On the other side,

Green Bull was very fast. After chopping off Ace's head, he rushed directly to the navy warships that had been waiting outside Dressrosa.

"Ha ha....I didn’t expect that the task could be completed so smoothly!"

"well...I feel a little sorry for Brother Fujitora! He actually has to fight a monster like Kaido!"

Just as Green Bull was sighing, a shadow covered him directly.

Green Bull looked up and saw Kaido looking down at him with an angry face.

Suddenly being stared at by Kaido, Green Bull was also startled

"Kid...Give me Ace's head!"

When he heard Kaido wanted Ace's head, Green Bull started to think wildly.

What did he want Ace's head for?

Oh.....That's right! Ace is Whitebeard's godson, and Kaido must have a grudge against Whitebeard, and now he wants to capture Ace and grind him to ashes to vent his anger.

After thinking about it, Green Bull smiled at Kaido and said,"Since Mr. Kaido wants it, I'll leave it to you!" After saying that, Green Bull threw the head wrapped in vines to Kaido.

Kaido took it gently and put it in a safe place behind him.

"In that case, Mr. Kaido, I will leave first!"

Leaving behind a word, Green Bull turned around and wanted to leave.

But before he took two steps, Kaido's huge fist smashed towards him.

Covered with Armament Haki, Domineering Haki entangled, High-level Ryu Sakura Armament Haki......

Kaido's strongest punch hit Green Bull, and Green Bull's observation Haki made him tremble with fear, and then he directly transformed into a plant and left the place. He narrowly avoided Kaido's fist, but a sinkhole appeared where he was originally standing.

"Boy, you killed my student, do you think you can get away alive?"

While speaking, Kaido soared into the air and turned into a giant dragon, and then aimed his dragon breath at Green Bull. When

Green Bull heard Kaido's words, he was completely stunned.

""Shit! Isn’t Ace the son of Whitebeard? When did he become Kaido’s disciple!!!"

He roared madly in his heart. Facing Kaido’s dragon breath, he did not dare to neglect and continued to transform into elements.

He knew that he might be doomed to die in the face of Kaido, so he planned to transform part of his elemental body into dandelion seeds and disperse them.

As long as one seed escapes, he can be reborn again.

It has to be said that his natural Sen Sen fruit is quite buggy!

Green Bull, who turned into countless dandelion seeds, drifted away into the distance with the impact of the dragon breath. This can be regarded as a successful escape......

After the dragon breath, Kaido turned into a human form again. When he landed again, he saw Ace chatting and laughing with Luffy and others.

"Hmm? Ace is not dead?"

Kaido murmured, and came in front of the few people and looked down at them.

Luffy saw this and stretched out his hand to say hello,"Hey, Mr. Koeido, long time no see!"






Many people eating melons:..........

"What the hell? What the hell is this?"

"That's the Straw Hat Boy! He actually called the Four Emperors Kaido so much cuter. Is he not afraid of death?"

"He is dead!"

"Look! Kaido is about to take action! Those Straw Hat Pirates are going to die!"......

While everyone was discussing, Kaido put his hand on Luffy's head and said in a deep voice,"Did I tell you to call me Kaido teacher? Or Kai teacher?"


"that....blurt out....Teacher Kay..."

""Hmph!" Kaido snorted arrogantly, and then slapped Luffy away.

This slap didn't even cover the armed color domineering, and it can be said that it didn't hurt at all for the rubber man Luffy!

As for why Luffy calls Kaido"Cute", Kaido thanks to Ike.

Once when Ike called Kaido teacher, he accidentally called out the nickname that the fans of the previous life gave to Kaido [Cute], and then Luffy remembered it!

But every time Luffy calls him"Cute", Kaido will give him an extra lesson.

It is also because of this that Luffy is the fastest-growing student!......

Law was a little dumbfounded when he saw the scene just now!

Just now, when Kaido attacked Luffy, he was considering changing his alliance partner or surrendering directly to Kaido!

After all, Law's ability is still very useful to Kaido.

Law can replace part of the body of an animal with that of a human to gain the power of the animal.

With this ability, Kaido can also accept Law.

But....What was the situation when Kaido attacked Luffy just now? Does this count as an attack? Why did Law feel like he was caressing him!......

Just when Law was a little confused, Jack, who had no brains and vision at all, took action.

Seeing that Kaido had blown the Straw Hat Boy away, Jack naturally would not miss this good opportunity. He turned into a mammoth, and then covered his forelimbs with Armament Haki, and the mammoth stomped towards Luffy who had just stood up.

Luffy was constantly stomped, but he was not panicked at all. His Observation Haki allowed him to easily dodge all attacks. Just when Luffy was about to counterattack Jack, Kaido made a move in advance.

"Kid....Do you think you can beat up my students?"

While speaking, Kaido's Conqueror Haki No Armament Haki was fully activated, and with one slap, Jack was unable to take care of himself!

This scene also made the others present completely confirm that the Straw Hat Pirates were indeed related to Kaido, and the relationship was not small.

After all, he was the one who could beat up his own men because of the Straw Hat Pirates......

When Kin'emon Kitsune saw that the Straw Hat Pirates had such a close relationship with Kaido, his face became very solemn and gradually became gloomy....Kaido is their biggest enemy in Wano Country, the one who killed Kozuki Oden....

"No! I want to take the young master away from the Straw Hat Pirates, it's too dangerous to stay here!"

After saying that, Kin'emon ran towards the location where the Thousand Sunny was docked.

Now there is only one Usopp on the Thousand Sunny and Momonosuke who stayed on the ship because he was afraid of the opposite sex.

Kin'emon's plan is to kill the long-nosed Usopp, and then take Momonosuke away from here to Zou.

Anyway, it has been confirmed that the Straw Hat Pirates are related to Kaido, and Foxfire Kin'emon can act without mercy.

As for the savior?

Haha...For Kin'emon, he is a retainer of the Kozuki family. Compared with the dignity of the Kozuki family, his life is not important at all.

And after knowing that Kaido has a relationship with the Straw Hat Pirates, he began to suspect that Momonosuke became what he is now, it is very likely that the Straw Hat Pirates attacked him!

I have to say, this guy's guess is quite accurate!

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