"This old man probably thought we were here to rob him, so he let these sheep attack us!"

Sabo glanced at the old man in a coat behind him and laughed.

After seeing the old man, the sheep that were attacking the Straw Hat Pirates stopped attacking.

Sanji, who got rid of the sheep's attack, looked at the old man and said,"Don't worry, we just came to the island to replenish some food and water!"

Upon hearing this, Chaney pointed at the Straw Hat Pirates with an angry face,"Who would believe what pirates say! I tell you, there is no treasure on my island, and I am also penniless!"

When Chaney said the word"treasure", Nami's eyes suddenly turned into the shape of Bailey.

"Is there a treasure on this island?"

Seeing this, Chaney denied it again,"No, there is no treasure here!"

Ike smiled and said,"Mr. Chaney, you are trying to cover up your mistake. If there is no treasure, why did you say it out loud?"


Ike's words left Chaney speechless for a while, and he felt that he had indeed said something wrong.....Suddenly, Chaney reacted and pointed at Ike and said,"You....How do you know me?"

The other members of the Straw Hat Pirates also looked at Ike. They were also confused as to how Ike knew this old man and even knew his name was Channy.

Ike smiled and said,"I told you, I'm very strong in intelligence. Channy was very famous decades ago. His job was to lend money to pirates and earn interest!"

After hearing about Channy's job, everyone looked at the frail-looking old man with surprise.

"Lend money to pirates....Will the pirates really return it?"

Weiwei asked curiously.

"Of course I won't pay it back!"

Without waiting for Ike to speak, Chaney began to explain,"There is no good pirate among the pirates. Every time I lend money, I have to risk my life to collect it!"

"So no one knows better than me what kind of bastards pirates are!"

"There is no treasure, you can kill me or chop me up as you please!"

After saying this, Qian Ni stiffened his neck and made an expression of waiting to be slaughtered.

"Oh? Is that so?" Sanji came out with a smile and said,"I'm a cook, I'm good at frying, stir-frying and deep-frying!"

Zoro also pulled out his knife as if jokingly!

Seeing this, Qianni immediately got scared and quickly shook his hand,"Wait, wait, wait!"....I...I was joking...You must be kidding me!"

In panic, he turned and ran, but he was probably too anxious to run, and the whole person was stuck by the tree branch, and the more he struggled, the tighter the branch got.

At this moment, Zoro came over with a blank expression and a long sword in his hand, making a downward chopping gesture.

A flash of knife light passed by, and the branches that were entangled with Qianni were chopped into pieces, and Qianni was also frightened and fainted.

Seeing this, Chopper hurried forward to check

"old...The old man's heartbeat stopped!"

When Chopper put his ear to Qianni's chest, he said with horror.

Hearing that Qianni was scared to death by Zoro, everyone looked at Zoro at the same time.

"You are so cruel! Sauron..."


"Green algae head!".....

Listening to the accusations of the crowd, Zoro was also confused.

Zoro was also surprised. He just pulled out the knife, how could the old man be scared to death!

At this moment, Ike noticed that Johnny's eyelids twitched slightly when he was lying on the ground. Seeing this, Ike knew that Johnny was just pretending to be dead.

Chaney, who was able to dominate the lending industry, was not without any ability.

Although Chaney was indeed cruel, he forced many pirates to pay back the principal and interest in a way that they would die together.

Naturally....There are some pirates who really value money over life and won't fall for his tricks. Then, he will use his second trick, pretending to be dead.

His trick deceived Chopper, who has super medical skills, which also shows that this skill has been maxed out.

Who is Qianni? He is a businessman who lends money to pirates at the risk of his life. How could Zoro's sword drawing scare him to faint?....

This is a complete routine.

Qiani's idea is simple. If he pretends to be dead, the pirates will abandon his body. That would be the best.

If the pirates of the Straw Hat Pirates are kind enough to save his life,....Maybe I can blackmail you......

Seeing that Chopper asked the lamb to lead the way to Chaney's house, Ike stopped Chopper and said,"Let me see how old Mr. Chaney is doing!"

After he finished speaking, Ike stepped forward, took out his jelly bean box, and casually poured out a jelly bean.

Ike looked at the jelly bean, which had the ability to make one of its limbs disappear for fifteen minutes.

Seeing this, Ike stuffed it directly into Chaney's mouth.

When the jelly bean entered Chaney's mouth, Chaney could no longer feel his little Chaney.

The symbol of manhood disappeared, and Chaney suddenly wanted to cry but had no tears, but for his own safety, he had to continue to play dead.

Seeing that Chaney had all four limbs intact, Ike immediately knew what part he was missing....

After laughing, Ike took out another jelly bean. The ability of this jelly bean is to let the soul leave the body for fifteen minutes.

He fed the jelly bean into Chaney's mouth, and then Chaney's soul floated out.

Unlike Brock's soul leaving the body, Chaney's soul leaving the body is invisible to others, but he can't do anything after his soul leaves the body. Chaney's soul left the body and he was also confused.

Looking at his body....wrong...It should be said that it was a corpse. Chaney felt like crying but couldn't.

"Could it be...Am I really dead?"

Just then, Chaney heard Ike sigh and say

"well....Don't try to save him. He can't be saved....."

Hearing this, Chopper stepped forward to check again, and by the way, he opened his eyelids and found that his pupils had begun to dilate, which meant that his body functions had begun to disappear.....

Zoro was also confused. He just pulled out a knife and scared an old man to death.....

Just as Zoro was blaming himself for his actions, Kuina on his waist trembled, and then a force called spiritual power from another world emerged, and part of it was poured into Zoro's body.

When the spiritual power entered Zoro's body, Zoro felt his mind clear up, and then he saw Qianni, who was crying in the air.....

Seeing Chani's soul, Zoro immediately thought of Ike's action just now. Ike seemed to have fed Chani a jelly bean.

Zoro knew that Ike's jelly beans had various magical effects after being eaten.

Thinking of this, Zoro came behind Ike and whispered,"Did you do this? I saw the soul of this old man!"

Hearing Zoro say that he could see souls, Ike instantly thought of Zanpakuto.

"It was me who did it. Don't worry, I just made his soul leave his body for fifteen minutes!"

After explaining, Ike made a sad face and said,"Alas!....did not expect...Zoro actually killed an innocent life!"


Ignoring the speechless Sauron, Ike continued in a deep voice,"Since it is our fault,....Let's hold a funeral for this old man together!"

"Baa baa baa....."

Hearing that their master had died, a group of sheep began to bleat, and the bleating was very sad.

"Next Steps....Let's discuss the question of cremation or burial!"......

Hearing this, Soul Chaney yelled at Ike,"Don't....Don't...Don't...I feel like I can still save it.....Why is it a funeral?"

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