On the Merry, the Straw Hat Pirates were still very happy, especially the funny group with Xiao Fengfeng, they were having a lot of fun.

Nico Robin found a table and sat on a recliner to read a book.

Zoro was on the observation deck, looking around. Sanji was still doing his job as a waiter between the three beauties, serving a drink and a dessert.......

While everyone on the ship was doing this, Ike, who had finished recharging, walked out of the cabin.

"Everyone...From now on, the cozy cabin in the cabin will be occupied by Nami, Vivi, Robin and two ducks!"

After walking out of the cabin, Ike told his plan.

No one had any objection to Ike's proposal, only Sanji raised his hand and shouted,"I am a duck too, I also want to live with the three ladies!"

Hearing Sanji's words, Nami punched him and flew out without saying a word.

"Hello..."Nami, there's something going on ahead!"

Just then, Zoro on the observation deck shouted to Nami below.

Nami looked ahead immediately after hearing that, and saw a light mist on the sea ahead. There were many reefs in the mist, and there were probably many hidden reefs under the sea.

""Turn left immediately, we will bypass this group of reefs!"

Nami began to command everyone to steer the Merry to avoid the dangerous waters ahead.

Just behind this sea full of reefs was an unknown island, and the record finger on Nami's wrist just pointed to that island.

Just as the Golden Merry left this sea area and headed towards the island, a navy warship appeared behind it.

"Sergeant, that should be a pirate ship in front, right? Why don't we attack it?"

A naval sergeant asked the commander of the warship.

"Which one is not a pirate ship!"

While speaking, the sergeant took out a document recently issued by the Navy Headquarters. The information on the document was exactly about the private navy.

"Since they are not pirates, why should we follow them?" the sergeant asked more puzzledly.

"hehe....Didn’t I tell you that I brought you out to sea this time to make money, not to eliminate pirates!"

"According to reliable information, the legendary loan shark Qianni is on that island, and he has the treasures of several pirate groups in his hands!"

After listening to the sergeant's explanation, the corporal asked hesitantly,"What is this?"....Not so good! After all, we are the navy. Even if Qianni's treasure is ill-gotten gains from loan sharks,...."

Without waiting for the corporal to finish his words, the sergeant interrupted him and said,"You also said that those are ill-gotten gains. Instead of handing them over, why not give them to the brothers on our ship?" The sergeant's name is Minqi, and he is a complete scum of the navy.

Minqi looks wretched, and is greedy for money. His original purpose of joining the navy was to make money. Unfortunately, he followed the wrong boss. His current boss, Colonel Moore, is an upright navy, and he is also very strict in managing his subordinates. It is difficult for Minqi to make money under him.

This time...After finally getting the information that could help him make money, Min Qi would never give it up easily. In order to make money, he even decided to give out one-fifth of the treasure to his men.....Everyone got their share of the treasure, so naturally they wouldn't report this to the higher-ups.

The corporal was also very conflicted, but after a little thought, he decided to join Sergeant Minqi's plan to get some extra money.

Once they got the treasure, and killed that guy named Channy, no one would know that they had violated naval discipline........

On the other side, the Straw Hat Pirates successfully landed on an unknown island.

As soon as they landed, Ike and his companions felt a sense of hostility, and also a feeling of being watched.

Sabo and Ace, who possessed the Haki of Observation, had a rough idea of the surrounding situation after landing on the island.

""There are so many sheep!"

At this moment, Luffy exclaimed.

Hearing Luffy's voice, Sanji went forward to take a look and found that there were more than a dozen sheep behind the bushes, and they were all breeds that Sanji had never seen before.

"It's really a sheep! And these sheep are not big, you can make honey roasted whole lamb, lamb chops, braised lamb legs....."

Soon, Sanji had many more ways to cook mutton in his mind.

"Sanji, you forgot to mention one thing, that is, lamb skewers!"

Sanji nodded and said,"These sheep look relatively lean, so lamb skewers are fine!"

Sanji's words made Luffy drool all over the floor, and then he rushed to the sheep without saying a word, wanting to catch two to roast and eat.

But to everyone's surprise, these sheep were very disciplined and...They also knew how to cooperate. When Luffy was careless, he was beaten by them. When the sheep saw that Luffy was hostile, they were no longer docile. They kicked their hooves and attacked the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Pepper Star...."

Usopp held a slingshot and shot a homemade pepper egg, but the pepper egg did not hit any sheep in the flock. Instead, it was kicked back by a sheep with its hind legs and hit Luffy in the face.

"ah....So spicy...."

Zoro was also attacked by several sheep with strong horns. He could only hold up his sword and wrestle with these sheep.

Sanji was also besieged by a group of sheep. These sheep were very fast and Sanji's kicking skills were useless.

Xiao Fengfeng was in the same situation as Sanji.

Ike was also attacked. When he saw these sheep, Ike knew which plot was here.

If I remember correctly, there was a sheep grandfather named Qianni on this island, and these sheep belonged to him.

The old man was also a legendary figure. When he was young, he lent money to vicious pirates.

Lending money to pirates is very risky. After all,...Can you expect the pirates to pay back the money they have left? Not to mention the interest!

However, Qianni relied on his ruthlessness to get the money back with interest every time. He is also a ruthless person.......

The Straw Hat Pirates are still fighting the sheep......The Straw Hat Pirates would definitely be defeated by a group of sheep with their combined strength. The main reason for this is that the Straw Hat Pirates had no intention of killing the sheep.

Even Luffy, who wanted to eat the sheep at first, gave up because he felt the wisdom of these sheep.

These sheep would also take the initiative to attack in order to protect their companions. Faced with such sheep that cherish their companions, Luffy would never eat them.......

Seeing the increasingly chaotic scene, Chopper immediately came to the sheep and said,"Wait a minute!"....We won't eat you, I promise!"

"BAA Baa baa....BAA Baa baa...."

The leader bleated at Qiao Ba a few times、

"What? They were ordered to do so!"

""Who ordered it?" Nami turned around and asked.

Before Chopper could ask, Ace and Sabo came out of the jungle not far away. Behind them was an old man who looked to be in his sixties or seventies.

In fact, after landing on the island, Ace and Sabo's observation Haki sensed that there were human beings on the island.

So they went directly to find the only human being.

It was this old man who ordered the sheep to attack the Straw Hat Pirates......

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