In response, No.17 smiled.

There was nothing in the open mouth and eyes of the mask's face, revealing a trace of weirdness.

"In fact, Saint Charles Rose has been robbed by the owner. In order to get rid of the pursuit, we need to complete the transaction as soon as possible."

Rozwald took a breath.

Has it been robbed?

As expected to be Earl Black, that man with hands and eyes open to the sky!

"Remember the government town that was destroyed by White Beard not long ago? It was the town on the Red Earth Continent facing the New World."

"We will bring your son back in three days. You only need to send someone to pick up the goods. We will talk about the rest."

If we talk again then, I am afraid that we will be in a big trouble, right?

Rozwald is not a fool, and their family only has an IQ not online.


"Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!"

His eyes were red and bloodthirsty, Rozwald had a hideous face and his teeth creaked.

In the endless blue sea, a tattered pirate ship rides the wind and waves towards the unknown sea.

It can be seen that the hull has undergone simple repairs, and the large pit in the belly of the ship has been filled with wooden planks to prevent water ingress.

The old oil seeds in seagulls generally don’t get close to this kind of ship. Years of survival experience tells them that like this kind of ship, let alone stealing food, not being caught and making soup is a good thing.

This ship, naturally, just escaped from Drake and cp0, and Nostra Castro, who was tied to Charros of the Draco, made its debut.

Flame Tank Pirates!

"Puff ha ha ha ha, so that's the way it is, it's not your own life!" Genius Pu バ One/

Surrounded by the powerful subordinate "Strange Gun" Witte and others, Capone Becky bit his cigar and laughed out of joy.

The crowd surrounded the center, and Charr Ross, with **** head and eyes, shivered, sniffed his nose, and smiled in agreement: "Yes...Yes, so I am not a dragon at all. They made a mistake. "

"Hahahaha... hiccups!"

Suddenly, the laughter stopped abruptly.

Capone Becky looked at him expressionlessly: "No, you are the one who made the mistake, Charl Rose...Holy!"

He grinned, showing a cold smile.

"If you admit that you are a Denon, I will doubt the truth, because the government has absolutely no such effort to send cp0 to bring you a fake into the new world. They are protecting your safety, aren't they?"


Under the snotty gaze of Charl Rose, Capone Becky took off his cigar and vomited a puff of smoke on his face: "For whatever reason, a running dog like cp0 doesn't necessarily try to protect a fake. ."

"There are only Earl Black and Kaido left in the new world. The City of Dawn is so close to the red earth continent. If you go there, you don't need Drake's banner to disguise your identity, so...there is only one truth."

"You were sent to be a hostage to Kaido!"

The cold words frightened Charl Rose.

With his IQ, he couldn't figure out how Capone Becky discovered the truth.

"This is the Tianlongren, this is the world government? Puff ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Suddenly, laughter resounded on the deck again.

Obviously, they had just lost the battle, but all the pirate gangs laughed endlessly.

"Laughs... I laughed so hard at me."

Witte wiped his tears and covered his stomach: "Denon? Denon!"

"It turned out to be nothing more than that!"

Until now, the Tianlongren are also supreme beings.

"Holy Land" Maria Gioria is still a strong city that the pirates cannot conquer, standing high in the sky, overlooking the ocean.

The Tianlong people themselves are also very "competitive", even if they still haven't let go of their dignity, this year's heavenly gold is not only not less, but 10% more.

There are also reasons to say that due to the situation of the sea, more funds are needed to recruit masters to protect the noble world nobles.

But now, this fig leaf was torn off by them.

"What **** world nobleman, descendant of God!"

Capone Becky himself laughed and shed tears, and wiped his excrement with his thumb: "It's not a group of greedy people who are afraid of death for a long time!"

"In order to fight Earl Black, you can even sell children and daughters."

"Yeah, but... the godfather."

Witte shook his head to restrain his emotions, and said, "I believe that what Charroth fell into our hands will soon reach the five old stars, so we have to take him to the City of Dawn soon."

"Ah, you are right."

Capone Becky nodded: "Our strength alone, let alone the government chasing soldiers, can't even beat the guys like Drake."

"But Werther."

Capone Becky looked up at the ocean with solemn eyes: "This was supposed to be a deal between the government and Kaido, but now it has been destroyed by us, and we plan to join the City of Dawn."

"I heard that Earl Black recently went to Hezhiguo to discuss with Kaido. If they reached a cooperation, wouldn't I force him to turn his face on the other side?"

"What will happen to us then?"

Hearing this, the smile on Werther's face gradually faded.

Then it turned into fear, and finally shivered.


At this time, there was a burst of water on the side of the Nostra Castro's hull.

Seeing the figure leaping onto the deck from the water, Capone Becky was shocked.

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