"Hey? Doesn't Usopp's name mean you can eat as much as you want for free?"

Luffy asked in disbelief, pointing at a pile of empty plates at a restaurant in West Rob Village.

"Hmm? You said Usopp, you were deceived by him, how can he eat all you can for free? Even if there is a discount, it is impossible, a full discount is almost the same!"

The shop owner said speechlessly

"so....Do you want to eat for free with Usopp's name?"

The shop owner's words left Luffy speechless, and he could only look to Ike, Nami and Zoro for help.

Zoro, who had no money, could only hold his wine gourd in silence, while Ike smiled and said that he had no money.

"Nami....I can only rely on you!"

Luffy also knew that Ike and Zoro were both poor, so he could only look to the richer Nami for help.

Seeing this, Nami sighed helplessly and said,"I can help you pay the bill, but...My interest rate is very high!"

Luffy laughed when he heard Nami agreed to pay the bill for him. As for the interest rate Nami mentioned later, he didn't listen at all.

In the end, Nami paid Luffy.........

After eating and drinking, the four of them walked towards Kaya's manor.

Halfway through the walk, Luffy, who was looking around, noticed a strange man. The man was wearing a blue hat, a strange beard on his chin, and a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses. He looked very funny.

The reason why he was strange was not only because of his dress, but also because he always walked backwards in the moonwalk.

"That guy is so weird?"

Ike followed Luffy's gaze and saw Zangao.

Seeing him, Ike smiled and said,"Looks like our ship doesn't have to go through the trouble of looking for wanted criminals everywhere!"

Hearing Ike's words, Zoro also looked at Zangao and said,"Are you saying this person is a wanted criminal?"

"Yeah!" Ike nodded and said,"The current captain of the Black Cat Pirates, hypnotist Zangao, has a bounty of nine million."

"Nine million shouldn't be enough! Even a small sailboat would cost at least thirty million!"

Nami frowned and said

"hehe.....Of course, it's not based on his bounty! It's the people behind him!"

Ike didn't explain anything further and walked directly towards Zangao.

Zangao heard the footsteps on the side and immediately looked over.

""Zangao, the vice-captain of the Black Cat Pirates, you have been arrested!" As he spoke, Ike took out the Private Navy's commission letter and said.

Zangao frowned immediately after hearing this. Luffy, Zoro and Nami had long been accustomed to Ike's behavior of taking out the Private Navy's commission letter at any time.

"Marines, huh?"Zangao was not afraid of Ike and his men, but his eyes flashed with murderous intent.

The Black Cat Pirates had slaughtered many marines before, but he didn't take them seriously. They were just four marines who looked like they had barely grown all their hair!

Zoro sensed the murderous intent and immediately put his hand on the hilt of the knife.

"It looks like you don't intend to be arrested by us!" As he spoke, Ike took back the commission of the private navy, and then took the stance of the Flowing Rock Crushing Fist, with the air currents of the Sky Dragon magic wrapped around his hands.

And Zangao didn't hesitate, and without saying a word, he threw the boomerang in his hand, pointing directly at Ike's throat.

This boomerang is Zangao's weapon, and its effect is that it can fly back after being thrown out. Many people were killed by his trick, thinking that they had dodged the boomerang but didn't know that this thing could still fly back.

Unfortunately, he met Ike, and Ike had no intention of dodging at all. He raised his right hand and lightly stroked it. A wind blade slashed out and directly split the boomerang in half.

Just when Zangao was surprised, Ike stepped forward and kept hitting the Flowing Rock Crushing Fist. After just a few punches, this guy lost consciousness.

With Ike's current strength, pirates at the billion level are basically not his opponents......

After defeating Jango, Ike asked Zoro to pick up the dead Jango, and they continued to walk towards the manor.

As soon as they arrived at the manor, Ike and his friends saw Usopp punch a gentleman in the face and knock him down. Seeing this

, Ike knew what had just happened.

Usopp had been secretly telling stories to Kaya, the hostess of the manor, to make her happy, but...Her housekeeper, Crabate, has been preventing Kaya from contacting Usopp.

Just now, Crabate said in front of Kaya that Usopp's father was a dirty pirate and that Usopp had dirty pirate blood in his body.

Hearing these words, Usopp got angry and punched Crabate in the face.......

Just as Crabate stood up and wanted to continue to taunt Usopp, his eyes happened to see Zangao, who was obviously unconscious and was carried by Zoro.

Seeing Zangao, Crabate's eyes also fixed

"Hehehe...As expected of Black Cat Pirates' Hyakuji Kuro, his endurance is really strong! He can only talk back after being beaten!"

Just then, Ike's voice rang out.

Everyone was stunned when they heard Ike's words, and Crabatel, who was standing in the middle of the scene, had murderous intent in his eyes.

Crabatel was offering a reward of 16 million for Captain Clo.

A few years ago, Clo was tired of being a pirate, so he asked his deputy Zangao to hypnotize a navy soldier, Monka, and let Monka take a fake Clo back to the navy branch.

In this way, the famous Captain Clo was caught by an unknown little marine, which also made Monka become the current Colonel Monka.

In order to have a peaceful life, Clo used a trick to enter Kaya's house and become a housekeeper. By the way, he also killed Kaya's parents, leaving only Kaya, a silly and sweet girl.

His ultimate goal is to kill Kaya and then inherit Kaya's huge assets.

Although Kaya only lives in Xiluobu Village and this small village, Kaya's business is spread all over the East China Sea, otherwise Clo would not have gone to great lengths to target her family......

Seeing that his plan was about to succeed,....But a stranger revealed his identity, so Clo was naturally furious.

""Hey? Ike, who is the Crowe you are talking about? Could it be this old man with glasses?"

Luffy pointed at Crowe and said.

After hearing Luffy's words, Ike smiled and said,"Luffy, your intuition is really sharp!"

Everyone heard this and turned their eyes to Crowe in the field.

Even Kaya looked at the butler Crabatel who had been with her for several years with curiosity.

Seeing this, Crowe immediately put away his anger, and then pushed his glasses and said,"My plan is about to be completed, and I really don't want my hands to be stained with blood again!"

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