
The five hundred and forty-first chapter, the ambition that goes away with the wind!

On the surface, he was just an ordinary human, wearing a suit and tie, black hair neatly combed backwards, and a long and thin body.

But the skin pale enough to see blood vessels and the faint green light in his eyes all proved that he was not a normal human being.

Coupled with the low air pressure that caused the surrounding air to become cold as soon as he appeared on the stage, Carpenberg, who had seen what an undead was, recognized the identity of the opponent at first sight.

Immediately, fear gradually filled the eyeballs.

The undead who suddenly visited made everyone on the deck hold their breath and dared not move.

However, the sight of the visitor didn't pay attention to them. He crossed Capenberg and stared at the fat man behind him: "Charl Rose, right?"

Charl Rose nodded honestly: "Yes!"


He nodded in satisfaction, and then looked forward: "Carpenberg?"


Suddenly awakened, cold sweat dripped down his forehead, Carpenberg dangling his cigar, and replied somewhat difficultly: "Yes, it's me."

"Yo Xi, thank you for your hard work."

Suddenly, the voice changed, and the person who came over showed a kind smile: "Leave this guy to me. You can take people to take refuge in the City of Dawn, and someone will pick you up."

Hearing this, Carpenberger heaved a sigh of relief and nodded again and again: "I see, thank you for your help."

"You are welcome, the host is very optimistic about your abilities and thinks that you just lack a suitable starting point to be suppressed by joker."

This is good news.

Carpenberg himself thinks so too.

Being able to be appreciated by big people like Earl Black will be of great benefit to what you are going to do.

But he dared not relax his vigilance and nodded cautiously: "Thank you for your praise! Let's set off now."

After that, he turned around and said to the still dazed Witt: "Don't stand stupidly. Hurry up and tie up this guy and prepare to turn."

"Uh, good godfather!"

Witte was surprised at first, and then ran all the way into the cabin to find the rope himself.

But the solemn atmosphere on the deck did not dissipate as he left.

The visitor stared at all of this with a smile, making Carpenberg sweat cold and sweaty.

After ten seconds of freezing, suddenly, the green eyes opened a gap.

"Tsk, it's a pity you made a wrong choice, Capenberg."

Having said that, the whole person suddenly turned into a black line in the next instant, rushing forward.



The latter shifted his sight, looking at the man who appeared next to him for an instant, his soul burst out: "It's a weird movement trajectory, I can't capture it at all!"

The man's speed is not fast, but he bypassed the blind spot of sight very strangely.

But he was not unprepared.

Klang Klang!

A trace of cruelty flashed across his face, and at the moment before the man's hand knife was about to slash his waist, Carpenberg's shirt was suddenly pushed open a delicate little door.

"Killer" Gotti stood in the forefront carrying the rocket launcher, yelling while pulling the trigger.


Bang bang bang bang!

As a person with the strength of the city's fruit, his body becomes a castle, and Capenberg can contact his subordinates at any time, and even the body hides in and rests, which is equivalent to the second clone.

Just now, he secretly contacted the garrison in his body through this ability to prepare for battle, and tighten his nerves at all times.

Boom boom! !

The bean-sized cannonball quickly expanded to the size of a head after flying a certain distance from the body. Gunfire exploded on the side of Nostra Castro's deck. Several pirates could not dodge and were hit by artillery fire.



He was instantly wet with cold sweat and his eyes turned back: "What kind of monster is this!"

The distorted movement trajectory deceives the horizon, as unpredictable as teleportation.


A tingling pain came from behind, and a sharp hand knife tore away the clothes and flesh and blood, and straight through the chest.


Carpenberg's eyes rounded and he opened his mouth to spout a mouthful of old blood. The pain and soaring murderous intent made him hideous, waving his hand and hitting him backwards.


But the person who came back calmly took a half step, and let his fist wave the air.

At the same time, he drew out the palm that was stuck on his chest, letting blood burst into Cyclonus.

But at the moment

Noting that the flintlock musket in Carpenberg's hand was aimed at him, a hint of surprise flashed in the man's eyes: "So that's it, is this the purpose?"

The fist is just a cover, the real purpose is to take out the weapon.

boom! !

The sound of gunshots echoed among the people who hadn't figured out the situation.

The Hailou stone bullet was pushed out of the barrel with a terrifying acceleration, and the recoil caused Carpenberg's wrists to tilt up and his body to stagger backwards.

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