelago.

Luo has been in the Kingdom of God in the Sky and did not go to Sabaody, so only ten supernovas gathered in Sabaody Archipelago.

"I have to go to Sabaody, the famous scene of a supernova, how can I be missing?"

By the way, Yake also wants to try the feeling of a supernova with one kick, but if it doesn't work, one punch will do?

In fact, there is another purpose. Yake wants to meet Bartholomew Bear. This tall and majestic man can be called the most humiliating character in One Piece, but he is also the only one who knows the whereabouts of Vegapunk. The person Yake is afraid of, but also the person he wants most, no matter what, Yake must at least ask something from him.

Sabaody Archipelago, Shakky ripped off BAR.

Straw Hat Crew gathered in the tavern to listen to Rayleigh tell the story of the crew of One Piece.

"Many years ago, I met him unexpectedly on this island. At that time, his straw hat and left hand were gone. When I asked why, he happily told me about you. Since then, I really want to meet you, Monkey D. Luffy, and since Shanks hasn't told you, I can't chatter with you."

"Anyway, since you've come here now, he must be waiting anxiously in New World!"

Rayleigh was immersed in the memories of the past, and said slowly, with a faint smile on his face all the time.

"Yeah, I really want to see him too!" Luffy swayed excitedly, desperate to see Shanks soon.

Nami felt as if he had heard it somewhere, and hurriedly interrupted:

"Wait, Mr. Rayleigh, do you know God Yak? He seems to have said something similar to us."

"Yake? Hahahaha, that's my baby son? Why, have you seen him?" Shakky, who was pouring wine, smiled proudly. He didn't expect the world to be so small, and there were acquaintances everywhere.

"Son? So Uncle Rayleigh, are you the father that Yake said?" Luffy also remembered what Yake said in the Kingdom of the God of Sky.

"Ahaha, that's right, it seems that you have been to Sky Island, Yake didn't make things difficult for you!"

Usopp looked at the rewards posted in the store, and they were basically the rewards of the Ark Pirates. The rewards for Yake ranging from 1.5 billion to 3.6 billion were neatly posted behind the bar.

"No wonder there are Yake's reward orders posted here, so he is your son!"

Nami followed Usopp's voice and said lightly: "He is very powerful, we have no power to resist at all, and even his crew easily solved us."

"But he is a good man and gave us a lot of gifts." Luffy interjected, and in his opinion, Yake was a good man.

Yake: You misread the person, I just want Momoko to die!

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