Next, Ike took out three servings of delicious barbecue, a waterproof watch and a box of Coke.

Just as Ike took out the things, Zoro, who had been playing with the wine gourd, suddenly seemed to remember something and asked,"Ike, do you feel like you're missing something?"

Hearing Zoro's words, both Ike and Nami thought about it, and finally shouted together,"Where's Luffy?"

That's right....Ike took out so many interesting things, and Luffy would definitely be very interested.

The three looked towards the sea, but they didn't see a single person.

"Where did that idiot captain go?"

Zoro complained, holding his forehead.

"over there...."

At this moment, Nami, who was observing the surroundings with a telescope, pointed to the distance and said,"Luffy seems to have landed on that island."

Zoro heard this and snatched the telescope. When he saw that Luffy was indeed fine, he was relieved.

"Ike, next time you conjure up something like a means of transportation, don't let Luffy play with it alone!"

After hearing what Zoro said, Ike nodded secretly, feeling that what Zoro said was right. Not only should Luffy not be left alone, but Zoro, who was a road idiot, should not be left alone.

Knowing that Luffy was fine, Zoro set his sights on the box of Coke.

Before, Zoro had tested the effect of the wine gourd. As long as different liquids were poured into the wine gourd, the taste of the wine produced would also be different.

"Is this for drinking?" Zoro pointed at the Very Cola and asked.

""Hmm!" Ike nodded and took out a bottle of Coke and handed it to Zoro.

Zoro tasted it first and felt that it tasted good, then poured it into the wine gourd.

After a slight shake, the wine that came out of the wine gourd turned into cola-flavored sparkling wine, which was magical.

Wearing the waterproof watch on his hand, Ike picked up one of the barbecued meats and started to eat......

After the three pieces of barbecue were eaten by Ike, Zoro and Nami, the boat finally drifted to the edge of the island.

At this time, Luffy was chatting with a man with a long nose. Next to the two of them were three children with strange hairstyles. It seemed that they were having a very pleasant chat.

Ike knew that the man with a long nose should be the next partner, Usopp.

Usopp is also a magical existence in the Straw Hat Pirates.

As the saying goes, Zoro is in favorable conditions, Luffy is against unfavorable conditions, and Usopp is in desperate situations. This famous saying is absolutely true.

Usopp does have an irreplaceable position in the entire journey.......

Seeing his partner coming,

Luffy immediately introduced Usopp

"Usopp:"Let me introduce you my companions, Navigator Nami, Swordsman Zoro, and Marine Ike!"

Usopp was confused.

He understood the navigator and swordsman, but what the hell was the navy?

Through the conversation just now, Usopp already knew that Luffy was a pirate, and he also knew his father Jesus Bu, so Usopp was particularly kind to Luffy.

As if seeing through Usopp's thoughts, Luffy smiled and patted Ike's shoulder and said,"He is a private navy, not a regular navy!"

"Hello....The private navy is not just me, there are also you and Zoro!"

After saying that, Ike glanced at Nami.

Nami turned her head away, indicating that she didn't want to talk.

Before, Ike also invited Nami to sign the commission of the private navy, but....Nami refused directly.

Nami didn't want to have too much to do with Luffy and his crew. She would definitely leave when she had the chance. She would definitely not sign any letter of commission for a private navy......

"Oh! So, this Ike is actually a pirate who dreams of becoming a navy soldier?"

Usopp found the key point directly.

This also made Luffy laugh directly"Hahahaha.....Yes, he really did dream of being a navy soldier!"


Seeing Luffy laughing so brightly, Ike directly used the roar of the sky dragon to knock him out.

However, Ike suppressed the force of this attack, so Luffy was not hurt, but only knocked him into a tree.

When Luffy got up from the ground, he was immediately angry.

" could you do this?"

Seeing that Luffy was a little angry, Zoro and Nami were a little confused. After all,...When they were on the ship, several people beat Luffy a lot, but Luffy basically just laughed it off, never cared, and didn't have any captain's airs.

Just when the two were curious, they heard Luffy continue to shout"You....Why do you smell so delicious barbecue in your mouth? Did you eat barbecue behind my back?"



"I go...."This guy has a really good nose!"

Ike thought to himself.

Seeing that the three of them didn't say anything, Luffy knew that Ike and the other two had indeed eaten the barbecue while he was away, and from the taste, Luffy could tell that it was very delicious barbecue.....

"Oh! We did eat it. You were supposed to have a share, but you ran away, so I ate it for you!"

Ike said with a smile

"If you sneak out again next time, we might steal some delicious food!"

Hearing what Ike said, Zoro and Nami nodded.

Usopp on the side was stunned."This...Is this really the captain of a pirate ship? How come he doesn't have the airs of a captain at all?"

Usopp thought of this and suddenly looked at the horizon. He found that it was getting late. He also made an appointment with Kaya to tell a story.

"that...Ladies and gentlemen, if you want to eat, there is a restaurant in town. If you mention my name, Usopp, you can eat all you can for free!"

After saying that, Usopp led the three little ghosts to the end of the path, which was Kaya's manor villa.......

"Oh? Free and all-you-can-eat?"After hearing that it's free and all-you-can-eat, Luffy immediately forgot about Ike and the other two stealing food, and started running towards the town.

Just after he ran a few steps, he suddenly remembered what Ike said before, and he slowed down again, planning to follow his companions! Seeing this, Ike smiled, and then walked towards the town with a few people.

On the way, Nami Zoro, Ike and Luffy were discussing the problem of the pirate ship.

After all....It is definitely impossible for a few people to enter the Grand Line by relying on a small boat.

"I see there is a very rich family on this island, we can go and ask if we can buy a boat!"

Ike pointed to the top of the mountain and said.

Hearing Ike's words, Nami and Zoro nodded.

But Nami still raised a very critical question.

"Even if there really is a sailboat, we don't have the money to buy it....Do we have to rely on robbing?"

When Nami said robbing, disgust suddenly appeared in her eyes.

Ike shook his head and said,"Of course not! We can catch pirates and send them to the navy in exchange for bounties. I estimate that after one or two trips, the money for a ship will come out!"

Although there are not many pirates in the East China Sea, and the strongest pirates only have 10 or 20 million at most, but....There are quite a few. If you catch a few million-level pirates, you can get the money for the ship.

Nami was relieved to know that Ike was not going to rob.

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